Saturday, 29 September 2012

The pain and suffering and apparent "wounds" are a result of being in illusion, in one's egoic activity too much. Most of what is going on in our day to day world is just a bunch of egoic programming interfacing with other programming, more like the Matrix (film) than people think. I know it is possible for each individual to wake up out of the dream or illusion to realize one's true nature, one's true being. The requirement is putting that commitment above all else - making realizing one's true nature one's highest priority in life. And that commitment leads in some way to honest SELF-INQUIRY (specifically, SELF-INQUIRY into the truth of one's self, one's true nature, and what activities of MIND one habituates which keeps one from realizing what they already always are).

And when it comes to "beliefs" it is important not to simply take the words of another and recite them as one's own, or quote them from a scripture, but to listen to others and then always find out for oneself through personal experience. And to share from there (personal experience) what one has found freely, openly, and relaxedly with others - for them to accept or reject as they wish. The diversity of perspectives, when shared casually with others can be a wonderful thing, expanding life's possibilities. Wanting or forcing others to see things the way you do is counter productive and not fun. I think this is one of the downfalls of traditional religions - trying to force or persuade others to their way of seeing things. This behavior stems from an insecurity based on a shaky foundation of beliefs. from a sound and truly stable foundation of Being people do not need to persuade others or force anything onto others.

My devotion is to Truth. My highest priority and commitment in life is to abiding as and living life from my true, natural state. I regularly visit and listen to and speak with true teachers, who talk about this with other who are interested. I have found some great teachers who are quite good at pointing to the Truth. I gladly point to the pointers and you can connect with them here if you wish.

Therefore, to sum up my philosophy I would state simply:

1) We are all the same One "consciousness" that can take itself to be anything - and thus we seem to be what we take ourselves to be (including taking ourselves to be separate people). And we ARE unique, individual expressions of the ONE whole.

2) All that we experience in life is based on our interpretation. Our interpretation determines the nature of our existence. This goes deeper than just our surface thinking.

3) ALL suffering and unfulfillment is the result of faulty interpretation - of taking ourselves to be a somebody separate from others - separate from the One. Taking ourselves to be an identity different from our true nature. It is like believing you ARE the Halloween costume character you put on.

4) Therefore, having the broadest, truest angle of vision, the most accurate interpretation is wise. It is okay to be lost in the illusion, but our species is on a destructive path (ruining of our habitat, etc.) due to this getting out of hand. To continue Life as we know it on this planet we need to wake up and consciously create a better dream of life.

5) Truly realizing and abiding as one's true nature (consciousness), the natural state, is the only way to accomplish this. All solution to all problems come from this awareness place.

6) The requirement for enlightenment is to make #5 one's highest priority in life, above comfort, security, pleasure, etc. Then one will naturally attract the help and support one needs to wake up and stabilize in living that awakening. Stabilizing involves inquiring into and seeing all the ways in which one has avoided one's true nature, all the programming and habits and fixations, including one's very notion of being "separate".

7) The clincher is this - No one outside you needs to change - only you. It is up to YOU! This may not make sense, but that is only because of the illusion of separation. It also makes it a whole lot easier as that is all you can change anyway, and it is actually distraction and avoidance to be fixated on what seems to need to change in others.

Thus, I have found that the ONLY solution to the world's and an individual's struggle, suffering, or unfulfillment is true self-realization (enlightenment). All other approaches and "solutions" are pseudo and/or temporary and are of the realm of hidden programming, which goes deeper than people realize. All those beings throughout history who have truly self-realized have said the same things - among those things that we are in a state of illusion which is so profound that even our notion of separateness is illusion; that the answer to life's woes is through Truth - which inevitably leads to self-realization - the conscious awakeness. The conscious is always present behind the illusion. It is not "attained", it is what is always there and comes forth when the illusion is busted. All are now invited to wake up from the Dream. visionary art and inspiration

Our true nature IS Heart, is Love - The ONLY solution is true self-realization!

When people are awake they naturally abide by these values, they naturally care for all people, all species, all of life; and when these values are lived you get Peace, Harmony, Security, Happiness and Joy as a byproduct. These things cannot be bought or forced (as those currently in positions of power and authority continue attempting). Believing the illusion that one is separate from the whole leads one to pseudo solutions – such as attempting to find happiness by acquiring more money and things, attempting to gain security by using force, acquiring more and more power, etc. True solutions are only found within. It takes us, as individuals, looking within, waking up and living in unity consciousness and as a result of this (which is already happening and is in progress) we will stop giving our power and money away to those in positions of power and authority who are unconscious and greedy. Those in positions of power and authority are diseased by ego – like an extremely obese person who is on a destructive course. They crave power and money and are sick people. It only contributes to collective negativity to hate them or hold them in contempt. So forgive them and look in the mirror and clean your own house and those outside will eventually lose their power as a result.

I have listened to many teachers and I have checked in to my own experience and my innermost being to validate, or not; what is said. It is my experience that we are all of the same oneness, and that our "separateness" is indeed an illusion; that this illusion is vast and pervasive and seems very real; that the stronger we indulge in the illusion the more egoic we act, the more ignorant we are and that all suffering we experience is in some way a result of this complex illusion. The illusion is a distortion of the Truth, which is always present behind the illusion and That is all of our One true nature - pure consciousness.

When we are truly in our hearts, truly feeling the connectedness, the love, we then feel joy and peace as we are more being our true nature. Truth does not assert, defend, or try to convince others. Our true nature IS Heart, is Love.

The pain and suffering and apparent "wounds" are a result of being in illusion, in one's egoic activity too much. Most of what is going on in our day to day world is just a bunch of egoic programming interfacing with other programming, more like the Matrix (film) than people think. I know it is possible for each individual to wake up out of the dream or illusion to realize one's true nature, one's true being. The requirement is putting that commitment above all else - making realizing one's true nature one's highest priority in life. And that commitment leads in some way to honest SELF-INQUIRY (specifically, SELF-INQUIRY into the truth of one's self, one's true nature, and what activities of MIND one habituates which keeps one from realizing what they already always are).

And when it comes to "beliefs" it is important not to simply take the words of another and recite them as one's own, or quote them from a scripture, but to listen to others and then always find out for oneself through personal experience. And to share from there (personal experience) what one has found freely, openly, and relaxedly with others - for them to accept or reject as they wish. The diversity of perspectives, when shared casually with others can be a wonderful thing, expanding life's possibilities. Wanting or forcing others to see things the way you do is counter productive and not fun. I think this is one of the downfalls of traditional religions - trying to force or persuade others to their way of seeing things. This behavior stems from an insecurity based on a shaky foundation of beliefs. from a sound and truly stable foundation of Being people do not need to persuade others or force anything onto others.

My devotion is to Truth. My highest priority and commitment in life is to abiding as and living life from my true, natural state. I regularly visit and listen to and speak with true teachers, who talk about this with other who are interested. I have found some great teachers who are quite good at pointing to the Truth. I gladly point to the pointers and you can connect with them here if you wish.

Click to visit.

