Friday, 31 August 2012

How to Create Prosperity in YOUR Life So You Can Contribute and Share Your Gifts From Fullness!

I’m on a mission to help you remember and reclaim your birthright: TRUE Abundance!

You were conceived from and born into a world of overflowing abundance and that, my friend, is your natural state.

The problem is, along the way to adulthood, you forgot your natural state.

The messages from the people around you (even the ones who loved you the most), the experiences you had and the lessons you learned often conflicted with your deep inner knowing that this world is abundant.

If you were like me, you tried to hold onto that connection to your natural state as long as possible.

But, in the end, the forces pointing you in the other direction wore you down. With all of the encouraging advice to “be realistic” and “save for a rainy day” and “play it safe” ... it was finally easier to just give in and go with the flow.

When you’re alone (and young), trying to hold onto your natural state of abundance in the face of so much conflicting information is tiring, exhausting even!

What happened is your natural state of abundance faded into the background and you began living like the people around you... as if there wasn’t enough to go around and you needed to work hard or find someone to take care of you.

But always, deep within you, was a small, quiet, voice in the background.

It’s the voice of TRUE Abundance – your true nature.

And it’s always been there, whispering to you in brief moments of silence or awe or gratitude. And you never completely shut it down (although some people do!)

Some part of you remained open to that voice, and now it has guided you here because you are ready to remember and reclaim your birthright. You are ready to create the life of TRUE Abundance that has been waiting for you your entire life!

Welcome to the 30-Day Abundance Quest. Congratulations! I am so grateful you listened to that quiet voice within and have come to find out more about this program.

Enough is ENOUGH!

Whatever brought you to this page my guess is that you’ve had enough:

•Enough of the struggle

•Enough of the worry

•Enough of the doubt

•Enough of the fear

•Enough of the not enough...

But I bet you also recognize some of the incredible blessings in your life! You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have a lot of appreciation. Without gratitude you wouldn’t be ready for the TRUE Abundance that awaits you. Not yet!

But here you are... and so, clearly, it’s time for you to say YES to your birthright.

It’s time for YOU to start creating a life of TRUE Abundance!

You’re NOT Alone Anymore

At some point, perhaps for most of your life, you may have felt alone, that there was no one around you who could understand and help you explore your connection to TRUE Abundance.

You probably felt like you didn’t belong, didn’t fit in. At times, you may have even felt a bit crazy.

But here’s the good news... You are NOT alone anymore.

We’re here, with you, to support you, to grow with you, to welcome you and to let you know that you are NOT crazy, you are NOT alone and you DO belong here!

And we’re here to remind you that abundance IS your natural state and to help you reconnect to that quiet voice inside you and to reclaim your birthright.

Scarcity is a HABIT

Contrary to what most people believe and what we’ve been taught, scarcity is NOT reality! Scarcity is not even a state.

Scarcity is a habit.

What does that mean? Well, it means that you can kick the scarcity habit just like you can quit smoking, lose weight and stop checking email 30 times a day!

It still might not be easy (ask someone who has quit smoking!) but changing a habit is a heck of a lot easier than changing “reality”!

When You Break Out of the HABIT of Scarcity, You Will:

Discover that you are no longer scared or worried about your finances

Feel a sense of deep trust and acceptance

Wake up energized and excited for the blessings that await you in the new day

Discover the passion for your unique work in the world and the gifts you have to offer

Be willing to say NO to things (and people) that are not aligned with and supportive of your vision

Show up more fully and effectively as a powerful messenger for the Shifting consciousness

Step into a dynamic, co-creative relationship with source

Be amazed at the surprising and brilliant ways that life conspires to support your dreams

Experience moments of happiness, joy and love for no reason   Have you ever seen a bunch of gears working together? It’s incredibly beautiful to watch as one gear turns another, which turns another, which ultimately creates the desired outcome.

The gears all work together, amplifying the initial energy fed into the system. It’s a true example of the sum being more powerful than the individual parts.

The problem is that the entire system is dependent on the proper functioning of each individual gear.

If one gear breaks or gets stuck, it stops, or slows down all of the other gears and the entire system.

The same is true in the process of manifesting more of what you want.

When all five of the manifestation keys are activated and running smoothly, the outcome – the manifested result – is always more powerful than the initial energy flowing into the system.

But if even just one of those five keys is stuck or stopped or not activated in your life, it causes the entire system to slow down and potentially stop completely.

In order to manifest and attract more of what you want, consciously, all five of the manifestation keys must be activated.

How Do I Know?

I know what it feels like because I spent much of my life with one or more of these manifestation keys broken or stuck.

I’ve lived through times of wondering how I was going to pay the rent and put food on the table. In fact, I’ve traveled pretty far down into the scarcity rabbit hole.

But all the time I was down there I knew there was a reason... I knew I was in that place to learn something, to grow, to find an answer.

Now I understand why I had to spend so much time down in that rabbit hole... The time I spent down there allowed me to formulate this system and now helps me to guide you from a place of understanding, empathy and compassion.

How to Create Prosperity in YOUR Life So You Can Contribute and Share Your Gifts From Fullness!

Who Else Wants to Be Part of a Pioneering,

Love-Filled Community That is Cocreating a

Healthy, Sustainable, Peaceful and Prosperous World For All?

You CAN learn to become a powerful catalyst of conscious evolution and play a role in one of the most exciting events ever envisioned: a planetary Birth Day on December 22, 2012. This day will help us shift beyond fearful separation toward a global sense of oneness, symbolically marking the start of a new era in human development.

Already more than 75,000 people have said "yes" to the Vision for the planetary Birth Day and more than 2,300 have trained to be part of the global team. You, too, can join this movement determined to help make the Shift.

In the mainstream media, our times are seen as precarious and grim. We teeter on the edge of environmental collapse and global disaster, buffeted by war and strife.

This intense and often emotional drama has one powerful solution: our conscious evolution as a species. We have within us extraordinary creative potentials that have yet to be massively unleashed, leading to wide-scale cooperation, innovation, sustainability and peace.

The solutions are available; it is only the human software that needs an upgrade.

Finally, an Evolutionary Roadmap for You To Become a Catalyst for Positive Change

Which brings us to YOU: are you one of those here to upgrade the software? Reboot planet earth with a more holistic, compassionate, and sacred vision? Connect to and empower what IS truly working within yourself and within the world, rather than lament what no longer works?

