Thursday, 28 February 2013

Right now is a powerful time to set goals or recharge your intentions. The energy of growth and possibility are here… What do you want to create in your life?

In this .MP3 Angel Message you will be guided to connect directly with divine source energy, with the love of the angelic realm, and with the healing love and light of the earth realm.

You will be guided to a place of direct connection with Source, where you can directly access powerful healing, love and manifestation assistance. Archangel Metatron will help you connect with the eternal light of source energy and of mother earth to strengthen your connection with your empowered authentic self.

Right click the link below and ‘Save As’ to download a copy of this beautiful .mp3 angel message, now!

earth meditation

Free Earth Meditation with Archangel Metatron

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

You are about to embark upon one of the most exciting journeys into the realm of unlimited psychic power, where your full potential is just a few simple steps away.
Every night the average person spends between six to eight hours asleep.  That averages between 42 to 56 hours a week.  1,260 to 1, 680 hours a month.  Imagine that! Over a thousand hours of your time is spent in an unconscious sleep state.  Hours that can never be recovered again.
However what you may not know is that those restful hours of sleep are the most conducive hours for accessing psychic information.  It is also the time and space where anyone with even a very limited amount of psychic abilities can access stunningly accurate information. It is also the time and space in which you can dramatically excel in the development of your psychic abilities. 
How many times have you had the urge to visit a psychic to get answers and direction for your life?  I think everyone has at some point.  Every single one of us has the curiosity to know the turn of events facing our lives.

Why Psychic Dreaming is So Powerful and Effective Compared to Other Forms of Psychic Development
If you have ever tried to develop your psychic abilities in the pass you may have realized that there is a lot of mental training involved.  Chanting for hours, mental concentration exercises, deep breathing exercises and chakra activation techniques. It also requires an ability to hold a clear mind long enough to receive psychic visions and telepathic communication. Can you hold a single concentrated thought for thirty minutes?  All of this does not come easy for most people.  It can take you many years of training all without much results. 
The process can truly take a while and the longer it takes the less convince you will be about your natural psychic abilities.
The problem is not that these techniques aren’t effective, they actually are but they are certainly not the fastest route. As a matter of fact psychic dreaming is the speedy way through all those techniques. 
The average person has very little time in their day to devote to long meditation sessions.  And when they do settle in, their mind is wired with constant thoughts and worries of what has happened throughout the day.  It’s nearly impossible to develop your psychic abilities with such issues.

Another issue too many people face is their inability to visualize which is a crucial, key component to psychic development.  How can you receive psychic impressions if you are unable to see visions on the inner screen of your mind?
And, yet another issue is the trust factor. As you are in the developmental part of psychic training it can be hard to trust those hunches or random visions.
If you are facing a very pressing issue in your life, you don't have time to deal with a hunch. You want to know and you want to be sure of what you know.
Rightfully you want clear, accurate answers. You want to know, see, feel and believe that what you are getting is a true answer to the questions you have. With psychic dreaming you wake up to a full, clear movie life experience of what you want to know.

Discover Easy Yet Powerful Psychic Development Techniques

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Archangel Uriel connects in this powerful  Ascension Activation. Unite your mind and intuition, body and spirit and usher in new heights of love and angelic vibration into your experience. 

Ascension Activation with Archangel Uriel

These two new messages from Archangel Raziel and the Angel Guide Orion will inspire you to continue forward on your path of spiritual awakening and uniting with your full spiritual self. Angelic wisdom continues to teach that amidst every challenge, hardship, or obstacle, there are hidden blessings. We have entered into a new paradigm of love of Earth (post 12-21-12). Now more than ever with intention, focus, and love we can create blessings for ourselves and for the Earth.
The first message is with Archangel Raziel, and is about uniting with Divine Love to overcome obstacles and resistance. This is the first time I have channeled Archangel Raziel, who is said to reveal the secrets and mysteries of the universe. Raziel came through with a powerful message and frequency of healing and love. This Message is 31 Minutes long and mixed down to a beautiful audio track from Thaddeus.
The second message with Angel Guide Orion is on balance. Orion illustrates how to tune into and maintain balance in this new paradigm we are experiencing in this 14:20 Minute Angel Message, which is set to beautiful meditative music from Thaddeus as well.