All of our One true nature - pure consciousness

Spiritual Awakening is the profound experiential realizing of one's true nature, from the illusory trance of apparent separation (chronically taking oneself to be separate) and egoic identification which most people are being. Enlightenment generally means the stabilized living from that awareness. Enlightenment is not some state that is achieved. It is simply the realization of one's natural state - the field of consciousness THAT all experience and manifestation happens in, one's very true nature, that has always been here - the SOURCE of all, the ONENESS (though that term hardly describes it). It is hard to describe as it is that which is PRIOR to BEING - the consciousness which always is and has always been the source of all being, all experience, and all manifestation.

True Spiritual Awakening cannot really be described with words, nor brought about through words or thinking; however, it can be pointed to and here are some of the finest pointers I have found...

I humbly point to the pointers (Eckhart Tolle probably articulates the most clearly and broadly for all to get):

Spending time with these teachers (or even at their web sites, which are all linked) will be very worthwhile and enriching, particularly if you are ripe - tired of struggling and trying to "improve your life" yet still suffering, and are ready to realize your true nature. Ready to stop thinking you ARE your story - that story associated with your name and your body - that concocted identity you take yourself to be.

There are many people and ideologies that claim to have the "truth". I have found much of it to be false (especially those who have formed into organized religions). And there are many teachings which are just elaborate systems which depend upon beliefs (such as religions) rather than direct experience. I found the beings listed below to be true. Their message is all basically the same. Everyone here gets my highest recommendation. If you are ready or getting ready - these people have gone before and are showing the way. visionary art and inspiration

Your can experience Spiritual Awakening!

Since nature abhors a vacuum, consciousness or enlightened reason occurs as the cognition objectively becomes removed from the thought stream, thus choosing to be unemotionally involved in reactions to environmental stimulus. The result of choosing to remain unaffected creates a "conscious vacuum" that occurs at some point immediately or some time later after the choice of objectivity is exercised. The resulting "conscious vacuum" draws in new, NOW energy similar to the way lungs breath in fresh air. The word "inspire" literally means "God breathed." Thus, the living conscious self is bathed with life-force known as "intuition."

OE (objectivity exercised) + CV (conscious vacuum) + II (inspired intuition) = NE (NOW energy)

Nature Sounds CDs

The Theoretical Physics of Consciousness

Planning, patience, and persistence are of prime importance.

Let your mind do the creating and your mouth hands and feet do the manifesting.

Ask with expectancy of receiving.

Know that you will succeed.

Humans do not move into the future, the future moves towards humans.

What we are thinking and doing now creates the future.

All material things are created from the human imagination.

The spoken and written word and physical effort brings thoughts to realities.

Passion creates physical and emotional energy.

Patience allows things to arrive at the right time.

Failure always comes before success.

State often and passionately OUT LOUD what it is that you want to achieve or do.

The emotional content of your thoughts pervade within your transmitting energy, attracting opportunities and circumstances within your environment as the future moves towards you. Focus clear positive emotion at what you want to achieve then do whatever is legally and morally required to achieve your ends.

Thought; Passion; Belief; Effort; Hard Work; Potential Failure; Result

Don't fall for the nonsense that life will always just be OK, because it won't. Put plainly. Like it or not on a personal national and global level Bad Stuff Happens!!!! So have your shovel ready. Never take failure personally, and no matter how bad anything might appear at the time, the sun always rises the next day.

Goddess Awakening hypnosis CD MP3

A Formula for Manifestation

"New observations have smashed the old (scientific) view of our universe." Since that time, theorists continue trying to make sense of all the data. "Either the universe is dominated by a bizarre form of energy; or our universe is just one strangely curved bubble of space-time in an infinite continuum."

If then, physical matter is not the basic stuff of the universe, but energy is, then a significant question can be posed; at least for hypothetical consideration? Why should any life system emerge on any planet only in a strictly three-dimensional physical context and with sensing systems geared uniquely and only to perceiving the physical forms of matter? This question can be posed in a number of other ways.

For example, since energy is the fundamental constituent of physical matter, why should life forms consist only of the matter and not the energy? Or, if life forms are fundamentally erected out of energy, why should they only possess sensory systems regarding matter, and not possess sensory systems regarding energies?

The most comprehensive, and logical, answer is that all life systems have arrays of sensing mechanisms and faculties regarding both matter and energy-and in fact it is understood that all life forms are probably more sensitive overall to energies than to physical matter. This equates to two sets of sensing systems, one geared for perceiving the physical, the other geared for perceiving the energetic.

Of course, in the behaviouristic context, energy sensing is often explained away as subliminal responses to "cues" of body language and behavior posturing. Such cues play an obvious role, but the responses often occur over distances when the direct sighting of body cues is not possible. For clarity here, if one senses another's vibes, then those vibes are emanating from the other person's aura energy fields. In that one is sensing invisible energies in this case, such sensing is a form of telepathic energy transference. People possess energy sensing systems with regard to emotions radiating from the energy fields of others, such as emanations of love, hate, acceptance and rejection, danger, approachability, imminent illness or death.

Intuition and its associated sensing systems cannot be based only on the five physical senses. For example, the sensing of love, hate, and also sexual availability are not functions of the five physical senses, and neither is the sensing of stealth, activity, secrecy, duplicity, truth, falsehood, and even the sensing of another's power. Most people realize that they possess sensing systems, but they seldom realize how or why. If the prospective of multiple human sensing systems is considered, all human beings can be thought of as composites of self-propulsion, walking, talking, and thinking sensing systems. Within that context, the sensing systems can be said to exist in everyone. It is only their automatic "self propulsion" that has been dumbed down, or become latently ineffectual. However it is entirely probable that a degree of automatic self-propulsion can at least be somewhat reactivated, by simply becoming aware of what sensing systems have actually become latent.

Up until about twenty years ago, the existence of these dumbed down sensing systems, would have to be hypothetically argued via psychical and para-psychological contexts. It is no longer necessary to argue for the existence of extensive human sensing systems in hypothetical terms. The reason for this is that knowledge regarding the nature of human sensing systems has dramatically increased, not in parapsychology but, believe it or not, in the sciences proper.

It is now scientifically clear that the human possesses not just the five standard sensing systems, but also very many more of very different kinds. It should be understood, that previous scientific argument against the existence of human sensing systems and their existence, centred on one particular aspect. If sensing systems, such as those having to do with intuition etc, were to be admitted as existing, then there needed to be receptors for them.

For the eye systems there are receptors for light and form. For the ears, there are systems with receptors for sound. The nose system has receptors for smell, the tongue system receptors for taste, and there are receptors on the skin for tactile impression or physical feeling. That was the scientific extent of human sensing receptors until the development of the electron microscope made it possible to discover other kinds of receptors on and within the human biological organism. For clarity, a receptor is defined as "a cell or a group of cells that can receive interpretable stimuli".