If so, we want you to join us for an extraordinary 12-module training with one of today’s greatest and most empowering pioneers: Barbara Marx Hubbard, the woman who Deepak Chopra calls “the voice for conscious evolution in our times.”

The Agents of Conscious Evolution (ACE) training will offer you an in-depth understanding of key “mother memes” for the new worldview, designed for a new era (and an evolving you).

It will train you in the skills necessary to catalyze transformation within yourself and others. It will prepare you to play your perfect role in the Birth 2012 events next year. And it will connect you with a global community of change leaders who are here to light the way forward.

The ACE Training is designed to awaken your full creative potential, empower you in your “vocation of destiny,” give you a template for joyful co-creation, and provide a path for manifesting your heart’s desires.

And it will help you find your authentic leadership in the collective shift now underway.

In addition, the beauty of the ACE Training course design is that each module stands alone. So you can easily join in any session and still get the benefit of all 12 module sessions.

There is a profound birthing process underway on our planet, and the crises we face can be seen as contractions -- and evolutionary drivers. These catalytic events are accelerating, which is really good news because it means the birth is near.

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Give Your Greatest Gift to the Shift

Many prophecies concur that the time for a planetary shift has arrived. Only it won’t happen by magic; it will happen only if those of us with the “codes” step forward and give our greatest gifts to the emergence of a new co-creative human society. If we do that, we can collectively ignite a new way of being that endures for decades to come.

This truly is the hour for which we were born. And the ACE training will help you make the best use of this hour AND hone your gifts as an evolutionary leader.

Join us to begin the evolutionary adventure of a lifetime!

An Evolutionary Roadmap for You To Become a Catalyst for Positive Change

Joining together, we can ‘gentle the birth’ of a Universal Humanity and guide our Earth

community into its next evolutionary stage   Dear friends of the Birth,

Welcome to Birth 2012 and the Birth 2012 Campaign! This invitation to participate in the Birth is the most important letter I have ever written. Its intent, and the purpose of this book, is to present you with the greatest opportunity that humanity has ever consciously faced together: the effort to cocreate a planetary shift in time to avert global catastrophe by helping humanity cross the gap from “Here”— our current breakdowns—to “There”—our future of infinite possibility.

It is time to activate a new era of human possibility and potential! Our many crises are pushing us to shift to a new level of consciousness and a new global culture. These driving forces are now reaching a critical turning point when the new ways can replace the old ways, dissolving millennia of fear, aggression, and discord and turning humanity towards peace, cooperation, and cocreativity. What can we do to ensure this Shift?

Celebrate a Global Birth Day on Dec 22, 2012

Birth 2012 and Beyond is a prophetic call for a shift into a new era of conscious evolution. It offers the vision and roadmap for you to join a global movement that’s transforming our current crises into the birth of a sustainable global civilization.

Get Birth 2012 and Beyond ...

Gather with millions on December 22, our planet’s Birth Day!

Tens of thousands who have rallied to evolutionary leader Barbara Marx Hubbard’s vision have joined her and The Shift Network in declaring December 22, 2012 our planet’s first Birth Day. Birth 2012 hubs and evolutionary circles are now forming around the world.

The Essential Guidebook for Evolutionaries Who Are Birthing a New Era!

When you read this book, you will:
Be inspired with hope for our world and the courage to make a difference

Understand our planetary challenges in a whole new way

Learn how you can be part of a movement to cocreate a planetary shift

Make the shift from ego to essence and begin to live from your Universal Self

Receive potent wisdom from 13 of our world’s most beloved teachers

Gather with millions on December 22, our planet’s Birth Day!

Have you tried affirmations, intentions and positive thinking only to find the same fears, doubts and judgments keep popping up over and over again?

Most self-improvement techniques do work – some of the time. For a while. If you keep using them, over and over!

But given the time and money you’ve invested in books, workshops, expert advice and various healing modalities, shouldn’t you be even happier and more fulfilled?

It’s very likely that it’s your subconscious beliefs – not your conscious, deliberate choices – that are getting in your way.

These subterranean beliefs – thoughts such as “There’s something wrong with me,” or “I’m not worthy of success” – stem from your early childhood experiences.

While these beliefs remain unseen, they impact you every day, subtly, in the background. And they show up as stumbling blocks, preventing you from showing up fully and living a magnificent life.

Just when you begin to experience the life your conscious mind desires, your subconscious beliefs drag up stories of the past and sabotage you and your efforts.

At the core of your psyche, deep in your subconscious mind, these limiting beliefs drive your life and keep you in the same rut, no matter how hard you try to get out of it.

But now, you can easily and permanently swap out the old beliefs that interfere with your happiness and success, and replace them with more empowering beliefs.

How? Through a unique process developed by personal transformation pioneer Lion Goodman.

It’s called the BeliefCloset Process, and it’s a method that exposes and releases self-defeating, subconscious beliefs so you can delete them from your psyche – once and for all.

When they’re gone, they’re gone – and they don’t come back. This internal shift toward empowering beliefs then enables you to create the life you desire.

Unlike other belief change techniques, the BeliefCloset Process harnesses the power of the subconscious mind and the right hemisphere of the brain to create an enjoyable, engaging and effective way to change the beliefs that are bugging you.

“The BeliefCloset Process is like a magic wand. I can easily and quickly change any aspect of myself by changing my beliefs.” – T.S., businesswoman, Yukon, Canada

In this free one-hour call with Lion Goodman, the creator of the BeliefCloset Process, you will learn:

•3 easy ways to identify hidden beliefs that are holding you back

•A powerful method for shifting any negative or uncomfortable feeling – instantly, in the moment!

•A simple empowerment tool to help you recognize yourself as the creator of your experiences, rather than the victim of your circumstances

Thousands of people who have experienced the BeliefCloset Process have reported that the results are profound, immediate and permanent.

With it, you can change YOUR subconscious beliefs as easily as you change your clothes! And experience the freedom, joy and success you’ve been working all these years to create.

