Wednesday, 29 February 2012

MIT Sloan Management Review

Information Equals Power: Nokia’s SMS Services For Farmers

Posted: 28 Feb 2012 10:40 AM PST

University of Cambridge's Navi Radjou and Jaideep Prabhu write that since 2009, the cell phone company Nokia has worked to use cell phone technology both to empower and to target the world's rural poor.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Saturday, 25 February 2012

MIT Sloan Management Review

Why Customers Who Love You Still Might Leave You (If You Hold Them Too Tight)

Posted: 24 Feb 2012 01:16 PM PST

Research by University of Alberta's Gerald Häubl and Kyle B. Murray suggests that consumers will turn away from products and services they like if they feel restricted by choice. This force, called psychological reactance, is important for companies to understand.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Friday, 24 February 2012

MIT Sloan Management Review

All Fired Up in Massachusetts: The State’s New Wave of Big Data Companies

Posted: 23 Feb 2012 08:51 AM PST

Stephen O’Leary, managing director of Aeris Partners LLC "I don't think I've ever seen Kendall Square as vibrant as it is right now." As managing director of Aeris Partners LLC, Stephen O'Leary spends most of his time on mergers and acquisitions of tech companies: application and infrastructure software, analytical software, business information, digital media companies. [...]

MIT Sloan Management Review

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

MIT Sloan Management Review

Mobilizing for Growth in Emerging Markets

Posted: 21 Feb 2012 07:57 AM PST

Through Nokia Money, a cell-phone based service, Nokia aspires to offer mobile banking solutions to millions of Indian consumers who currently don't have relationships with a bank or are underbanked. Image courtesy of Nokia. As growth in developed economies such as the United States, Japan and Europe continues to languish, the fastest engines of global [...]

MIT Sloan Management Review

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

You can now have your ebook written for you without ever writing one word yourself, and still put your name on it as the author! Imagine this: Let's say you decided that you want to write your own e-book on any topic of interests. But how do you get started? Do you lock yourself up in a dingy Motel 6 for seven days, relentlessly banging away at your computer keyboard hoping you could come up with that next few words or paragraph...? Gosh.. could you finish that in seven days? This sounds like the beginning of a brutal experience, that I personally would not want any part of. Let me explain how I would get this done, without ever typing a word myself and still be able to come up with a much better final product in the shortest time possible! Now You Can “Create Your Own Ebook Without Ever Writing One Word”! Here for the first time you'll get the core information on the nuts and bolts of how to get your very own ebooks written for you that you can sell profitably. Plus, all the basic questions you have about hot topics, where to sell, how much to charge, and how to market those ebooks. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or pro internet marketer – you are about to find out all the answers to your questions right at your fingertips – anytime you need them. Here’s How This Easy Guide to Getting Ebooks Written Works…. Let’s say you want to know what topics are hot right now, so that you can get an ebook out there that people will really want to buy. No problem. All you have to do is start reading on page 7, and you’ll learn exactly how to take the pulse of what people want to read about right away! Easy, right? That’s the power of having this incredible resource handy to walk you through the process of getting ebooks written. If you have always wanted to be able to quit your day job and break into the Internet Marketing world but just never knew how to create your own product to do it, now is your chance! You see, instead of compiling everything into a thick book that’ll probably just gather dust on your shelf, we’ve put everything in an electronic reference work that you can quickly and easily search for exactly what you need. Anytime you’ve got a question just about everything in getting ebooks written and sold – this guide has the answer. What’s more, you can download this resource instantly and it works on both MAC and PC computers. You’ll have answers to how to get ebooks written and how to market and sell them in less than 3 minutes. >>>

Guide On How To Create and Publish Own Ebooks Fast

Saturday, 18 February 2012

S ome people meet their future partner whilst at High School or at college; others meet "the one" later in life. Generally speaking, if you meet your partner whilst quite young you will not have spent much time thinking about what really matters to you in a relationship. The older you get the more experience you have and thus you will have a clearer idea about what you do or don’t want. I happened to watch an episode of Millionaire Match the other day in which Patti asked a gentleman to list five qualities which he needed to see in a partner and which would be deal breakers if they were not present. He made his list, shared them with the audience and promptly picked a girl who clearly fell short of more than one of his deal breakers. This gentleman is not alone in doing this type of thing. Many of us just want to be in a relationship so much that we overlook certain aspects of another person which are clearly on display. We say one thing and yet we do something which is entirely different. It’s human nature to want to have a partner; we are not designed to remain alone. Never the less, it is vitally important that we take off our blinkers and approach the situation with care and thought. It’s well worth making your own personal list of five things which you are quite simply unwilling to compromise upon. Make that list, write it down and share it with your best friend. Ask them to keep an eye on your relationships and see from the outside that your deal breakers aren’t overlooked by you in your desire to find your mate. Logic and emotions do not always sing from the same hymn sheet. It is all too easy for you to become emotionally involved with someone even though your logical mind is telling you that you are falling into the same old trap one more time. You find yourself justifying why you are with him or her and overlooking those things which are really important to you and would inevitably come between you in the end. This is why it is a good idea to ask a friend to keep a logical, unemotional eye out, just to keep you on track. Another thing that you can do is to spend a little time visualizing yourself with that perfect partner, the one who doesn’t violate your five deal breakers. Imagine yourself meeting this person and the life you could have together. In this way you gain a feeling of positive expectation, and your mind becomes more open to finding the perfect relationship which will really work for you in the long term. Every thought that you have is a form of energy which attracts what you are thinking about into your life. So don’t waste your thoughts and energy on worries or the fear that you won’t meet the right person. Instead, invest a little time in picturing yourself meeting your true soul mate and attracting them into your life. Want to Find Your Perfect Partner ? Register FREE here: >>>