Rick Collingwood Personal Hypnotherapy CDs & MP3s
Multiple ARIA Award winning hypnosis programs proven to work! Titles include weight loss, quit smoking, insomnia cure, stress management + many more.
Relaxation music CDs Mp3s

Intuition & Human Psychic Abilities from a Scientific Perspective

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Everyone is looking forward to move ahead from the chaos and confusion that is rampant all over the world to a better tomorrow. Humanity is united in its desire to move away from these agitations to a life of peace and harmony.

When we begin to love life in spite of the everyday struggles and failures, we start noticing th e little joys and gifts that life throws at us unexpectedly. We begin to count our blessings and ind ways to express our gratitude for these. The vibes that we send out attract similar energies, hence these small acts and

beliefs build up gradually until we begin to vibrate and hold very strong positive intent and attitude. Such an attitude transforms our lives in miraculous ways.

Developing a positive outlook towards life is one of the major steps in the transformation process. When we look at life positively and in an affirmative light, we align ourselves with the positive intent and force of the Universe. The combined effect of this positive outlook and the positive aspect of the Universe

manifests in our lives, through our thoughts, emotions and actions.

We will literally become a channel through which the Divine operates to light up the lives of all those around us.
  Another area where we can assist others is with our intentions and prayers. When done collectively and with a focused attention, we can build up a huge field of energy with our positive intentions. This energy field attracts the required help and creates favorable conditions that are necessary for the transformation of everyone concerned. We can pray for peace and calm in the world and also for help and guidance for those who are affected by the difficult processes of the period of intense transformation.

Let's Experience Peace, Love, Truth, Light and Eternity

Many of the drastic Earth changes which were expected to occur

on 21st December 2012 have been shifted to the middle of 2015.

Even though the crossover point has been postponed, our Earth

will still go through the effects of various factors like the Galactic

Alignment and the reception of stronger energies from the Photon


The Individuals should not panic when calamities occur. They

have to go on with the normal flow of life, attending to all their

duties and responsibilities. Each one has to positivise himself

completely at all levels — thought, emotions and deeds. He has to

develop spiritual qualities of Love , Truth, Honesty, Simplicity and

Surrender. The awareness and knowledge about the higher

realities will help us remain unperturbed in any situation.

Having a strong link with the Rishis or our own higher aspects

is one of the most important factors which can help us move

through these testing times. And it is possible for anyone to

contact the Rishis and higher beings and get guided by them

directly, in every area of their lives. Spiritual practices like

meditations help us in establishing this contact and get clarity

within ourselves. But the most important requirement for such a

contact is purity, a clear intent and unconditional love towards

others, towards all Life.

We, the Souls, have arrived on this Earth to experience God’s

creation in this part of Existence. One of the greatest gifts we

have is ‘Freewill’. It allows us to choose our experiences — good,

bad and others, and also undergo the consequences of these

choices. Our destiny is created by our own intentions and actions,

moment by moment.

Moving into the New Light Age on this Earth is a destiny that

has to be chosen and created by each individual. Nobody else can

do this for us, nor can we make this choice for another person.

Every soul is given the opportunity to move into the higher life of

the New Age, or continue with similar or different experiences on

other Earths.

We are living, at present, in the turbulent phase of Pralaya,

the purpose of which is to cleanse and rid all individuals of their

negativities and elevate them to the life of the Light Age. This

cleansing is accompanied by a spiritual growth and transformation

in all of us.

Healing Yourself in The New Age

Our Earth has four Yugas. Each of them comes with a distinct characteristic and set of features. This cycle of the four Yugas, also called Mahayuga, repeats continuously.

Satya Yuga is an age of peace, harmony and perfection on our

Earth. This Yuga is also known by the names: Krita Yuga (meaning

‘perfect’), the New Age and the Light Age. In this phase, the

highest priority is given to a righteous living based on divine

principles such as truth and love. Mankind lives in total surrender

and alignment with the divine will. No dilution of values is allowed

in this age.

Life will be at its highest glory during this entire forthcoming

duration of the Golden Age. No ne gativities or diseases will exist,

and people would live in peace and joy, without ageing. In this

period, there will be no divisions or boundaries like nation, race or

class that may create barriers among men. Spiritual values like

freedom, accommodation and sharing will be the norm. With

everyone manifesting divinity all the time, it will be an absolute

Utopia — a heaven on Earth.   Most of the Souls that take birth in this Cosmos arrive with the

purpose of experiencing the diversity of God’s creation. They

come here to have new experiences, like a moon-rise or an ice-

cream, which is not possible in their Source, the ocean of Light.

Henceforth, the purpose of Life will be enhanced, and along

with experiencing the diversity, humanity will be working to serve

God and His creation. They will ex plore the unknown realities and

bring down new knowledge and energies from the hitherto

unknown parts of existence.

Humanity will also make more efforts to harness the

potential of the Soul to the fullest possible extent. This will result

in very interesting experiments and areas of growth. Many New

Souls from other Universes will take birth on our Earth thus adding

to this process with their unique potential. As creativity and intelligence increases, many new things will be created, invented

and manifested.

So in the New Light Age, humanity will be engaged in a

growth-oriented living rather than merely surviving and

experiencing life. Every Soul will contribute and add value to the

quality of living on this Planet and in Creation.

The New Light Age coming on Earth

Monday, 24 September 2012

For scientists who study the human brain, even its simplest act of perception is an event of astonishing intricacy.
40 Hz brain activity may be a kind of binding mechanism, said Dr. Rodolfo Llinas, a professor of neuroscience at New York University.
Llinas believes that the 40-cycle-per-second wave serves to connect structures in the cortex where advanced information processing occurs, and the thalamus, a lower brain region where complex relay and integrative functions are carried out.

The Brain Wave Frequencies of Health

by Jean Charles Genet, Director of The National Center for Integrative Medicine and The National Research Center for Chronic Fatigue
The ability of the brain to enter and maintain certain frequencies while sleeping may determine the level of health a person experiences.
Individuals suffering from the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue (waking up tired, stressed, experiencing symptomatic pain, depression, confused thinking, memory loss, headaches, nervous stomach, or having sleeping disorders, etc.) were solicited by the National Research Center for Chronic Fatigue in Denver, Colorado.
Nature Image
Patients were measured by electroencephalographic (EEG) brain wave recordings. It was revealed that certain frequencies could not be maintained. Although, as with any group, the response to one measured frequency is different from one person to the next, the overall response from those tested showed seven frequencies to be consistently weaker.
These seven frequencies seemed to be guide posts within the subconscious that lead the brain into and out of specific functions necessary for the nightly reconstructive process of the body to occur while in the sleep cycle. The weakness or inability to reach and maintain these frequencies related directly to the specific symptom or ailment experienced.
Reduction in Levels of Exhaustion
Those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue exhaust very easily. When moved to 4HZ these individuals showed marked improvement in the length of time between the occurrence of exhaustion after certain exercises were completed.

Solutions to Problems

At 7.5 HZ subjects who before suffered from confused thinking reported an ease at finding solutions to troublesome problems after a re-evaluation was conducted.

Less Effect From Symptoms
Those individuals whose ailments have manifested into the fourth stage of Chronic Fatigue, where some form of disease is apparent, experienced a release from the negative sensation of their symptoms when moved into 1.5HZ.