“I’m blown away. Doing this process is like ‘Instant Manifestation.’ I created the belief, ’I’m powerful and alive,’ and I felt it immediately. I’ve been using the process with the kids I coach, and they love it!” – Chris Matesic, Inner City Youth Success Coach

“The BeliefCloset Process is simple, subtle and powerful. It fills the gap I’ve felt for years in my transformational power-tool kit.” – MariePatrice Masse

Belief Closet Cleanout - you can easily and permanently swap out the old beliefs

Now You, Too, Can Make an Even Greater Impact on Our World’s

Most Pressing Issues. Join Other Like-Minded Global Citizens in the

Co-creation of a Sustainable Lifestyle, Community and World!

You’re doing your part: Reducing your carbon footprint; always on the lookout for ways to lighten the load on the planet; talking about the big issues with friends and family – even when they don’t seem to want to hear it!

And yet, you may have this nagging feeling that you could – and should – be doing more for our precious and threatened planet, and that it really could be enjoyable, inspiring, even exciting.

Are you really making a difference? Or are the problems just too big?

Or do you simply need a comprehensive toolkit, guidance and a community of support to discover and make your unique contribution?

It’s true. The problems we’re facing are complex. Systemic. And interconnected. Every action counts.

While the solutions may seem just as daunting, it is possible for you to affect, profound positive change.

Sometimes “doing enough” doesn’t mean doing more; but rather doing the thing you feel most called to do, within a community of supportive and like-minded souls.

In community, solutions you may have never considered can emerge, propelling you and others into action in new and deeply satisfying ways that benefit yourself, your family, your community and our planet.

Each one of us has a unique contribution to make to our world.

In this course, with the support of like-minded others and top sustainability leaders, you’ll have an opportunity to focus on what is YOURS to do in creating a sustainable future-through deepening your current efforts or realigning your actions with your authentic concerns for our future.

You’ll learn about clean energy, economics, social justice, and the vital role of community in conceiving new solutions and systems rooted in sustainability principles. You’ll explore enlightening views of how we got into this planet-wide mess, how we can get out of it, and

what your role might be.

In doing so, you’ll experience new levels of hope and optimism that are as essential to the future of the planet as your actions are.

You, Too, Can Make an Even Greater Impact on Our World’s ost Pressing Issues

Accelerating the Next Evolution

The Shift Network empowers a global movement of people who are creating an evolutionary shift of consciousness that in turn leads to a more enlightened society, one built on principles of peace, sustainability, health, and prosperity.  
“The Shift Network has boldly stepped into global prominence as one of the most creative and visionary activators of global transformation. In every sphere of its work it convenes practical visionaries engaged in birthing a new planetary civilization. It works on a scale that is breathtaking as it enrolls people across the world to participate in evolutionary change and masterful peacemaking. Finally, an organization that provides the spiritual, intellectual and skill-building tools for humanity’s next adventure in applied consciousness!”

James O’Dea, World-renowned peacebuilder, former director of Amnesty International, DC; former President, Institute of Noetic Sciences

“The Shift Network has my vote as the number one organization most likely to change our world. Their level of consciousness and integrity match their vision – of an expanded network of awakened people caring deeply about our world and each other, working for the things that matter most: justice, sustainability, peace, and wellness. They draw together the best thinkers of our time as social architects of the future. And that draws in participants who are ready to learn and take action.”

Anodea Judith, Bestselling author, Wheels of Life

Empowers a global movement of people who are creating an evolutionary shift of consciousness

“Intelligence can unfold within us only when an actual model for that intelligence is given to us.” Joseph Chilton Pearce

Attention: All evolutionaries, artists, healers, educators, change agents, business people, social entrepreneurs and catalysts for spiritual growth who are READY to embody conscious evolution, go to the next level and birth something new and magnificent in your life.

You can now access the most sacred practices, teachings, and guidance of one of the world’s most celebrated evolutionary pioneers, Barbara Marx Hubbard, who will guide you in an actual journey of spiritual/evolutionary metamorphosis - like a butterfly still forming within its chrysalis, about to emerge. During this Course, she shares seminal insights that have been revealed to her - much of it never shared publicly before - about how to navigate this journey.

You can be one of the evolutionary forerunners on planet earth, helping to birth a new, more universal human. In this self-paced pre-recorded course completed in Dec. 2010, Barbara offers you her own process of metamorphosis, still underway in her own life. During the classes, she will:

•Share the deepest revelations she has received through her journals and spiritual epiphanies

•Show how ideas of the great evolutionary pioneers like Teilhard de Chardin and Aurobindo relate to your own evolution

•Map the process of metamorphosis and share with you how to navigate it

•Awaken the evolving human within yourself through contact with important evolutionary codes

•Reveal the evolutionary trajectory that humans are now on, giving you sustained hope for our future

•Illuminate how to access evolutionary guidance and act upon it.

I am reaching out to those of us experiencing something radically new emerging within ourselves to join together in a never-before-offered adventure to explore the actual process of our own metamorphosis.

I invite you to join me in the most radical evolutionary sharing I have undertaken, using my own as-yet-unshared experiences and secret journal writings as catalysts, encouraging you to express your own discoveries “at the edge of evolution.” It will be a heartfelt welcoming home for “our own kind,” communing and communicating within what de Chardin called “the noosphere” during this Course.

In this process of discovery, our goal is integral incarnation of all levels of our full self within a maturing noosphere and in a living universe that may well be filled with life comparable to our own.

To use the butterfly analogy: we are imaginal cells, crossing over from the disintegrating body of the societal caterpillar, entering the brief period of metamorphosis to become something never experienced before on this Earth. In this “chaos window,” we are recreating and reassembling ourselves, finding our new vocations, being intuitively guided as to our emerging functions and structures. One by one we are forming the still invisible new body, preparing for our sudden appearance as members of a societal butterfly...soon!

What actually is happening within and through us during this brief period of “metamorphosis,” of species evolution? That’s our core theme.

As Homo sapiens sapiens emerged within the early human world approximately 40,000 years ago, it seems to me that Homo universalis - one who incarnates the ever-unfolding Universe Story - is emerging now among us.

This emerging type of human is not a new religion, or a new ideology, but a new person called out precisely as the planet reaches its limits to growth and hovers between evolution or extinction while this older form of separated consciousness wrecks its final havoc upon the birth-torn Earth.

We need to be together in resonance, in the field of our own conscious evolution, nurturing this process of metamorphosis among ourselves, so that the deeper reality can express itself more fully through us, as us as a new norm.