How To Find Your Perfect Partner Right Now

Hello, I just became a member of an online community called and thought this was something you should know about. I mean this is the most innovative web-based deal I've ever seen and a work at home business opportunity that's absolutely mind-boggling. Let me give you a quick take on it. is a really first-rate diet, health and beauty website with a major celebrity that greets unique visitors. So, right from the start they're doing it right. It gets your attention. It's scheduled to go live in early 2012, and the projections are staggering with becoming the number one health and beauty destination on the web in a relatively short time. No surprise when you consider that the people who started Minerva are some of America's most successful business and marketing leaders. They've got big-time doctors involved and unbelievable talent on the site, including top writers, artists and video producers delivering really smart content related to weight management, fitness and wellness, as well as beauty, style and fashion. You need to check this out. shares their revenues with their members. Get involved early and you can earn a real income. There are even ways to get involved on a larger scale and build a serious business. This is the real deal, a totally unique and innovative business model with more profit centers and an awesome Cash Rewards program for its members. You really need to see this. They've got a very short, cool video that will give you insight into just what's happening. You'll thank me for this. Take a quick look for yourself. Just click this link: Watch the video and you'll see what I mean. Regards,

Get involved early and you can earn a real income !

Friday, 17 February 2012

This is too simple Stop whatever you're doing... Go ahead and shut the door... Turn off your phone... Remove all distractions because you're REALLY going to want to see this! ==> You're about to discover how to start your own six figure internet empire for less that what you'll spend on lunch tomorrow.... SERIOUSLY! ==> There has literally NEVER been a system for building a cash-sucking, list-building internet business as simple as this ....PERIOD!! And the best part is that you're going to get be able to get 10 "Done For You" Website Businesses handed to you on a silver platter :-) Check it out here: ==>

Copy - Paste - Success!

MIT Sloan Management Review

Skills That Will Remain in Demand In a Computer-Rich World

Posted: 16 Feb 2012 08:26 AM PST

Skills such as applied math and statistics, negotiation and group dynamics, and persuasion can help you prepare yourself for careers in a fast-changing economy filled with ever-faster, ever-smarter computers, write MIT Sloan's Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Watch this video now because it'll blow you away: ==> For the first time ever, you can see REAL CASH Generated LIVE before your very eyes! This is the *fastest, easiest and laziest* way to make tons of cash ever: - With NO previous experience - With almost ZERO money to start with - With NO product of your own - With NO email list - With NO website ==> Best part is, this works like crazy! IMPORTANT: SECURE YOUR COPY NOW There are VERY limited copies available so grab your copy now before it sells out: ==> Do it now or you'll kick yourself later when it's gone!

Cash generated LIVE before your very eyes!

f you want to make $10-$150 for an hour of your time working at home part-time then this is the most important email you’re ever going to read. Here’s why: “Businesses need ME! They’re paying me money – CASH – to a 36-year-old work-at-home mother-of-two to get my opinion.” Guess what? They also need YOU! I’m not a marketing expert or a sales guy. In fact, I know very little about business. But I do know exactly what I like and what I don’t like. I know what products I would buy and what services I would use. Guess what? This is exactly what large companies are paying me for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So these companies pay millions of dollars every month to the average person. In return, the average person, myself included, answers some questions and gives them their opinion. It’s that easy. I promise you’re going to be shocked at how easy it’s going to be to build a side income by working just couple of hours a day. You’ll have a free schedule and can work from any location. I must admit that this doesn’t feel like work. But if you’re more serious than me and want to make tons of money, the sky is the limit. You’ve got to try this out. Just click on the link below and check it out yourself. P.S. If you don't make any money in your first week, they have a 60-day refund policy so just get your money back! It's definitely worth a try!

Secure up to $75 for One Hour of Work, GUARANTEED!