A New Theory of Consciousness

Brainwave Therapy or rather brainwave meditation is the simplest, most affordable way to directly tap into your higher potential and unleash your power to think, create, heal and to change. There’s no training necessary, no need to travel anywhere, or spend hundreds of dollars on complicated home training programs that take up a lot of your valuable time. Just 30 minutes a day will bring outstanding results.
When your brain is in balance your ability to think, learn, create and recall is remarkably enhanced. Perception expands, memory improves and you can concentrate more easily. You sleep better and are more resiliant to stress. A balanced brain brings freedom from fear, worry and even addictions that have stood in the way of you experiencing more fullfillment and joy.

how brainwave therapy works

Brain Sync audio programs deliver pure and precisely tuned sound frequencies to the brain to drive brain activity into high level states of mind. These are brain states known as: Alpha for heightened creativity and deep relaxation; Beta for high focus and concentration; Theta for meditation, insight and memory; Delta for deep sleep and healing; and Gamma to increase cognition and improve IQ.

A Brief History

First discovered by biophysicist Gerald Oster at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, Brainwave Therapy sends pure, precisely tuned sound waves of different frequencies to your brain via stereo headphones. In his EEG research, Oster discovered that when different vibrations, or sound frequencies, are delivered to the brain separately through each ear (as with stereo headphones), the two hemispheres of the brain function together to "hear" not the external sound signals, but a third phantom signal. This signal is called a binaural beat, and it pulses at the exact mathematical difference between the two actual tones. For example, a signal of 100 Hz delivered to the left ear and a signal of 107 Hz delivered to the right creates a binaural beat of 7 Hz which in this case falls into the Alpha range.

brain entrainment

Research shows that first parts of the brain and, eventually, large areas of the brain begin to resonate sympathetically with this "phantom" binaural beat in what is known as the Frequency Following Response.
Subsequent research determined that binaural beat frequencies drive brain activity into specific brain states. Thus, effortlessly and naturally, your brain activity slides into rhythm with this binaural beat, becoming organized and coherent. Within minutes, the sound frequencies start to balance the left and right hemispheres of your brain – creating a remarkable state called hemispheric synchronization and driving the electrical activity of your brain into powerful states, normally unattainable. Scientists have noted that this rare phenomenon was accompanied by flashes of creative insight, euphoria, intensely focused concentration, deep calm, and enhanced learning abilities.


Balance your brain - Change your life

We are living in a moment of spiritual awakening in which life on Earth is undergoing a great transformation. We have been residents here, each in our individually created circumstance, perceiving ourselves as limited and often beleaguered human beings in bodies. We have relied on our minds, our egos to lead us through the confusions of endless challenging scenarios.

The truth of us is so much grander than this. We are not limited. We are truly great beings of consciousness, cells in the heart of God, created by God at the Moment of Creation. Each of us is a unique and magnificent facet of an aspect of our Beloved Creator. Our hearts have always been our guiding force, both as our link to God, our Source, and our link to divine feeling which tunes us to the truth of the movement of Love and life.

What we have been experiencing on Earth is the adventure of what it is like to forget who we are. To truly come to know who we are and to serve God and humanity in this transformation, this spiritual awakening, we must shift our mode of perception. Instead of relying on information given us by the little mind, we now must open to our true mode of perception and come to experience life through the heart. We must now open the heart.

Each heart is as the heart of God. Nothing we have ever experienced in Earth life has changed that and it cannot. The communion of the Beloved and His/Her heart is eternal, everywhere present and totally acknowledged in every electron of life that is present in the whole of God. There has merely been amnesia, a forgetting among humanity that we are the heart of God and only Love. There has been a placing of our attention elsewhere. It is the moment to make a shift and open the heart.

As our hearts open in the current spiritual awakening, we regain our natural connection to God, our Source. This communion with God is everything. The Love flowing from God is our sustenance, our creativity, the source of everything in our lives. The Messages from God at Circle of Light  focus strongly on the opening of the heart as the pathway Home, the pathway to spiritual awakening. We humbly offer in deepest Love, all of the tools we have been given for us to open the heart.

Spiritual Awakening on Earth

Why is it that some people seem to make money just by breathing? While you’re sitting there with a brilliant idea to make a positive contribution to humanity… going nowhere?
Why do some people attract fame, fortune and everything that goes with it… while you’re struggling to get a few friends on facebook?
And why, when people all over the world are waking to a new consciousness, do businesses with questionable ethics still seem to dominate… when you actually care about the difference you are making?
Know This: You are IMPORTANT in the unfolding Shift in Human Consciousness. Your Ideas, Gifts, and Talents are REQUIRED. The Conscious Wealth Summit will help make it PAY.

The Conscious Wealth Summit is NOT for people who want to rape, pillage, and plunder their way to riches. It’s NOT a happy clapper, feel good, rev-you-up-and-dump-you event that leaves you ready to take on the world with no idea how.
And it’s NOT a master class in manipulation and greed.
This Two Week, live streaming online seminar series is all about helping people with ethics, moral fibre, and a burning desire to make the world a better place – to build a real and lasting platform for turning their dreams into money in the bank.
Because you have arrived at this page, we know that YOU are a truly unique and amazing being with so much to offer the world.
YOU are a bright shining light just waiting to claim your rightful place in the world and share your unique gift.
YOU deserve to claim the dreams you have harbored for so long NOW.
The journey you are about to embark on will help YOU achieve the right mindset, skills, information and marketing know-how to share your brilliance with the people who desperately need what you have to offer.
It’s Time to Take Back What’s Rightfully Yours
The human race is at a critical point in it’s evolution and needs YOU to be a shining example of how to transcend fear, lack and suffering and realize their goals and dreams as a natural part of being alive.
This is about awake people taking back the earth. You have what it takes. Let us share the tools.
  • Finally end feelings of guilt and denial about being rewarded for your talents, ideas and gifts
  • Breakthrough the mental barriers that force you to give your services away free or way too cheap
  • Discover how to align yourself with your purpose and passion and leave behind the struggle for wealth forever
  • Get proven systems and blueprints from successful entrepreneurs to send your business dreams to the stars
  • Dance with the shift of human consciousness and let it fill your cup to overflowing
  • Learn step by step marketing processes that attract new customers to you like life to an empty clearing
  • Bring your enormous contribution to the world and make it a brighter place for all generations to come
  • Develop unshakeable focus to guide you through every hurdle in business and life
  • Discover how to Live a life of Purpose and be paid handsomely
  • Access unlimited reserves of opportunity, possibility and promise
  • Form Community with heart centered entrepreneurs from around the world
Conscious Wealth Summit

You are IMPORTANT in the unfolding Shift in Human Consciousness

Monday, 17 September 2012

Hypnotic projection is the opposite of regression and means projecting the mind into the future to see what will be, or what is likely to be. If this sounds a bit far-fetched to you, remember that the mind can move not only backwards and forwards in time, but sidewards as well - take dreams for example, how can you define time in dreams? I can't be the only person who has dreamt through a whole year in less than 30 minutes

If the mind envisages something happening enough times, there is a strong likelihood that it will eventually become a self fulfilling prophecy.