This is Real Time Evolution. Not about it, but AS it. My goals are:

•to support you in becoming an evolutionary leader during this important time -suggesting how to develop understanding and skills to manifest your vocation of destiny.

•To further awaken the evolving human within yourself through contact with me and others triggered by evolutionary codes within a resonant field

•To share, verify, deepen and integrate your own higher vibrational signals, experiences, universal contacts and evolutionary revelation. To develop your own “inner scripture.”

•To be prepared to further serve your new functions and remember your expanding vocations in the Metamorphosis Process now occurring on planet Earth.

Evolutionary Metamorphosis: An Alchemical Activation of Your Next Stage of Evolution

You know we’re in a critical moment in history.

There’s never been a more urgent time to elevate your consciousness and develop a cocreative partnership with your Essential Self to successfully navigate this time of global transformation and evolve our world.

With the approach of the collective birth, you – and all of us – are being called, like never before, to not only shift from your ego to your Essential Self, but to also move into your Universal Self, the highest frequency of your being.

You are then FULLY available to cocreate positive change and become an activation point for conscious evolution.

And as you deepen your experience of the Essential Self and Universal Self, you’re then empowered to guide others in their own emergence as Universal Humans.

That’s what the 12-week Emergence Process Advanced Training is all about.

Guided by evolutionary pioneer Barbara Marx Hubbard and transformational teacher Patricia Ellsberg, you will receive the latest tools, practices and codes to fully EMBODY your true essence, release life’s daily struggles and liberate your gifts of healing and transformation – at a time when the world needs your FULL participation.

Whether you’re a new or continuing student, this advanced training will enable you to fully incorporate the Emergence Process into the core of your being and daily life – and enter the next phase of your development as a Universal Human.   Are you called to ground your life in a new consciousness, free from fear and illusions of separation?

If so, we invite you to join Patricia Ellsberg and Barbara Marx Hubbard for this advanced course in the Emergence Process.

With the approaching planetary Birth Day on Dec. 22nd, now is the time to deepen your experience, expand your knowledge, share your wisdom and give the gift of your Essential Self and emerging Universal Human.

Nearly 80,000 people have said “yes” to the vision of a new era for humanity laid out by Barbara and Patricia. And close to 3,000 others have graduated from the Agents of Conscious Training and Emergence Process introductory training.

And now you, too, can be part of this world-changing movement or continue your journey here – and help birth a new consciousness. The Emergence Process is an essential practice if you are called to be an Agent of Conscious Evolution or you want to be an active participant in Birth 2012.

•Experience a place of peace, ease and inspiration as you leave behind the concerns, pressures, compulsions and stress of your daily life

•Fully connect to your Essential and Universal Selves and live with the utmost grace, confidence, creativity, purpose and joy.

•Deliberately release whatever you no longer choose to have happening in your life

•Heal long-held wounds within you and incarnate your Essential Self, becoming the Beloved you have been seeking

•Develop your own authentic power and discover greater flow in your work and life, seamlessly blending being and doing

•Clarify your soul’s purpose and your unique contribution to Birth 2012

•Learn how to maintain resonance, and create and foster Emergence Circles and Hubs, thereby moving from essence into action

Fully Embody Your Essential Self and Birth the Universal Human Within

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

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Friday, 24 August 2012

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This program is 100% - without a doubt - free! It is available to anyone in the world (must be 18 or older). It gives you a sign up bonus of $10.00 absolutely free. It has Revenue Sharing. Not just a measly profit sharing program but actual revenue sharing. It has a Retirement Plan too! Plus - you can get free e-books, free software, free bonuses, and a lot more! And you will never have to spend a single penny nor sell anything!!!

See what everyone is talking about. Eimimo - the newest and most unique income opportunity on the internet. Join us now!!

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Activate Your Dormant DNA Quickly – Easily – Gracefully

For the past ten years I have personally worked with people from all over the world who were ready to make a huge shift in their consciousness by accessing the power of the Consciousness 2.0™ Technology. The request for this technology is fast exceeding my time capability which is why the self-guided program is now available to you. As a special consideration, I am making this home study program available at the special price of only $297. Plus I want you to be included in the growing Fully Conscious Human community, so I am adding these three supportive community-building bonuses:

Bonus #1: Activate Your Energy Body Visualization

During the Consciousness Upgrades throughout the program, you will be guided to call out toxic thought patterns, memories and emotions from where they are hiding in your physical, emotional and mental bodies. When the meridian pathways are cleared first, as in this Energy Field Activation, the hidden toxins will release more easily and gracefully. The benefits of this meditation are:

Your life force energy will circulate more freely, nourishing your body

Your immune system will be reactivated, allowing your body to heal itself

You will reduce your stress level

You will experience more mental clarity

You’ll find it easier to cope with your emotions and situations that arise

You’ll attract clarity and balance in your relationships and life experience

Bonus #2: Raise Your Light Quotient Visualization

In this guided visualization, you will be calling in light frequencies such as love, joy, bliss, clarity like a light shower to bathe your cells. Clients report that after listening to this session repeatedly, they become masters of light and can call in any light frequency and instantly change their state of being to love, joy, bliss or whatever they want.

Bonus #3: Credit Coupon for any Consciousness 2.0™ 12-Session Teleclass

offered for the rest of this year. When you upgrade to the Tele-course or private mentoring formats, you will receive a credit equal to what you have invested in the self-guided kit to date. Teleclasses add value to your experience by providing group energy, support and structure to stay on track with a 12-week completion. Receive a full credit of the amount you invested in the Self-Guided Program.

Bonus #4: Invitation to Join the Reality Crafting Team

Consciousness 2.0 graduates are invited to join the Reality Crafting Teamfor a weekly teleconference. This growing group of graduates has been meeting for more than three years. The team masters their new Fully Conscious Human skills while serving the planet and humanity as we continue on our shared journey to fully express Paradise on Earth.

It Isn’t Just About YOU

The step you are about to take isn’t just about your personal peace and health; it’s also about the evolution of the entire planet. It’s about connecting on a global scale beyond anything this world has yet to see. Because we want to reach more people, and get them upgraded as quickly as possible, we’re offering this incredible Self-Empowerment instant download package at a generous price of only $497. And this is not like the programs you get from self-help seminars that you read once, then put on your shelf and return to your old habits. When you listen to the recordings you will change at cellular level, at your very core. There won’t be an old you to create old habits. Your soul doesn’t want you to wait thousands or even millions of years to evolve to the next level. Take control. Make that lasting, evolutionary change right now.