We are looking for some people that are interested in working from their home on a part or full-time basis. If you want to earn $100, $200 or even up to $500 a day, and you don't mind writing some short opinions up, this is the perfect opportunity for you! We work with hundreds of companies such as 20th Century Fox, Paramount Entertainment, Ford Motor Company, Google and more! We recruit people to fill 1000s of jobs for companies like this every year. Many of these jobs are simple online writing tasks, such as blogging about a movie that you recently saw, commenting on what your opinion is of a certain kind of car, proof reading simple documents and more! These companies are fighting for exposure on the internet and know the more people blogging about them, means the more exposure they are going to get, and ultimately the more money they are going to make. There has been an explosion in the need for online writers, regardless of skill. These companies are more interested in your honest genuine opinions when you're writing blog entries about their company... not if you are a very talented writer. If you're looking for work, or just want to make some part time money on the side, please come check out the jobs we have available. We are currently accepting new members. Sign Up Below.

Earn Up To $325/day From Home!

You must see this single mom went from broke to earning a million bucks from her computer. Her secrets are revealed for the first seven people. ==> Sincerely

Earn $150-$1000 per day.7 positions left

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Science knows what attracts women to men. Now use this in-depth hypnosis course to program your unconscious mind to take advantage of these discoveries. Science knows a lot about what attracts women to men "Science knows a lot about what attracts women to men" If you have spent any time researching how to be more successful with women, you'll have found so much information on what to do, what to say, how to dress... But what about if you don't feel confident enough to approach women in that way? What about how you are coming across? What about your ‘inner game' - those countless unconscious signals that women are picking up before they even hear your voice? Without confidence you're in trouble - she can smell your fear... The thing about attraction is that it relies on instincts. It has to. Nature has developed in us fine tuned senses to pick up the truth about the person we're interacting with. Without that we would be susceptible to being lied to and manipulated every minute of the day. Women respond instinctively to men Women's natural instincts require that you as a man connect in the right way with her. (A classic example of a failure in this area is when she 'just wants to be friends'). This connection happens at an unconscious level - nature's check to ensure the survival of the species. All of which means that you can't pretend your way into a relationship. You have to feel it through and through. Which is why you need to make those changes at the deepest level. Change your inner game so women find you more attractive, and you feel much, much more confident in approaching them Hypnosis can help you make instinctive changes - easily If you want to master new skills, develop new habits and generally enhance your life, the most powerful tool available to you is hypnosis. In hypnosis, you don't only learn at the conscious level, in your head. You don't just learn the ‘theory'. You literally reprogram the neural pathways of your brain so that the new behavior becomes a real, natural, fundamental 'part' of you. Just who you are and what you do. 10 Steps to Be More Attractive to Women combines the essential findings of research scientists on what works in the attraction game with carefully selected hypnosis sessions to make real changes in you that will really make a difference. The course has been created by Hypnosis Downloads' co-founder Mark Tyrrell, and edited by Kathleen Fedouloff, also a professional hypnotherapist. The course won't only make a difference to how you get on when you meet women. It'll make a difference to the whole of your life, giving you a confidence, self-assurance and ease with other people that is not 'put on' as a ploy in the hope that somebody will be attracted - but is just who you naturally are. And a man who is at ease with himself and others is just - naturally - attractive. >>>

How to Be Naturally Attractive to Women

MIT Sloan Management Review

Is Your Information Diet Full of Junk Food?

Posted: 13 Feb 2012 12:46 PM PST

Clay Johnson's new book "The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption" makes the case that "much as a poor diet gives us a variety of diseases, poor information diets give us new forms of ignorance — ignorance that comes not from a lack of information, but from overconsumption of it."

MIT Sloan Management Review

Monday, 13 February 2012

If you sell digital products online you are no doubt aware of the two most popular affiliate networks, ClickBank and PayDotCom. While both of these are great and I highly recommend each of them, today I came across a brand new service that really caught my attention. It's called PaySpree and the reason it caught my attention is that ALL its members get paid for their sales instantly. And they can choose whether to be paid by PayPal, AlertPay or Credit Card. Even affiliates get paid for their referred sales instantly. I expect it to become quite a hit as the lure of 'instant commissions' played a big part in the massive success of products such as 7DollarSecrets and the RapidActionProfits scripts. And PaySpree offers even more than what you get with those. I've actually come across products for sale that are just lists of affiliate programs that pay instant paypal commission. And I've seen many threads in the various internet marketing forums asking about where to find instant commission affiliate programs. Now there is an entire site and marketplace dedicated to them. As soon as you become a member you can start promoting any product in the marketplace, and you can add your own products so affiliates can promote them for you. All commission payments are handled automatically by PaySpree, it sounds like a winner to me. I've just signed up and had a look around the site and it seems pretty simple and non cluttered, check it out at the link below and let me know what you think:

PaySpree: An Affiliate Network That Pays Instant Commission On Every Product

Friday, 10 February 2012

You may know instinctively that it's time to realize your greatness – for yourself and for the world. It's time to move into greater personal power, self realization and action. Now you can excel in your work, prosperity, creativity, relationships, and spiritual growth. Do you have a deep wish to do, be, and have what you came to this earth for? If that's so for you, it's now time to systematically move your life to higher and higher levels of self-realization in any area that's important to you. We have a program to assist you in profound and exciting ways. The Realize Your Greatness program is delivered via a special membership site for only $27 per month (That's right!) And you're free to cancel your subscription at any time – though it's hard to imagine why you would! ? You can receive a full refund for the first month if you cancel within 30 days of signup. After that you can cancel at any time – no refunds, but no further charges. You can become a Certified Life Transformation Consultant with one additional month of training and by completing the “Realize Your Greatness” program. You’ll also need to answer some questions at the end of the program. You’ll learn a great deal, and by participating you’ll be able to assist many people with the issues of their lives. This is truly amazing for all you'll get.