Angel Messages- Overcoming Resistance & Maintaining Balance

Monday, 25 February 2013

QUESTION: I'm always feeling really tired, I'm rarely excited, active or motivated, I get random body aches and I'm only 21 yrs old. I feel I'm too young to be feeling this way all the time. I've been, and still am, going through alot of family issues and stress. Over the last year I've been trying to work on myself because I've been fighting depression & panic disorder since elementary school. From things I've been through as a child. I have been on medicines for both things, I'm not anymore, and at the moment I'm ok but I feel there has to be a way to genuinely fix these problems of mine. Do you think there is anything that has to do with the energy I carry, is there something I could do to help release this negativity?

ANSWER: Please be aware that this is very common for many right now because humanity is in the process of clearing and releasing LIFETIMES of stored pain. This pain is stored in the cellular memory of our muscles, as well as, our chakras/energy fields/subconscious. The key is to acknowledge you have this pain, and recognize that it does originate from previous and current circumstances....directly related to our emotional and mental vibrational levels ~ which when contracted blocks off the vibrational flow of SPIRIT from entering into our body. In order to heal we have to make CHANGES in our relationships, jobs, environment, thought system, diet and OVER ALL state of well being. Many people will remain in denial about their stored pain, because in order to heal it, we will have to face it, and deal with it, and make the changes necessary to provide a safe, high vibrational container (physical body) for our soul to live in. All pain is a symptom from our soul that something is out of alignment within our being and many of us have been "out of alignment" for many, many lifetimes. This pain is rising up for us to face our "soul lessons" and "soul wounds" so we can heal them. Self honesty, forgiveness, life style changes, positive environments, positive thinking/feeling AND energy work from energy healers such as reiki, pranic healing and dna theta will greatly assist us in removing the blocks within our energy fields that create pain in the physical body.

Pain, Trauma and old cellular memory is rising to the surface to be healed! It is time to release it ~ we are moving into a period called the "Golden Age" where the time of pain, and painful karmic learning lessons are over. It is time to release what no longer serves our highest soul growth so we can regenerate and heal our being in all time frames and dimensions. In order to heal, our stuff must come up.


Our Emotional And Mental States Directly Affect Our Health

Saturday, 23 February 2013

The Silva UltraMind ESP System is a modern method of Dynamic Meditation, to help you feel better, healthier and with peace of mind. And it's also a proven way to develop your God given senses to improve conditions, project solutions, experience abundance in evey area of your life, take the right decisions and enjoy a happier life

Develop and use your God-given intuition now!

Develop your Intuition and Make the Correct Decisions. Use Your Mind to Detect Information to Improve Any Area of Your Life. Feel Better and Guided. Live a life that's Prosperous, Fulfilled, and Happy. Enjoy a Better Life. Make a Better World!

Feel Better, Guided and in Union with Everything.

Stress can harm your health, ruin relationships, and impede your ability to achieve your mission in life. When stress builds into distress, it can kill you. By learning to use the Silva Dynamic Meditation System, you'll be able to reduce stress automatically, feeling better, guided and in union with everything. Feel centered and develop a positive attitude.

Make the Correct Decisions. Experience Positive "Coincidences".

Better Decisions = A Better Life. Bad decisions lead to disappointment, unhappiness, suffering, failure. Good decisions bring you success, happiness, respect, fulfillment, love.What's the secret to making better decisions? It is this: The more information you have, the easier it is to make the correct decision. With the UM ESP Seminar, you'll learn how to use your mind - your natural God-given intuition - to detect additional information to help you make better decisions concerning health, relationships, business, and everything else in your life.

Gain More Control Over Your Life. Enjoy a Better Life!

Learn How to Experience Abundance in Every Area of your life. This is simple: If we're not experiencing abundance in every area of your life, something insinde of us is blocking it. Learn how to remove impediments to success and how to gain more control over your life with proven techniques. Learn How to Project the things You want for Your Life and How to Make the Law of Attraction Work For You!

Use Your Senses to Project Solutions and Improve Conditions.