You Can Unlock Your Own Soul Essence Right Now …

Did you know that…

Your brain is an organic computer?

Your mind is the software. Your DNA is the database.

Your cell membranes are holographic projectors.

Your self-identity program (ego) was completed by age 7.

Your whole system can be upgraded.

When you upgrade your programming, you will:

Uninstall fear, judgment, limitation, struggle and pain programming.

Install your Highest True Self consciousness programmed for 
compassion, joy, unity and abundance.

The process involves listening to a guided meditation, once a week for 12 weeks. It works even if you have no prior success with meditation. You’ll be a completely different person when you finish and may even wonder how you got this far in life with your old programming running the show.

“No problem can be solved by the same level of consciousness that created it.

~~ Albert Einstein ”

Upgrade Every Aspect of Your Life:

Make Peace With Your Past

Release Negative Patterns

Transform Fear Into Love

Master Conscious Response-Ability

Heal Your Pain Body

Balance Heart and Mind

Express Soul Authenticity

Integrate Polarity

Reunite With Your Twin Flame

Download Your True Self Identity

Manifest Your Paradise

Consciousness 2.0™ Upgrades

The Consciousness 2.0™ Upgrade Programis a 12-session, step-by-step, self-guided program which literally overrides these old constrictive beliefs and replaces them with your True Self identity on a cellular level.

12 Upgrade Sessions

The software upgrade delivery method, featuring focused intention, sacred geometry and high frequency light and sound, delivered in a guided imagery format. The sessions can be delivered live in private phone sessions or get instant access to the digital recordings featuring soothing narration with relaxing background music. Just put on your headphones and receive your upgrades. Upgrade Installation GuideThe instructions on how to use the recordings, document your progress and integrate the upgrades gracefully.

Consciousness 2.0 Self-Acceleration Kit

Upgrade One: Make Peace with the Past

In this upgrade you will notice that people and situations that used to trigger you – won’t anymore. You will see through illusion, be more present in the NOW moment and find yourself better able to make conscious choices. You’ll feel free to speak your truth from your heart with respect and compassion. You’ll experience a deeper level of trust in your Higher Self, Divine Timing and the Law of Attraction. With this deeper trust, you are more open-hearted, and able to create soul-nourishing relationships. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Release mental patterns; including abandonment, betrayal, rejection and victimhood.

Transform unexpressed emotions; including anger, rage, resentment, hatred, jealousy, shame, guilt and grief into love and compassion.

Heal and upgrade the relationship of your inner male, female and child.

Rebalance the left and right brain with your emotional body.

Restore integrity, trust and allowance in situations in your life.

Download your higher, wiser self into your body

Upgrade Two: Discover Your Relationship Program

In this upgrade you will understand how and why you created your past relationship reality. You’ll be able to focus on the present moment and consciously choose your response (response-ability) instead of automatically reacting to your past programming. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Free you from the heavy emotional energy lurking in the shadows, you will feel safe to explore and become aware of the unconscious relationship programming that your mind created in your first 7 years of life.

Discover the unconscious attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and behavior patterns related to love, trust, power and integrity in relationships.

Upgrade Three: Heal Your Pain Body

In this upgrade you will heal the Pain Body, which frees you to be present, conscious and authentic. You stop attracting and recreating painful situations. Your ego is now relieved of the burdensome job of defending you from the past pain it has been projecting for re-creation. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Transmute unexpressed emotional pain.

Transform past painful experiences into memories without negative emotional charge.

View past memories from a higher perspective and transform your experience.

Create an energetic seal that won’t let you store pain in your body ever again.

Upgrade Four: Empower Your Heart and Soul

In this upgrade you will restore proper balance of heart and soul in sacred union with your mind and ego. You’ll access your inner advisor for clear communication and guidance from your heart and soul, allowing you to discern what is the best use of your attention and energy in every moment. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Replace your false mind-created ego with your True Soul Presence.

Uninstall fear and judgment programming

Expand your “comfort zones”

Establish a strong connection with your Wise Inner Advisor

Upgrade Five: Discover Your Self-Identity Program

In this upgrade you will experience a new level of awareness of how and why you created your Earthly self-identity blueprint. Consciously choose to keep only what serves your highest good and easily let go of the rest. Access a deeper level of conscious response-ability and soul authenticity. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Free you from the heavy emotional energy lurking in the shadows. You will feel safe to explore and become aware of the unconscious self-image programming that your mind created in your first 7 years of life.

Discover the unconscious attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and behavior patterns related to how you view yourself, what you project on others, worthiness, success, sex, religion, politics and more.

Upgrade Six: Integrate Polarity

In this upgrade you will suspend judgment and experience discernment and compassion at a cellular level. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Disconnect from the mass consciousness judgment and fear matrix.

Connect to the compassion matrix that is universally available to you on a soul level.

Reunite with lost heart and soul fragments that shattered during times of trauma.

Upgrade Seven: Discover Your Money Program

In this upgrade you will experience a new level of awareness of how and why you created your current money blueprint and set point. You’ll prepare to release the old blueprint. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Discover your money set point.

Discover your unconscious programming related to money, wealth, rich people, power, worthiness and personal value.

Upgrade Eight: Upgrade Your Prosperity Program

In this upgrade you will experience and feel the exquisite sense of freedom and expansiveness of prosperity consciousness. No matter what your current level of prosperity is, you can learn how to upgrade, upgrade and upgrade again until you gracefully and joyfully fulfill your Divine Plan which reflects a higher level of prosperity and wealth into your life. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Uninstall separation, lack and limitation programming

Install prosperity programming

Recalibrate your money set point

Upgrade Nine: Manage Your Prosperity

In this session you will establish a new program for connecting and building your wealth as it supports your true life purpose. The presentation on this recording will:

Show you a simple, yet powerful money management system.

Show you how the dynamics of energy flow, integrity and joyful service support your expanding wealth and Divine Plan.