Realize Your Greatness Now

Scientific evidence is now suggesting that we CAN leave our physical body and that we may even survive the death of that physical body. Using brainwave technology it was found that a certain combination of alpha and theta harmonics caused the immediate transference of consciousness away from the physical body. Almost everyone trying these frequencies has agreed that the effect is very unusual. Several users have reported a distinct 'moving' of their perception from the physical body. We believe the OOBE experience is an advanced form of astral projection. It can involve complete secondary body translocation rather than mind projection. A typical example of OOBE is where you actually see your physical body in the position you left it. How Does it Work? Accurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to induce out of body activity. Experimenting through the whole range of alpha and theta waves (from 5 - 12 Hz) it was found that a combination of isochronic frequencies consistently caused a complete shift in consciousness. This feeling was likened to all of your bodily awareness, suddenly being pulled into your pineal area (third eye). Astral projection, Remote Viewing and Past Life Regression all take place in the Theta Phase of our altered consciousness. The frequencies used in the Isochiral Music products have been specifically designed for this ( they are not random theta induction products - they will help to stabilize the sleep borderline state) Once you have achieved stability and confidence in the sleep borderline environment you will be able to move your awareness around within this visible environment. You will have dissociated from your physical body and are now in what many people call the astral body or the astral vehicle. In some instances you can still see your physical body. This is not as common as popular literature suggests. It is very rare to see a silver cord connecting the astral and the physical bodies. With experience you will be learn to differentiate the different types of images. i) The astral and past life images will often have an ethereal quality. The colours will be vibrant and senses will be extremely heightened. There will often be clues that the content is past life related ( We have many students who will correlate their experiences with real events or locations on the internet) ii) Remote viewing images will seem more part of this world ( and of course they are). Many students have likened this to watching a live remote camera where you have control over angle, zoom and position. You are not visible to others in these situations. iii) With astral projection you mostly have control over what you do and where you go ( many have suggested that this is a similar experience to wake induce lucid dreaming - I am personally inclined to agree but would suggest that Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming is a different state and experience)Sometimes you can feel that you are being led and this can be exciting. However you do always maintain control. Also a quick word about the differences between the astral and oobe frequencies. As mentioned the astral frequencies work in the theta phase and help to stabilize the sleep borderline state. The oobe frequencies go into a deeper state of consciousness than this. The dominant frequencies are almost into the delta range. This has the tendency to slow down the image stream so that you have more control over your interaction. However as the oobe frequencies take you well beyond the normal sleep threshold it is more likely that you will fall asleep to begin with. We are often asked if astral projection or remote viewing is dangerous. In our experience the answer is no. In a decade of research and working with thousands of students; we have no reports of adverse experiences on the astral plane. >>>

Out of Body Experience

Make cosmic ordering a reality Manifest anything that you truly desire The true magic of wishcraft 100 times more powerful than goal setting Fully guaranteed What is Cosmic Ordering? Cosmic Ordering is the art (or science) of making things happen in this plane of existence or material world Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer often refer to the Field of Intent. If you place your desire or wish in the field of intent it will manifest in the material (real) world. For centuries sorcerers have practised real magick for healing, gain and enlightenment. They have done this through meditation and incantation, often with astonishing results. You may have read about the success gurus like Anthony Robbins and Robert Allen who achieve great success for themselves and others by creating goals and focusing on them every day. Visualizing each aspect in detail. This is a basic principle of manifestation but not the whole story. How can you or I reach this magical field of intent without years of commitment and practice ? How can we make our dreams become reality, our wishes come true, our desires manifest ? >>>

What is Cosmic Ordering?