The projection can be directive or non-directive. When it is directive, the subject is visually guided along a specific path - whereas with non-directive projection the subject is encouraged to accept or work with whatever material transpires. Compare the following two sentences for example:

"See yourself as having lost three stone in weight. You are slim, attractive, with a flat tummy and toned arms".

The image is one that belongs to the therapist, rather than the client.

"Now see yourself how YOU really want to look, in one years time. Not how anyone else wants you to look, but how YOU really want to look. How do you really look? Are you happy with yourself?"

The client learns to accept his or her own visual images.

When you do past life regressions or future life progressions it is important NOT to use directives because of the risk of creating a false memory - and yes - you can have memories of the future. The reason for avoidance is because you are looking for material from the client's subconscious mind - not your own..

This rule would not apply when using suggestion therapy because there you are putting new suggestions INTO the subconscious mind.

Advantages of using hypnotic progression are that it enables your client to rapidly accept the idea that he (or she) has overcome his (or hers) problem and it also gives the opportunity to consider appropriate steps to reaching that resolution.

I'm going to describe an excerpt from a future projection script which can be changed to suit the individual. This is a script for someone who has a phobia of bees.

(Use favourite induction and deepener)

Now I want you to project your mind into the future. Imagine that it's about six months from now and your problem is completely solved. You have been in the presence of bees several times and it has not bothered you one slightest bit. When bees have been around you, it has not bothered you, you took things in your stride and got on with what you were doing. When bees are around you you feel so very calm and so very, very much in control. You ar calm, relaxed, and confident.

So imagine now that you're sitting in a beautiful garden. It's a lovely summer's day - July sun shines down on you, warming your body, gently, all over. All around you are beautiful heavily perfumed flowers, there's an archway towards one side of the garden and even a lovely stone rockery with a pretty waterfall running through it. This makes you feel calm. It makes you feel relaxed. Calm, relaxed and very confident.

Because it's such a lovely warm day you've come out into the garden to relax out on the sun chair, to listen to the birds singing and the bees humming, to see the beautiful flowers and perhaps later, read a book or a magazine. You find the perfect spot and make yourself comfortable and then sit down on your sun chair.

You can feel the warmth of the sun permeating every cell, every fibre, every tissue of your body. And as you sit back and gently close your eyes, your face and arms and body begin to feel warm, warm and tingly, a lovely warm, tingly feeling. The drone of the bees nearby make you feel sleepy, make you feel relaxed, and through half opened eyes you see a lovely big bumble bee buzzing around the flowers. You become incredibly curious about the beautiful contrast of colours on the bumble bee, and marvel at how wondeful nature is.

And all this time you feel very calm and very relaxed. Calm, relaxed and at peace with the universe. You are a child of the Universe. A child of the Universe with a right to happiness whilst you exist in this beautiful world. Along with the flowers, the birds, the bees, the water, the earth, the sun, the sky, and all creation, you exist peacefully side by side.

Your curiosity about bees extends to all natural phenomenon. You think about the way you used to feel about bees. That old way of thinking now seems so unnatural, so distant, so detached from the here and now. You enjoy NEW positive ways of thinking and feeling - ways that empower you and make you feel really, really good.

And all this time you feel very calm and very relaxed. Calm, relaxed and at peace with the universe. You are a child of the Universe. A child of the Universe with a right to happiness whilst you exist in this beautiful world. Along with the flowers, the birds, the bees, the water, the earth, the sun, the sky, and all creation, you exist peacefully side by side.

From this healthy vantage I want you now to look back and see the steps that you took towards overcoming your old fear of bees and gaining control of your life. There was one single, most important thing that you did, or did not do, to prepare you for this wonderful advancement in attitude and although you may not have thought about what that step was before now, the idea of it now comes into your mind, makes itself known, just one, very important step. Let the idea of that step come into your mind and nod your head when it has.

Wait for response. Good. And now the second step becomes apparent. And little by little, bit by bit, you begin to see how it was that you overcame that fear, how it was that you took control over your life. And the most amazing thing is that it all began, with one, single little step.

Your life is improving now in many ways. For giving up fear means embracing freedom. And you are free. You are a child of the Universe. A child of the Universe with a right to happiness whilst you exist in this beautiful world. Along with the flowers, the birds, the bees, the water, the earth, the sun, the sky, and all creation, you exist peacefully side by side.

It is time to return to the here and now. You feel wonderfully calm, relaxed and in control. This experience and the good feelings associated with it will remain with you for a long, long time.

Now I'm going to count up from one to five and at the count of five, you'll be wide awake, refreshed and relaxed and in complete control of your mind, your body and your health. Eyes open, wide awake.   Self Hypnosis MP3s

Future Projection

How can Mind Power help us to achieve goals? Quite simply, we tend to get what we focus on. If anything in this life is achievable then by directing Mind Power it can be achieved. But first we have to BELIEVE that we can achieve.

If I want to do something and I tell myself I can't do it, then I will fail. Unless, by a small chance something miraculous happens to put my goal in my path. And even then, I may fail if I don't believe I can succeed.

But when I tell myself, 'yes I CAN do this' - 'it is a certainty that I can SUCCEED' - then I am already half way up the mountain. The summit will be reached by work and determination but knowing it can be reached makes that journey easy and enjoyable.

What often happens is that many people are so used to being put down in life, especially during those early years when the personality is being formed, and so they believe that everyone else is better than they are. The teachers, the parents, the big brothers and sisters and so on - they all know better. . .

Unfortunately these are not always the best teachers. With the best intentions in the world, a parent or teacher can destroy a child's self-confidence and install a lifelong pattern of self-doubt.

SO - to achieve YOUR goals - forget about other people's lessons in life (and I know I'm going to be criticized for saying that). What is right for one person is not necessarily right for another (one man's meat. . .) . . Wipe the slate clean and START AGAIN - believing in yourself.

State Your Intentions

Decide upon your goal; then say it aloud, or write it down. This is known as GROUNDING. Taking it from the thought form to the material form is the first step towards achievement.

State your Goal or your Intentions in a Positive framework. For example, 'I am successful' rather than 'I am not going to fail'. This means you will be pointing that Mind Power in the right direction - i.e. success.

Visualize yourself as already having achieved that goal. If your ambition is to be a top tennis player, for example, see yourself being presented with a trophy after winning the World Cup. Don't short measure yourself, always aim for the top. If your ambition is to make lots of money, see yourself checking your six or seven figure bank statement, looking at your mansion, riding that sports car or whatever.

Think about the steps that are needed to achieve that goal. Unless it's something really easy, you're not going to jump from where you are now right up to the top. So realistically decide what needs to be done. For instance, if your goal is to lose three stone in weight, you're not going to do this unless you make some changes in your lifestyle. This could be:- eating smaller meals, exercising, cutting out junk food, stopping snacking or comfort eating, etc.