Upgrade Ten: ReBirth Your True Self

In this upgrade you will experience a feeling of safety and self-love. You’ll also establish a permanent connection to Divine Intelligence and unlimited life force energy to fuel your conscious creations. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Rebirth yourself into a whole new Consciousness 2.0 operating system

Rewrite your life story to support wholeness, self-love, expanded multi-dimensional perceptions

Upgrade Eleven: ReUnite With Your Twin Flame

In this upgrade you will no longer yearn for a partner to “complete you.” Your longing will disappear because you will finally feel whole and complete. You will fall in love with yourself, drop your “neediness” and become more attractive than ever. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Purify yourself from all past relationships that draw on your energy.

Merge with that part of you that exists in spirit form when you are in human form.Upgrade Twelve: Manifest Your Paradise

In this upgrade you will discover how to manifest a magnificent reality that is grander than anything you could have imagined for yourself. The guided meditation in this upgrade will:

Create your dream from your heart, aligned with your Fully Conscious Human Identity and Divine Plan.

Call in a holographic blueprint of your potential new dream.

View your potential new dream from many different angles.

Show you how to consciously choose to bring the dream into your physical experience.

Experience A Breakthrough In Human Evolution

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

I just joined this Fr3e site and it's got me saying OMG!!

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It is the ONLY way to GET IN FIRST in what is sure to be the biggest launch of 2012, and I have here - FIRST !!

It is building my $$ flow to mammoth proportions and it's really EASY.

I am getting spillover out of this world..FAST. Best of all, it's all Fr3e and you can get in Now - ahead of the masses.

This is the most simple system for massive abundance I have ever seen.

You need to see and join fr3e here - NOW:

To our mutual success

OMG, Launching September 2012 . . hurry . .

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Whether your company outreach is focused on lead generation or establishing thought leadership, Proformative custom webinars offer you the chance to connect with corporate decision-makers through popular, accessible events tailored to your company, products and services. Educate, inform and inspire while generating leads and building your brand.

Custom Webinar Sponsors Receive:

Access to registration list with contact information and full demographics

Guaranteed audience of at least 200 registrants per webinar

Speaker biographies, company logo and corporate bio on pre-post marketing materials

Three month national premium listing and micro-site in Proformative Marketplace

In our continued partnership with Proformative on various webinars,

we consistently receive high quality leads, great branding exposure and strong ROI.

Keri Brooke, Vice President of Marketing, Host Analytics.

Improve Your Lead Generation & Increase your Sales to over 600,000 Corporate Finance Executives

It’s time for your email marketing to go mobile. More than half of all consumers in this country are willing to change their mobile carrier if they can’t get tailor-made content and receive relevant offers. 1 in 4 only shop using their smart phone. We’re scanning mobile tags, making purchasing choices based on the design of a product’s mobile site. The number of mobile transactions is on path to rise 400% in 2012. Shopping mobile was worth $9 billion last year; it’s predicted to be $12 billion in two years. The smartphone market now exceeds the PC market and with more than a billion devices anticipated in two years, web traffic could shoot up 26 times its current amount by 2016!

Got the point? Your email marketing campaign’s design needs to reflect the trend to mobile. And if your target happens to be CFOs, listen to this.

87% of executives have laptops, 82% smartphones. CFOs have more web-connected devices than anyone, even more than CEOs. The younger the executive, the more the statistics slide toward comfort with and commitment to mobile devices. Among top leadership, 45% say by 2015 they’ll have made a tablet or smartphone their key device.

The CFO is leading the way into a future where a tablet and/or a smart phone can create any transaction or any brand.

Carving out space for email marketing for mobile to reach C-level executives reflects the amount of B2B marketing, purchasing, even decision-making processes moving to mobile. The trends should light up your eyes if you’ve sought ways to reach CFOs, because CFOs are always looking for easier, more efficient ways; they are cost-conscious, even more so than ordinary consumers.

As you tailor your email marketing campaign’s design for CFOs, follow these rules:

Easy on images

Make the layout as simple as possible

Optimize, optimize, optimize


Use code responsive technology to match the device being used

Give the eye room to roam by using white space

Tap into Proformative’s rapidly growing 600,000-member community of CEOs and other financial and accounting executives – rent segmented mailing lists of CFOs and have Proformative execute your broadcasts, include your advertorials in the company’s newsletter and call our team to brainstorm on many other ways to generate demand for your business.

While working on email marketing campaign’s design and crafting content for your email sequences, remember: CFOs are also more demanding about how clear and no-nonsense the messages that they receive are, so:

Avoid hype marketing terms

Give them information that helps them run their business

Educate, inform, and respect the challenges they face

This style, partnering with Proformative and a commitment to the new mobile world, can make communicating with CFOs much easier.

Download Proformative’s white paper “How to market to CFOs” ( to learn how to craft your messages and distribute them through channels most appealing to corporate finance executives.

Attend our virtual events to learn more about how to sell technologies to today’s CFOs.

Now, tell us how you’re using email marketing to reach CFOs.

What seemingly intractable problems have you solved using these strategies?

How has it affected your brand and reputation?

Has your relationship to mobile changed?

What have you gained/learned from joining the Proformative B2B community?

Got any statistics to tell us about?    

Efficient email marketing campaigns design for mobile — reach CFOs everywhere they are

The White Paper as a tool in B2B marketing is experiencing use fatigue and increased competition. In the summer of 2001, a Google search for the phrase “white papers” yielded 1.4 million hits. Nine years later, the same phrase yielded 19.6 million hits.

Just reaching a CFO with your marketing materials is a challenging task. Research finds that many traditional marketing tactics are typically ineffective when selling to corporate finance executives. Thought leadership marketing, on the other hand, always has delivered great results for B2B brands, so it’s important to understand how to write a white paper that conveys the power of an effectively written educational and sales page.

How to Write a B2B Sales Page or White Paper: Understanding Your Target

At Proformative we actively use our customer’s white papers as one of many methods to foster engagement with our user base of over 600,000 corporate finance executives and generate highly qualified leads. While some white papers are crafted for this audience, others ask for some improvement in order for them to be an effective lead generation asset that will attract CFOs’ attention.

Here’s what to remember: The CFO’s role has changed from being the “chief accountant and number reporter” to being a core part of the business team evaluating every major strategic and tactical move in the enterprise.