Scientific evidence is now suggesting that we can leave our physical body and that we may even survive the death of that physical body. Using brainwave technology it was found that a certain combination of alpha and theta harmonics caused the immediate transference of consciousness away from the physical body. Almost everyone trying these frequencies has agreed that the effect is very unusual. Several users have reported a distinct 'moving' of their perception from the physical body. It could take a lifetime to open the door to this inner journey,the Astral Projection frequency can do it in 10 minutes. How Does it Work? Accurately calibrated music synthesis software has been used to create the exact isochronic beat frequencies required to induce astral projection and astral travel. Experimenting through the whole range of alpha and theta waves (from 5 - 12 Hz) it was found that a combination of isochronic frequencies consistently caused a complete shift in consciousness. This feeling was likened to all of your bodily awareness, suddenly being pulled into your pineal area (third eye). Astral projection, Remote Viewing and Past Life Regression all take place in the Theta Phase of our altered consciousness. The frequencies used in the Isochiral Music products have been specifically designed for this ( they are not random theta induction products - they will help to stabilize the sleep borderline state) Once you have achieved stability and confidence in the sleep borderline environment you will be able to move your awareness around within this visible environment. You will have dissociated from your physical body and are now in what many people call the astral body or the astral vehicle. In some instances you can still see your physical body. This is not as common as popular literature suggests. It is very rare to see a silver cord connecting the astral and the physical bodies. With experience you will be learn to differentiate the different types of images. i) The astral and past life images will often have an ethereal quality. The colours will be vibrant and senses will be extremely heightened. There will often be clues that the content is past life related ( We have many students who will correlate their experiences with real events or locations on the internet) ii) Remote viewing images will seem more part of this world ( and of course they are). Many students have likened this to watching a live remote camera where you have control over angle, zoom and position. You are not visible to others in these situations. iii) With astral projection you mostly have control over what you do and where you go ( many have suggested that this is a similar experience to wake induce lucid dreaming - I am personally inclined to agree but would suggest that Dream Induced Lucid Dreaming is a different state and experience)Sometimes you can feel that you are being led and this can be exciting. However you do always maintain control. Also a quick word about the differences between the astral and oobe frequencies. As mentioned the astral frequencies work in the theta phase and help to stabilize the sleep borderline state. The oobe frequencies go into a deeper state of consciousness than this. The dominant frequencies are almost into the delta range. This has the tendency to slow down the image stream so that you have more control over your interaction. However as the oobe frequencies take you well beyond the normal sleep threshold it is more likely that you will fall asleep to begin with. We are often asked if astral projection or remote viewing is dangerous. In our experience the answer is no. In a decade of research and working with thousands of students; we have no reports of adverse experiences on the astral plane. The programme lasts for 60 minutes and has a fantastic success rate. >>>

Astral Projection

MIT Sloan Management Review

GE Talent Management: Aligning Hiring With Strategy

Posted: 09 Feb 2012 03:27 PM PST

New research shows that aligning recruiting efforts with overall corporate strategy is a key principle of effective talent management. One company particularly good at it: General Electric.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Did you know that all entrepreneurs share common patterns of thinking, and belief systems, and that it is these very belief systems which actually make them into entrepreneurs? If you can learn and acquire these entrepreneur beliefs, this entrepreneur mindset, then you too can think like an entrepreneur, act like an entrepreneur, and ultimately become an entrepreneur too! Well this is exactly what my friends at Natural Hypnosis specialize in - they have developed a unique hypnosis audio album which, through the power of hypnosis, naturally instills within you this exact way of thinking - the entrepreneur mindset: IF you want to become an entrepreneur .. to start your own businesses and live a life of your own design then you need to take a look at this. It works to re-wire your subconscious beliefs, patterns of thinking, and even your behavior, all while you effortlessly relax and listen to the soothing hypnotic audio. Naturally you will find yourself thinking more and more like an entrepreneur. Warning: This CD / MP3 is not to be used half-heartedly. If you are really serious, if you really do want to become an entrepreneur then this program really can re-wire your mind from the inside-out, change the way you think, and change the course of your life.. be careful.. That's not all, Natural Hypnosis have agreed an exclusive SAVING of 30% - simply enter the following coupon when you get to the checkout: BUSINESS30 Offer expires in just 2 days time.

Is it really possible to think like an entrepreneur!

I have a exciting free gift for you today - 3 FULL hypnosis audio downloads (which usually sell for $44.91)! I don’t know anywhere else which gives away 3, full length hypnosis downloads, but this is exactly what my friends at Natural Hypnosis are offering: Their style of hypnosis is fresh, and, you guessed it, NATURAL. They believe that anyone can experience hypnosis and that it is often over complicated and mystified by some websites / hypnotists, and to prove it they are offering 3 of their albums for free, for a limited time only. This way, you can experience the benefits of hypnosis for yourself, in the comfort of your own home: If you have tried hypnosis before then I know you will be impressed by the quality of these albums, and the powerful natural style of their hypnosis. If you are new to hypnosis, then listening to these albums will at first just feel like you are having a conversation with Brennan, the hypnotist... but before you know it you will slip into a natural trance like state and be experiencing the benefits of of natural hypnosis - benefits which can help you to relax, grow in self belief and confidence, gain greater focus, not to mention lose weight, stop smoking and much much more... There really is no catch - these albums are completely free, you don’t have to sign anything, and you don’t have to buy anything, or pay later - you get instant access to download 3 FULL albums - here’s a look at exactly what you get: 1st Album - Natural Tranquility: A Simple yet powerful relaxation album. Experience a sense of deep, natural tranquility in your body and mind. This album is perfect to wind down with after a long, hard day, it is suitable for everyone, and will show you the power of hypnosis instantly. 2nd Album - Natural Focus: A solid album which will help you in all areas of your life. It will bring to you a natural ability to stay alert, focus, and concentrate to a higher level. Immediately after using this album your mind will clear and you will be more alert and mentally centered. As you continue to listen, your ability to focus and concentrate will permanently increase. 3rd Album - Natural Self Assurance: No-one else will give you a mainstream personal development album for free! This album contains powerful hypnotic suggestions to boost your confidence and levels of self belief. You will become more comfortable just being yourself, and feel naturally self assured in all situations - these changes will improve your life in all areas! To your success, p.s. I can’t recommend this highly enough, this is real, professional hypnosis, written and recorded by Beverly Hills hypnotist Brennan Smith Cht. Brennan graduated with Honors at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute in California and eventually became a member of the teaching staff, and he is also an ex Executive Board Member of the American Hypnosis Association - a position he held for 4 years before moving on to his own private practice in Beverly Hills.