Starting with Step One, visualize yourself (in hypnosis, preferably), taking this First Step. Add all the necessary components to your mental image. If your First Step was to eat more healthily, visualize yourself shopping for healthy foods, selecting those crisp, fresh vegetables or salad from the supermarket, preparing them - put in the aroma, the smell of fresh herbs - really imagine this, and imagine that wonderful taste in your mouth and how good you feel as you digest this healthy food - don't forget the touch of those foods - you can imagine this as well.

And having gone through this in your mind, you have directed your Mind Power to help you to achieve, in a realistic way, the goal that you desire. You have planted the right thoughts in your mind, and generally, whatever goes INTO the mind, will come out in some form or other.
Self Hypnosis MP3s

How to Use Your Mind Power to Achieve Goals

A dramatic rendition of the Whole Story taken from The Theater for the Future including "Previews of Coming Attractions" - a vision of the future if everything works.

THE POWER OF YIN by Barbara Marx Hubbard, Hazel Henderson and Jean Houston

With an uplifting spiritual perspective on the human experience and a uniquely feminine approach to interacting with the universe, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Hazel Henderson and Jean Houston here offer a magnificently feminist, grandly humanist, rousingly hopeful approach to the myriad challenges facing planet Earth and her people today.

The Evolutionary Journey: Your Guide to a Positive Future

Birth 2012 and Beyond distills the remarkable lifework of Barbara Marx Hubbard and offers the purest statement yet of her prophetic call for a shift to a new era of conscious evolution. This unusual book offers an essential roadmap for today’s evolutionaries and forward thinkers based on Barbara’s masterful insight that “our crisis is a birth.”

Also featured in this groundbreaking book are creative essays by a select group of twelve renowned evolutionary leaders including Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsch and Jean Houston who join Barbara in her timely call for the inauguration of a sustainable planetary civilization.

Birth 2012 and Beyond

What can we expect from the future? Visionary and futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard sees the emergence of a new type of human. She calls this being a Universal Human, and quite possibly the key to our survival as a species.

The Universal Human is connected through the heart to the whole of life, evolving consciously and helping to co-create a new kind of spiritual path, something we’ve never experienced before, but which is perfect for our time.

Emergence lays out the blueprints for birthing this new kind of human, explaining all the steps in what Hubbard calls “an intimate and practical process for all who wish to make the transition to the next stage of evolution.”

Emergence - The Shift from Ego to Essence

Friday, 14 September 2012

So everyone is talking about being a social media manager and getting paid to do jobs on Facebook and Twitter, but what exactly are Social Media Jobs?

As you probably know, more and more businesses are trying to get a presence on Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. You may well have noticed some businesses from your local area creating creating Facebook fanpages and putting advertisements on Facebook, or uploading videos to YouTube.

These are all examples of social media marketing and more and more businesses are shifting their marketing budgets in this direction. That’s all well and good I can hear you saying, but…..

How Does This Make Me Money?Well that is a very good question, because whether you realize it or not, most businesses (including the ones in your local area) who are starting to use social media marketing in their business are hiring people just like you to do the work on a part time basis from home!

Yes that is right, you can get paid to work from home managing the Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts of businesses. This means that you can get paid to:

Post and reply to comments on Facebook

Create and moderate Facebook Fanpages and groups

Upload and comment on YouTube videos

Generate more ‘views’ and ‘likes’ for YouTube videos

Tweet out special offers and promotions

Many more easy jobs on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube!

What are Social Media Jobs?

How To Enchant Whole Groups Of People

In order to enchant entire groups of people you have to enchant yourself first. Enchantment is a mental, physical and emotional state that is so positive and powerful that it’s contagious. Enchantment is something people want to feel and people want to be with people who can enchant them.

Enchantment is so important the whole first day of “The Extreme Leadership Seminar” is dedicated to understanding and mastering it. In The Extreme Leadership CD Series you’ll learn how to enchant yourself and others through a detailed series of exercises and meditations and you’ll be able to apply it to any group situation.

You’ll discover that “Mind Control Seminar” CD series and the “Extreme Leadership Seminar” CD series have overlapping and interrelated exercises. This is because they work from a similar model of influence. In the simplest terms, this model of influence works by being able to get into anyone’s mind and get a real-time idea of how they think.   First of all, no one ever becomes a real “Master” because mastery is something you are ALWAYS reaching for. That means you are always studying, learning and testing what you know. So, when someone thinks of you as a “Master” of mind control all that means is that you have never stopped learning. So where do you start?

Start anywhere! Any book on hypnosis or Neuro Linguistic Programming is a good start. Listening to any training about influence and persuasion is also a very good start. You’ll quickly discover that there is ALWAYS something to learn and use.

I have a library of over 1000 books on hypnosis, NLP and persuasion. I’ve also taken a few hundred hours of seminars and trainings on how to influence people in all sorts of settings and scenarios. I’ve also studied police and military interrogation as well studying how people fall under the influence cults.

The way to become a “Master of Mind Control” is to start studying and to never start.

How To Become A Master Of Mind Control

How to Add More Love, Money, And Health to Your Life Using Over 127 Quick & Easy Magick Spells and Rituals

"It's amazingly simple when you know the secrets: how to blatantly take advantage of VERY EASY to use spells to make even your wildest dreams come true... so easily and simply it's almost unbelievable!"

"BUT... you can't do it using the same old, useless magic teachings everybody spoon-feeds you..."   In the next 5 seconds, we're gonna make you so angry you'll lose your sleep for 3 days straight... But we honestly have to tell you about the scandal that's been robbing you of the serious passion, excitement and all the good things in life...

You see, if you ever tried to use magic to drastically improve your life - and didn't get any positive results - it's not your fault! (and if you never tried magick before, you'll be very excited too find out these things...)

"It's all a big farce... Here's the truth:"

There are thousands of books on magic out there - if not even tens of thousands... In fact, the number of books seems to be bigger than the number of people who are actually practicing the craft...

Everybody seems to have their own opinion on magic... Everybody seems to have a wacky ritual where you take the fresh blood of a bat and mix it wih an old, rusty dagger and then you drink the potion...

This MIGHT work in theory but it's really NOT necessary and hard to actually put into practice... Not everybody has bats or silver-blade-daggers around the house. Furthermore, these rituals can become quite dangerous pretty fast if you're not already experienced...

In fact, the really good magicians will tell you that most of these extra objects are just tricks for the mind that have no actual power in themselves. The real power is inside YOU!

But most magicians, wizards and witches are trying to make things harder for you and only tell you half of the truth because this way you will never succeed:

They will still have their power, and you will give up magick because "you tried it and didn't work for you"... Or so you thought...

" The Secret to Getting What You Really Want Is Simply Using the RIGHT Kind of Magick & Spells..."

Read that big sentence above again! You need to use the right information, not what they want to spoon-feed you...

Listen up... We've spent years researching Magic(k), Wicca, Witchcraft, Herbalism, Alchemy, Kabbalah, Yoga, etc... so we know what works and what doesn't...

And, furthermore, because we live in central Europe we studied the secrets used by the famous Austrian, German, South American & Romanian witches and quite some other systems as well...