Now a clear second-in-command at most companies behind the CEO, the CFO drives almost all inward-facing activity at their company, and increasingly is involved with customers and press as well.

To appeal to corporate, finance executives such as the CFO know they want to see bottom-line benefits summed up in a page or two when you write a white paper. They want to hear about lower costs, better sales, higher profits or improved customer service. They expect a no-nonsense, polished production, with clear graphics they can understand at a glance.

Saving Time and Money on the Process

If you’re a medium-sized technology firm, you’ll spend $5,000 to $8,000 and one to two weeks to have a white paper written and illustrated, so here are some quick tips on how to write a paper to save you time and money:

1. Round up approvals from all stakeholders early on.

2. Submit short deliverables for discussion and consensus, such as a creative brief or a one-page outline, before you start writing the 10-page document.

3. Get your client or company to make a tangible commitment to completing all steps involved in writing a paper.

4. Make sure your designer understands the white paper format.

The top four problems facing most CFOs

Appealing to financial executives is challenging because they consume more information due to their added responsibilities. It requires them to deliver more insights, more diagnoses, and more data and that needs to be considered when you write your white paper or sales pages.

1. Quality Information – Companies make tactical and strategic decisions all the time. Finance and accounting are right in the middle of these decisions. Key is getting the right data at the right time and in the right format to make it useful to whoever needs it.

2. Risk and Compliance – Companies face risks every day that arise from employing people, operating in various locations, moving and managing large amounts of money, responding to the needs of shareholders, and being targets for litigation.

3. Communications – The traditional responsibility of the CFO was to produce and publish financial statements. Now a media-driven world pressures the CFO to provide a company image to analysts, investors, and employees. In light of recent events, positive image mostly means integrity and value, both in the company’s character and as a financial investment. Another frequent communication issue for CFOs is needing accurate metrics to help analyze “big picture” issues.

4. Financial Planning/Reporting – Many CFOs lack the tools required for forecasting or planning. These serious problems make hearing a sales pitch insulting. But help them solve their problems through education and useful information, and you can get the CFO’s attention.

For a copy to be appealing to corporate finance executives such as a CFO, it should be in a plain, clear language and format that is easy to read. It should not include distracting graphics or extraneous links, but instead provide high-value information relevant to your audience.

Use a Layered Approach when Crafting the White Paper Content

Attention spans are getting shorter as the result of growing workloads and the popularity of social media, so adding attention-generating elements to your white paper ensures that your key marketing messages will appeal to corporate finance executives and have the best opportunity to be noticed, read, and acted on.

Produce something that can be consumed in three layers.

Skimming – Just by using headlines and summary highlights, the basic points of the entire document can be read and understood in less than a minute.

Preliminary Reading – Assuming the one-minute skimming is effective and motivates more interest, set up the material so a second layer of information can be consumed in 15 to 30 minutes.

Comprehensive Reading & Recommendations – A third reading can then offer the details, statistics and background information for the person on an as-needed basis.

Table of Contents

A useful way to lead a reader quickly through your white paper is to provide the following:

1. The executive summary with a synopsis of the entire white paper in one concise page.

2. The concluding summary with essential walk-away messages.

3. Summary paragraphs and juicy, meaningful quotes highlighted by formatting are excellent and often the first things noticed on a given page of a white paper.

4. Graphics provide a way to understand complex issues via illustrations and visualization.

5. Bullet lists help readers to see and understand all the elements that make up a complex issue.

6. Shaded text boxes provide readers with bottom-line summary statements. Shading one or more paragraphs of text is an effective way of distinguishing bottom-line statements from the remaining text on the page.

Copywriting Specifics – writing for CFOs

Avoid marketing jargon. Don’t use terms you’ve heard used in selling; it will not appeal to corporate finance executives. They will tune you out.

What does impress them is information that helps them run their business. Educate them on trends or how to get the most out of corporate systems, or new ways of using data in internal communications, etc.

Educate first, last and always. Connecting with them on their issues will, as in any process, increase the likelihood of a response. Give them the information they most value and make it easily digestible to create the brand impression you desire.

CFO’s Are Humans Too, You Know?

Despite their intense, unique demands, CFOs respond to the same copywriting basics as all of us. Deliver a white paper that clearly answers the following questions:

What will they learn?

Why do they need your product or service?

Who are you?

What qualifies you to speak to them?

Your Check List:

Has your final document created an emotional connection or hook that identifies with their emotional reason for needing your product or service?

Have you clearly shown the way your product or service can not only improve their business, but also create transformation for your readers that leads to emotional relief and satisfaction?

Have you let readers know that the product or service is easy to use?

Have you added trust factors such as testimonials and risk reversals such as guarantees?

Have you added call to action and placed it strategically where it can have the best possible effect?

So, you’ve written a perfect white paper. Now what?

Proformative’s Solutions For Reaching CFOs

and Over 600,000 Other Corporate Finance Decision-Makers

Proformative’s integrated marketing campaigns offer marketers an opportunity to take advantage of comprehensive features in their B2B marketplace:

B2B “micro-site” with multiple sub-tabs of rich information on your products;

Full company contact information including websites, phone numbers, email and more;

A full, graphically rich, descriptive home page;

A tab for your company’s locations;

White papers and case studies with unlimited lead generation;

The ability to publish videos, news and blog posts;

A Resource tab where you can post any number of collateral and resource documents;

An Events tab where you can post events that draw the interest of our community;

A tab for customer reviews.

Proformative offers not only a wide range of world class marketing solutions for lead generation; it also has designed a variety of on-site and off-site lead nurturing solutions that advance prospects through the purchase cycle and provide marketers with ready-to-buy sales leads that return high ROI on your marketing investment.

How to Write a B2B White Paper and Sales Page Appealing to Corporate Finance Executives

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

While demand generation is all about building brand awareness, influence in your industry and interest in your solutions, lead generation efforts are focused on qualifying and prioritizing prospects, nurturing qualified leads, coordinating marketing with sales, and measuring and optimizing the relationship.

Every new planning season presents an opportunity to revisit your strategic plans and tactical execution of your campaigns to successfully reach corporate finance executives with your marketing programs.

What will your demand generation programs look like in Q4 and upcoming 2013?