ownload Your FREE Hypnosis MP3s (worth $44.91)

Highly informative with easy to follow webinars. Great for newbies and the experienced. My result? A vast increase in visibility and a healthy jump in new clients E-Book Success Mentoring Course is one of the best I've ever taken and I'm a learning junkie who works with CEOs every month. I used to hire 350 speakers a year who we flew in from all over the country. So I think I've heard them all SelfGrowth's Social Media University training program was the best training investment I have EVER made in my life. The team consistently over-delivered. The material was relevant.The info was presented in a user-friendly, accessible format that I wish ALL other online trainers would model or just copy "If you want to learn the secrets of SEO for your own website, don't miss this class! The SEO class provides valuable information." Margaret Paul, Ph.D >>>

Social Media University is the BEST!

Are you unhappy with the money you're currently making? Would you like to work when you want... on YOUR own schedule? Would you like to say Goodbye to rush-hour commutes and strict bosses? Do you want more freedom and flexibility in your life... where you can go where you want... when you want? Do you feel like you're definitely NOT cut out for the daily 9 to 5 rat race. Well, if you can answer yes to any of those... then it's time that you meet Anthony. Anthony is often referred to as "the Coffee Shop Millionaire". You see, Anthony runs a multi-million dollar online business - from a Coffee Shop - using their FREE WiFi! And he's just gone ahead and shot a VIDEO showing you HOW he does it! If you always feel you're meant to do better... and you feel that starting your own internet business would be exactly what you want to do... then make sure you watch Anthony's video right now. Not only will Anthony show you just how insanely profitable it's been for him, he'll also show you how you can have him by your side when you start YOUR own coffee shop business! So go ahead, watch the video right now so you can finally have the happiness, money, and freedom you really want. >>>

A Multi-Million Dollar Online Business, Run From a Coffee Shop?

It seems like everybody has their own theory on how to survive the recession. Just some of the kind of stuff you’ll see across the internet and blogosphere is advice like: 1. Protect your job 2. Move while others are distracted 3. Earn extra money 4. Evaluate your mortgage 5. Refinance high interest credit cards 6. Reduce spending 7. Haggle your way to savings 8. Conserve and reduce your energy bills 9. Avoid taking on any unnecessary debts I really could go on to reach 99 just to represent the saying, “99 ways to skin a cat”. But I won’t waste your time. I know you can Google it for yourself and find hundreds more advice from every Tom, Dick and Harry out there. So let me get straight to the point. With so many ways and advice, how come not everyone gets rich? How come not everyone who reduces their spending get rich? How come not everyone who has an education get rich? How come not everyone who starts a business get rich? Because it’s not about what you do, it’s about how you do it. Cause while there are 99 ways to skin a cat, if you don’t do it RIGHT — whichever method you have chosen — it won’t bring RESULTS. So what is the ONE right thing that you need to do to get rich? Bob Proctor knows. And he wants to tell you that there is a science — a formula — to get rich. It’s about doing certain things in a certain way. And this blueprint has been proven to make anyone get rich across centuries. So before you waste your time trying out 99 ways blindly, get this one formula that will transform your financial future. To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich – go to

99 Ways to Skin a Cat

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

I know you've probably never heard of the power of 7... and that's why I'm emailing you now. I'm very excited to be able to pass on this valuable information to you. You see, recently a new web site opened that allows you to send your promotion out absolutely free. I know that's good in itself, but there's more... With this new program, (which is nothing like a safelist I'd like to add), you'll be able to effectively build seven separate lists to send your promotions to every day. That's right. Every day. Seven days a week. Sounds incredible right? Well it is. Take a look at it here: --> Never before has a program of this calibre been offered online. It's unique and very effective for marketing to a very large audience. It helps you to build your downlines in all seven list programs and even lets you show your own promotions to the people you refer. They'll see your offer every time they login. Now because the concept is built around sending out promotions every day, you have the potential to show your referrals your offer seven days a week! How powerful is that? Well it's 'The Power of 7' that I was referring to before. It's amazing. It works and it has the potential to increase your income dramatically. Don't just take my word for it though... I invite you - even urge you strongly to visit this site and signup now. There's no cost involved and it's very easy to setup and follow. The simplicity of the concept and the teamwork makes it a sure winner. Do signup now and start increasing your promotion power today. Here's the link again: --> Sincerely

Have You Heard Of The Power Of 7?