We used all of these secrets to radically transform our lives...

Bogdan went from being laughed at to being in charge and running his own business... Giancarlo went from a skinny nerd to a famous tennis player...

We solved our money problems. We improved our social status. We met more people... It's like we added a new dimension to our lives... Suddenly, we became more passionate and filled with energy...

And mind you, everybody started to become attracted to us because of the energy and excitement we radiated... We're not bragging here because when you discover what we have to say, the rest of the people are going to be easily attracted to you as well!

So, we want to share with you the same information that changed our lives. We want to help you get more love, more money, more friends, become healthy and enjoy living a whole lot more...

" Who Else Wants To Learn How To Cast Powerful Spells

That Work Day And Night To Make Your Wildest Dreams

Come True?"

How to Add More Love, Money, And Health to Your Life Using Over 127 Quick & Easy Magick Spells and Rituals

Astral Projection Underground

Get answers to the following:

What Is Astral Projection?

What are the best techniques of Astral Projection?

What is the best time to practice Astral Projection?

Is Astral Projection really safe?

How long does it take to succeed at Astral traveling?

What is the Silver Cord?

How to conquer your Astral Projection fears?

How to stay out of the body for longer periods of time?

...And hundreds of other questions!!   Thomas Carson says:

Last night I was amazed at what I experienced after watching your 1st video FAQ. I had the most vivid dream/astral experience ever. I had experimented with Salvia before some time last year while it was still legal in my state (MS) but this encounter was not only more natural but overall more enjoyable.

I’ve been trying to astrally project for quite some time and ironically I was finally able to accomplish it thanks to one of your many recommendations. The one I chose involved trying to convince myself to sleep while consciously remaining awake. Somehow it worked. I only hope I can repeat the process tonight.

I had at least 3 different dreams/projections. They were unlike any others I had ever had. It was like I was on another planet. I can barely put it into words! I am convinced that astral travel is real. I’m currently on question #66 and would just like to say thank you so much for this service you are providing. You are really enlightening the masses with this series.

Second mail from Thomas:

I’m excited to share that I had my first OoBE last night that came upon me rather quickly after laying down on my back in a relaxed position. I became a little startled because the deeper I breathed the more intense the feeling of flying became and my heart and breathing rates started to slow. I thought my heart would actually stop beating.

Abhi, can you become too relaxed? I had trouble controlling the intensity of the experience. It was, of course, my first time. Initially I tried to visit the fond “location” I went to the previous night. All I could feel was my body rising above me and flying through blackened space. The more I relaxed the more blissful I felt.

Not knowing what else to do I decided to send out thoughts of love and positive energy.

Just as I was enjoying the flying sensation I got a phone call. After trying to replicate the experience about 15 minutes later I was still able to reach a meditative state in which I felt that slight pressure on my chest someone mentioned earlier.

I now have 3 more FAQ videos left. Hopefully I will learn even more that will enhance my astral experience.

Third mail from Thomas:

Abhi, thanks so much for responding! I must say that the remaining 3 videos were just as impressive and extremely helpful as the first 2. I’ve gained so much incremental insight over just the past few days. I’ve forced myself to be patient and calm down my anxiety level. Your advice as been so helpful.

As you well know, astral travel is so multifaceted. I’m now finding myself during certain parts the day having “mini” astral thoughts for lack of a better phrase. For so long I’ve been searching for meaning and truth in my life and now I KNOW this is just the beginning of something great. I’ll definitely keep you posted.

- Thomas Carson

Astral Projection Underground - The Amazing Art of Leaving Your Body at Will

The Simple Templates Designed to Make Managing Your Employees a Breeze

Dear Fellow Manager

Do you waste hours dealing with staffing issues, when you just want to get out and grow your business?

Do you employ people - but are not getting the results you want from them?

Do you find yourself repeatedly answering questions about entitlements, roles and responsibilities?

Would you like Australian HR Policies and Procedures that clearly outline all of the boundaries, rules, expectations, rights and responsibilities for your company ... but you don't have the time to put them together?

The fact that you're here, reading this page means you are frustrated with how things currently are in your business and you want solutions. Right? Well, I'm glad you're here because I believe in ...

Making People Management Easy

Instant HR Policies & Procedures makes it easy for you to create plain English, easy to understand Human Resource Policies and Procedures. The secret is our comprehensive employee handbook template which is quickly customisable for your company. In less than 30 minutes you will have clear and up-to-date People Management Policies and Procedures covering everything from hiring through to termination.

Hi, my name is Ingrid Cliff and for over 25 years I have worked with Australian businesses, helping them put in place effective yet simple Human Resource Policies and Procedures. To tell you a bit more about myself, I have a Degree in Psychology and Industrial Relations, and have worked in the Qld Industrial Commission as Research Officer to the Commission. I have been the Director of Human Resources for a large State Government Department as well as HR Manager for an aggressively expanding private sector company, with offices across Australia.

And I used to get really frustrated by what was available on the market to help me set up employee manuals for the companies I worked with. There were stacks of packages written for the USA market - but 90% of what was written just didn't work in Australia.

I tried pretty much everything written in Australia over the years from high-priced yet brilliant products such as CCH, to the budget-priced entry level Maus's employee manual pack.

None of them had the detail I needed ... None of them covered the tricky stuff like Social Media ... None of them worked!

So, as part of my HR policy and consulting roles, I spent months researching each policy to find out the best practice - implemented what I discovered in each company and then tweaked the results to improve the content. I tested every policy, every procedure in the real world. Each template was trialled, tested and tweaked until it was easy and worked.

When I started my own business, a number of my copywriting clients, who knew of my HR background, asked if I could recommend a useful employee manual template - as they were frustrated by what was on the market.

So, I started to share copies of my notes, gathered from years of experience, with them. Then the number of small businesses asking for my HR manual grew ... and it grew ... and it grew.

I finally edited all of my information, collated all of my notes, templates, forms ... everything into one place and the Instant HR Policies and Procedures Manual was born.

In my own business I have consulted to companies of up to 7000 employees as well as micro-businesses. I know what works and what is just expensive hot air and I can tell you ...... these procedures work!   Instant HR Policies and Procedures will help both you and your team members become clear on expectations, performance, acceptable behaviour, as well as help you meet your administrative and legal requirements.

The employee handbook template is written in clear and easy to follow language, and is just like a recipe for success in your workplace. It contains all of my years of experience in one simple document ... just like having one of the top HR practitioners working beside you in your workplace.

Instant HR Policies & Procedures have been designed especially for Australian small to medium-sized businesses, that employ or are about to employ team members or staff.

Whatever your people management issue, you will find a solution. A solution that has been tried and proven in workplaces similar to yours, by people just like you.

Our Instant HR Policies & Procedures is currently being used in businesses ranging from mines to accountant's offices; from State Operas to winemakers; from petrol stations to independent supermarkets. Whether you are hiring your first employee or you are are medium-sized multi-million dollar business, chances are that someone like you is already using our Instant HR Policies & Procedures.