In B2B circles for rapidly growing businesses like yours, i.e. with marketing budgets around $500K and above, Q4 is historically a time when marketing spend picks up. Sales need the push to reach year-end quotas, or budget protection kicks in and justifies spending to defend getting at least as much to spend in the next cycle.

Here are 16 things to avoid while budgeting your demand generation programs:

Failing to accurately measure your conversions and optimize your campaigns.

Not optimizing and not aligning your landing pages to better fit your customer search profiles.

Beating yourself up because you haven’t figured out how to get social media to pay off as much as you imagine it should.

Failing to pay attention to your social conversations to build campaigns for other channels considering the results.

Not customizing your social strategy to match your ad groups and campaigns.

Giving up on “face-to-face” gatherings (how about teleconference?) with important customers.

Thinking that marketing automation will solve process issues and people problems.

Assuming that your creatives’ and broadcasts’ targeting is good enough and not working to make it better.

Being unwilling to measure campaign results, however small the sample.

Forgetting to adjust your budget based on average cost per lead or cost per conversion.

Not finding better ways to address your customers’ pain points.

Failing to improve everything in your system that has been designed to nurture leads and aligning the “why change?” and the “why you?” processes.

Not using a social savvy management system and automation platform.

Not using demand generation assets that address the emotional, “survival” aspects driving your customer. Got artfully crafted white papers that do just that? Why not promote them to Proformative’s community of over 600,000 corporate finance executives?

Not listening to the surveys that say 80% or more of businesses feel their demand generation campaigns are not delivering the leads and sales they expected, so new strategies and new channels must be designed and tested.

Not investing in new, compelling content and new content distribution channels. Have you tried Proformative’s demand generation solutions yet? Why not?

That’s what not to do. Now, what to do?

What to Avoid While Budgeting Demand & Lead Generation Programs for 2013

With an audience of over 600,000 corporate finance professionals, Proformative offers the most advanced thought leadership and demand generation platform for companies that are looking to reach CFOs, Treasurers and other decision-makers with the right message at the right time, and at the right cost. Proformative members represent companies of all sizes and industries – including almost all of the Fortune 500. 52% of all Proformative members are senior executives and more than 85% have significant buying power. Engage with Proformative’s powerful and otherwise hard-to-reach community of influencers and decision makers. Attract the right audience to your offer with the highest ROI by broadcasting your message to our users through relevant content, across multiple platforms to a highly targeted and valuable audience. Proformative’s value goes beyond delivering a consistent inflow of highly qualified, time-relevant sales leads. We are also well known for our ability to rapidly establish our partners’ dominant thought leadership position in their industry by creating well planned sequences of memorable experiences that cultivate influence among their target audience. By aggressively building our customers’ sales funnel and populating it with “warm” leads we reduce time-to-close and constantly deliver high ROI to our clients. Proformative focuses on innovation, reliability, problem-solving and customer satisfaction via a portfolio of world-class products. This enables our clients to improve their interactive marketing programs and significantly increase performance of their direct marketing campaigns


Build mindshare, generate ready-to-close sales leads

and accelerate ROI with our fine-tuned thought leadership marketing campaigns – strategy, design and execution.

We start with learning your strategic agenda and then amplify market awareness with a convergence of thought leadership, branding, and demand generation programs to accelerate time-to-close for your leads and dramatically increase marketing ROI.

Corporate decision-makers spend thousands of hours yearly interacting with our sponsors’ content via Proformative’s portfolio of industry info-hubs, content assets and a community of over 600,000 senior finance professionals. We focus on driving user interaction to content-centered rich media delivered through a variety of channels.

As a CFO I value the recommendations of my peers in choosing service providers. I can leverage recommendations and find the best partners to work with.
Brenda Morris, CFO, Love Culture

We design demand generation programs in a manner that provides unparalleled opportunity for clients to create deeper engagement with audiences through our thought leadership programs executed via multiple vehicles – pre-packaged opportunities or custom solutions. We continuously build new, interactive experiences to create a sequence of meaningful actions for decision makers to increase readiness to engage with your brand and susceptibility to your marketing message.

Build mindshare, generate ready-to-close sales leads and accelerate ROI with fine-tuned thought leadership marketing campaigns

Demand generation

Leveraging its sophisticated thought leadership programs, Proformative offers an integrated demand generation platform with a single framework for planning and execution of direct-response campaigns. Our dedicated team of experts offers winning B2B marketing strategies and will execute and measure you multi-channel campaigns.

Proformative is community-driven. Unlike other social networking or business-related websites, Proformative is “noise-free” in every respect. Information, insights and opinions are shared by senior finance professionals and subject matter experts expressly for this group of professionals.

Read our case studies to unlock the business case for our solutions custom-tailored for your demand generation and thought leadership programs.

Cultivate a strong professional brand by sharing knowledge within the largest online community of senior level finance, accounting, and other related professionals

Leveraging its sophisticated thought leadership programs

Monday, 13 August 2012

It seems like everybody has their own theory on how to survive the recession. Just some of the kind of stuff you’ll see across the internet and blogosphere is advice like:

1. Protect your job

2. Move while others are distracted

3. Earn extra money

4. Evaluate your mortgage

5. Refinance high interest credit cards

6. Reduce spending

7. Haggle your way to savings

8. Conserve and reduce your energy bills

9. Avoid taking on any unnecessary debts

I really could go on to reach 99 just to represent the saying, “99 ways to skin a cat”. But I won’t waste your time. I know you can Google it for yourself and find hundreds more advice from every Tom, Dick and Harry out there.

So let me get straight to the point.

With so many ways and advice, how come not everyone gets rich? How come not everyone who reduces their spending get rich? How come not everyone who has an education get rich? How come not everyone who starts a business get rich?

Because it’s not about what you do, it’s about how you do it. Cause while there are 99 ways to skin a cat, if you don’t do it RIGHT — whichever method you have chosen — it won’t bring RESULTS.

So what is the ONE right thing that you need to do to get rich?

Bob Proctor knows. And he wants to tell you that there is a science — a formula — to get rich. It’s about doing certain things in a certain way. And this blueprint has been proven to make anyone get rich across centuries.

So before you waste your time trying out 99 ways blindly, get this one formula that will transform your financial future.

To learn more about the Science of Getting Rich – go to

Learn the Exact Formula to Achieve Any Financial Goal With Mathematical Certainty from the gurus featured in “the Secret

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