MIT Sloan Management Review

How to Trigger CEO Interest in Social Networking

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

Featured this month in the Social Business Innovation Hub.

What Sells CEOs on Social Networking

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 10:30 AM PST

Andrew McAfee, Principal Research Scientist, MIT Center for Digital Business From his base at the Center for Digital Business at MIT, Andrew McAfee‘s job these days is, he says, to “try to understand all the different things that technology is doing to the business world, all the different ways that it’s changing innovation and productivity [...]

Social Business Survey: Social Software and Employee Development

Posted: 07 Feb 2012 09:06 AM PST

A recent survey on social business that MIT Sloan Management Review conducted in collaboration with Deloitte asked how important social software is to an organization's activities in a number of internally oriented areas, including employee development. MIT SMR and Deloitte have sorted the nearly 3,500 responses by respondents’ roles in their organizations and noticed some interesting differences: One of the [...]

MIT Sloan Management Review

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Are there secrets to affiliate marketing that most of the top affiliate marketers just take for granted? You bet. These are not ideas that you can just look up online. Sean Kaye has taken his vast knowledge of building and running successful businesses and for the last two years applied it to affiliate marketing. And guess what - he's discovered the secrets. In his exceptional four part video series he will reveal 3 of the key secrets to becoming a successful affiliate marketer. In Part 1 of the series, called "Shifting Sands", you'll learn: Recent changes to affiliate marketing, and why some people got caught by them * What's coming, and how to "future-proof" yourself and your family's financial future * The #1 secret to being a success in the world of affiliate marketing * Practical ways to take advantage of this idea In the next videos Sean will take you through the other key secrets of successful affiliate marketing. Watching these videos is like sitting down with a seriously smart and trusted friend - someone who knows his stuff and just wants to help in any way he can. This is an amazing opportunity. And it's free! So click this link to check it out for yourself. Enjoy the video!

What's Secret #1 to becoming a successful affiliate marketer?

Hi My Friends, If you can speak English, and another language, you could be sitting on a fortune! There are hundreds of companies right now searching for people that can speak two languages. It doesn't matter what language you speak, as long as you speak English, and at least one other language, there are plenty of jobs for you available. Huge companies like Coca Cola, Starbucks, Disney and others hire translators all the time! Once you sign up, we'll show you exactly how to get started in 5 minutes or less... even if you don't have any previous experience, you could still start making money right away! You'll be able to find part-time, contract and even full-time positions. Many of these jobs you will be able to do from home, or anywhere you have an internet connection at. You can get paid by paypal, check or bank deposit, usually as soon as the job is completed! Hope To See You Aboard! Thanks,

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I ask a couple of things of everybody. Patience and Respect. No Foul language towards or even about another person in the room is acceptable here. Anyone who breaks this rule will find themselves banned. Free Chat is for you to get to know the psychics to decide if you would like to work with that particular person. Please understand this is a PAYING website and Private Readings is Oranum's income. Free Chat does not mean Free Readings. Giving free reading outside a demo is against company policy. Oranum changes are not expensive when you compare them to phone readings plus they are just as personal. Every half an hour Admin selects a reader to do a demo. This is the only time I can answer any type of personal or relationship question here in free chat.. Please do not ask for personal demos that is equally against company rules. Admin decides who is giving not the readers themselves. Demo RULES: I decided who is getting the demo or going down a list of names. PLEASE!!! do not interrupt me with questions during the demo. I will ask if any question after the demo is completed. My astrology services are: Birth Charts; Compatibility; Future trends as when is it a good time to travel, start a new business, new romances coming etc. or even best not to proceed. I have been a astrologer for over 18 years. Gypsy and Playing Cards; Tarot Readings are: Career, Financial and Relationship readings. also do art using watercolours. You can see a sample of my work behind me on the wall as The Zodiac Spread. It is not an actual tarot reading, just there to add colour to my office area of my flat. I am a person who tends to be direct in my readings and have a dislike for the romantic novels that causes people to believe a person who is not good for them can become their model partner. I love the work on the line and look forward to assisting you find the answering with your problems. At all times the final decisions are yours to make and choose your own destiny. Looking forward to meeting you in the near future and all the best >>>

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MIT Sloan Management Review

Should More Stores Charge Admission?