Making People Management Easy

Stand Up and Take Your Turn!

NOW, Is Your Time To Shine

The Leadership Series for Successful Living will undoubtedly change your life for the better. You can begin leading your life, in a real way, where you’ll experience remarkable results in the quality of your relationship; the size of your bank account and the amount of joy, peace and happiness in your daily life.

Isn’t it time to begin achieving your most cherished goals?

If you’ve ever felt discouraged and dissatisfied with your daily routine or life circumstance… If you’ve been searching for a way to conquer destructive thoughts of fear and worry in order to improve the quality of your life experience… If you’ve been seeking out a proven road map to personal empowerment and financial growth - then welcome – you’ve come to the right place!

The place is HERE, and the time is NOW! You are about to embark on a wonderful journey with an incredible guide who understands you and wants nothing more than to help you improve your life.   Today, is a great day to start that new life experience.

Everyone has the ability to become

a happier and more joyous person. Enjoy incredible success as a highly effective leader...

at work, at home and in life.

One of my greatest inspirations is a man to whom I owe my success in so many areas. This man is the late Dr. Orison Swett Marden.

I immediately felt a personal connection to Dr. Marden after reading his book, Pushing To The Front - I'm going to give you a free copy of this timeless classic - a true masterpiece - in just a moment.

I’ve invested the better part of a year studying his teachings from over 50 books he authored to provide you with the greatest secrets of success, health, wealth.. and, LIFE.

The result? Marden’s most powerful teachings have been carefully edited and packaged into this new leadership audiobook series.

I encourage you to share this knowledge with your closest friends and family members so that we might introduce these life-changing lessons to a brand new generation of aspiring leaders.

Learn From The One Man Who Actually Invented The American Success Movement Over A Century Ago

Dr. Marden will lead you step-by-step through an amazing process that will unleash the marvelous power that has always been silently living within you. After applying these life-changing secrets, you’ll possess the unbreakable confidence to go through life knowing that there are no obstacles that you cannot boldly face and successfully overcome.

Dr. Orison Swett Marden

You’ll learn that once your ambition is fully fueled; once you decide to take full and complete ownership of your life, nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams.

You will soon find yourself energized with a renewed focus and vigor. You will benefit from greater confidence and clarity regarding your current situation and future goals. You will no longer allow a bad relationship or a poor environment to impact you in negative ways.

You’ll be astounded the seismic shift that will occur in your life when you free yourself from using words like "can’t", "but" and "won’t".

You can finally break free from whatever it is that is holding you back!

As Dr. Marden explains in painstaking detail how to take control of your inner power and you begin to think in terms of "I must", "I can" and "I will" – the barren landscape that you thought was your future will suddenly blossom with possibilities for wealth, happiness, joy, and good health.

The inspiring stories told in this leadership audiobook collection illustrate the importance of emulating the highly developed success traits in men and women everywhere… and Dr. Marden teaches you how you can become everything you’veever dreamed of becoming… and more.

Dr. Marden's life story is one-of-a-kind. If you are not familiar with his personal story of tragedy and hardship, doggedpersistence and awe-inspiring triumph, you should be - and that is why I'm going to give you, as a free bonus, a written copy of Dr. Marden’s biography. More on that in just a moment.

Successful people DO what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Find out what YOU need to do…

It really is as simple as taking that first step! This powerful audiobook series, A Leadership Series for Successful Living, puts the keys to the kingdom – the Kingdom of Happiness and Success – into your hands… and more importantly, into your heart.

You Will Experience Incredible Rewards

From Living A Life Filled With Passion!

How Powerful Leadership Insights Will Dramatically Increase Your Personal & Team Results

Thursday, 13 September 2012

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Target Database acknowledges that in the current global environment, no business can hope to flourish unless it is able to offer exceptional value for money to its customers. Keeping this in mind, we have established our execution center in India, thereby promising our clients the evident cost edge promised by the difference in the national currencies without making them compromise on the quality of the leads or the turnaround time.

Our Business Databases consists of Company name, Full Address with Zip Code, Telephone Number, Email, URL and Business Category etc.

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Buying our databases, you can increase chances of developing better business relations. As we have incorporated almost all the details in our country-wise databases so our customers can promote their business the way they want to.

To encapsulate, Target Database is a one-stop-destination for those who are looking for highly efficacious business marketing leads without having to break a bank!
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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Is your organization and brand benefiting from social media marketing?

Are you looking for strategies "that work and get you results now?" Do you want your organization to get trained and advised by a leading social media strategist who has trained major brands and organizations how to really get social media marketing?

Today we live in an age where every marketplace is over-crowded and competition is more than ever. Millions of brands already have their presence on social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and YouTube

Grow your organization and brand with social media in 2012!

Learn how to use social media to attract quality customers and grow your sales, profits and revenue. Join Web's Fully Online Monthly Corporate Social Media Training Starting February 2012.

Your competition are leveraging powerful tools to connect directly with customers, prospects and are engaging with them. Are you ready to take your organization further into this new leading edge technology? Are you looking to optimize your team's time and efforts, by focusing on social media strategies that will give your organization growth and profits? Want to know how?

Social Media Corporate Solutions is making a special announcement! We are inviting all organizations and corporations to join us for a premium Social Media Online Training Program designed to help your organization and your Marketing, HR, Management and PR Teams to quickly achieve and accelerate your social media results effectively.

Your company saves major marketing dollars as there's no travel for you or your team! You simply attend from the comfort of your office space.


Revenue Profits Sales Via Social Media Channels

Imagine a place where an International Think Tank is spontaneously created with 20+ of the world most sought after experts and speakers in New Physics, Alternative Energy, Exopolitics, New Science, Archeaology, New Education, Social Science, Cosmic Cultures, Bio Economics, Consciousness Studies, Astropaleology, Metaphysics — just to start — coming together to give YOU, the public, the truth. This Conference's concept is truly unique and to our knowledge there is no other event that has tried to bring such a diverse group of people together in this way.

Imagine a place where you are immersed in participating, hearing, seeing the truth about subjects you always had in the back of your mind finally answered. Now imagine creating solutions and taking action upon hearing the truth — how YOU can make a change — joining with us in a unified common mission of creating real change for the "Future of Humanity."


20+ of the world most sought after experts and speakers to include members of royalty, members of parliament, and ambassadors. Over 12 countries will be represented at this global event in 2012.

BACKGROUND: What is the Pythagoras Conference? As some of you may know Pythagoras is often revered as a great mathematician, mystic and scientist, and is best known for the Pythagorean Theorem. But he was also a great seeker of knowledge. “This to me is the under-current of this Conference, bringing the best speakers in their respectable fields together to share their knowledge with others also seeking answers to their own inner questions,” Sandra D. Sabatini - visionary creator.

What is the “TRUTH”? And just how can we take this knowledge that we learn, to create real change? We must look to the past, in order to pave a brighter way to the "Future". Our collective hopes are to expand people’s Consciousness about the world around them. The wonderful results of this Conference will be the development of a "Global Think Tank."



Friday, 7 September 2012

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