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 04:36 PM PST

How will you make a profit when customers know everything about your costs? The answer could be about putting a dollar value to access and charging admission to your store.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Monday, 6 February 2012

Long before creating the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, Jack Canfield was already teaching the ancient principles of the Law of Attraction. Jack has been consciously living in harmony with this universal law for over thirty years now, and his personal success is a testament to its power. Now, Jack offers you his wisdom in this brand-new (and very unique) Dream Big Collection. Within this once-of-a-kind collection, he share a lifetime of knowledge and experience, then provides you his time-proven tools and techniques for successfully applying the Law of Attraction in your own life. Jack will take you step-by-step through finding your purpose and passion in life, defining your goals and dreams, writing a dream list, and creating your Vision Book. Jack will also fully explain the best ways to utilize the incredibly powerful concept of visualization. The Dream Big Collection not only teaches you about the Law of Attraction, it explains, step-by-step how to apply the principles for results. The KEY to Living the Law of Attraction, The Gratitude Journal, Jack’s unique Vision Book and the collection of affirmations and inspirational messages are all tools that will help you manifest your dreams. >>>

Dream Big System !

Friday, 3 February 2012

What Is It? IAHBE stands for the International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs. It is an organization that champions the home-business lifestyle and provides its members with a multitude of resources designed to achieve maximum home-business success. As an IAHBE member, you'll have exclusive access to an unparalleled, one-of-a-kind business-building arsenal of your own...complete with a constant flow of the fresh, pertinent information and advice you need to succeed--all collected, culled, researched, and reviewed for you in one easy-to-access package! Here's just a sample of the money-saving specials, home-business tools, and other power-packed resources you'll have at your fingertips as an Association member: * EXCLUSIVE articles on today's home-business topics that matter to you * Audio seminars from top home-business entrepreneurs. * Monthly Computer Q&As and Marketing Tidbits * Free monthly Windows and Macintosh software for your home business. * Exclusive monthly home-business book and tool reviews. * Marketing aids for generating sales and profits. * Subscriptions to top business magazines, such as Fast Company, Inc., Entrepreneur, etc. * Free best-selling books that cover the home-business landscape from A to Z. * Access to the IAHBE Web Resources directory for home-business owners. * Motivational Thought of the Day. * AND MORE!!!'ll also receive instant access to the IAHBE archives, containing hours of home-business audio seminars from the experts, dozens of exclusive reports, exclusive interviews with the market's most successful entrepreneurs, and much more! As an IAHBE member, you'll be part of a select group of home-business owners whose search for trusted, helpful, and timely business-building tools and advice is over. No more wasted time trying to make sense of the overwhelming number of so-called "helpful" offers, deals, and information. You'll get the latest information, advice, special offers, and tools you need right now, accessible online, anytime, day or night. "In all, as an IAHBE member, you'll receive HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS worth of powerful business-building resources, updated every week!" OVER $1,000 IN FREE BONUSES: Just for trying the IAHBE, you'll also get $1,000 in free tools and resources that can get your business up and running as smooth as a well-oiled machine. Even if you decide the IAHBE is not for you, you can keep these free tools and put them to work in your business right away! A fantastic "IntroPak," available online, that, in addition to other goodies, includes certificates redeemable for over $1,000 in FREE BONUSES* including: * 12 FREE issues of Home Business Connection Magazine ($28.00 value) * FREE copy of the audio cassette "Underpaid & Overtaxed." Learn how to set up your home business to legally slash huge amounts off your tax bill. ($9.95 value) * FREE Copy of the book The Home Business Revolution's Greatest Entrepreneurs, Volume 1 ($17.95 value) * Certificate redeemable for $50 off Jack Zufelt's Conquering Force Audio Program * $25 off postcard printing * AND MORE! ! Try it Right now:

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MIT Sloan Management Review

“Mapping the TV Genome” at Bluefin Labs and Big Data’s Big Stats

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 04:23 AM PST

Big Data is now a $64 billion business, says McKinsey Global Institute. Among the start-ups in the fray: Bluefin Labs, which analyzes what we say in social media about TV.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Thursday, 2 February 2012

When you need a quick loan solution to an urgent monetary issue, USA Pay day Net can help. Our convenient service provides payday loans without the added hassle of a time consuming bank loan or difficulty of a cash advance store. Our application process takes only minutes to complete without having to fax any documents, and your information is kept completely secure and confidential. USA Payday Net can help you get the best loan for your needs as quickly as possible. Save yourself the time and trouble of applying for loans elsewhere. USA Payday Net makes it incredibly easy for you to access the money you need at the time you need it most. USA Payday Net provides customers with a positive payday loan experience from start to finish. Our online services offer payday loans ranging from $100 up to $1500. Additionally, USA Payday Net does not require a credit check; you may still be approved with a poor or non-existent credit score. Once you submit your application, your request undergoes review almost immediately. Upon being approved, your payday loan is deposited directly into your account so you can address your needs and carry on with life. Online, faxless payday loans are the most convenient way to resolve your urgent money needs. Seeking fast cash to fix an immediate financial problem? Look no further than our online, faxless payday loans. Our online payday loans are incredibly popular. Millions of consumers are opting for this type of short-term loan when they are stuck in a financial rut. >>>

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