We're here to solve problems and to improve conditions. With the UM ESP Seminar, You'll Learn How to Communicate in an effective way to solve problems and improve conditions, using your subjective senses. You'll also learn how use your subjective senses to help others physically or mentally. After completing the whole seminar, you'll be able to positively influence others from a distance, in minutes.

Enjoy The Benefits of ESP In Your Daily Life!

Detecting information using the subjective senses may sound impossible for you right now, but it's a reality for Silva Graduates. Now you can learn how to get the same results:

- Project Your Mind to Any Place in the World to Detect Information.

- Read People Like a Book and Know if Someone's Telling the Truth.

- Perform Remote Viewing In Minutes.

- Positively Influence Others At The Distance. Help Your Loved Ones.

- Make all Your Relationships More Fulfilling and Meaningful.

- Establish Instant Rapport With Anyone You Meet.

- Attract Wealth and Prosperity Into Your Life!

- Experience Positive Coincidences Each and Every Day.

- Feel Guided For The Rest of Your Life.


Make the Rest of Your Life The Best of Your Life!

Unique Musical Composition incorporating Potent Brainwave and Chakra Harmonics

No need for meditation, headphones or mantras. You can even play this while sleeping or watching TV

No vocal content.

No single tones or white sound

Optional Kundalini Awakening Frequency

  Unique Musical Composition incorporating Potent Brainwave and Chakra Harmonics

No need for meditation, headphones or mantras. You can even play this while sleeping or watching TV

No vocal content.

No single tones or white sound

Optional Kundalini Awakening Frequency   Each Chakra has an associated vibration. These vibrations correspond to specific frequencies produced by the brain. We have incorporated each chakra vibration into a 70 minute blissful musical composition.

The method of incorporation combines several techniques, including: brainwave entrainment using binaural beats, brainwave entrainment using isochronic beats and frequency following techniques.

This unique combination of techniques absolutely ensures the brainwave and chakra energy patterns are tuned to exactly the right frequencies. The way the music works makes sure this happens very quickly. The chakra will then start to resonate in harmony with the dominant frequency in the brain. This stimulation will clear any blockages in that particular chakra allowing energy to flow more easily through the energy pathways. This attunes and energizes the chakra in a natural way. Each time you listen to the specific chakra vibration within the music - that chakra is stimulated and strengthened.

This is one piece of music which is 70 minutes in length. After 10 minutes the frequencies change within the music and we set up a new dominant electrical frequency in the brain. This stimulates the next chakra in the same way as the first. You will not hear the music change as the frequencies are fully integrated into each note and sound of the music. We repeat this process for all 7 chakras; working, in sequence, from root to crown.

You can use the chakra frequency music set whilst you are doing other things (reading, studying, working out, watching TV, sleeping, etc) because the chakras are indirectly stimulated by frequencies in the beta (normal alert and awake state) range - so there is no need for quietness or meditative states to get the best out of this product. Unlike many other binaural beat products the beats or frequencies are not simply embedded or masked by the music. The binaural harmonics are themselves incorporated into each note of the musical composition. This is an original and innovative approach which ensures maximum effectiveness.

The isochronic component works alongside the binaural beats which means that you can listen to the chakra music anywhere; you do not need headphones to get the benefits.

Unique Chakra And Kundalini Activation

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

You’ll learn how to uncover anyone’s deepest motivation and how to use that to influence them. Yes, this is VERY manipulative but people won’t mind because everyone loves talking about this subject.

You’ll learn a real-life technique of “mind reading” that can reveal the feelings and thoughts that people are trying to hide from you. I agree this sounds far fetched but people have consistently reported accurate results and you don’t have to be psychic to do it!

You’ll learn how to subtly guide people through subliminal positive and negative feedback. This is classic behavioral conditioning that will make people WANT to please you.

You’ll learn how to create such a strong and lasting motivation with you that no one can influence you. This is your best way to prevent anyone using Mind Control against you and create a passion for life.

Yes, you will learn the Mind Control techniques that can be used to hurt people. These are typically referred to as “Dark Patterns” and while you will learn these techniques, please, DON’T USE THEM. They can cause depression and some say, suicide.   In order to enchant entire groups of people you have to enchant yourself first. Enchantment is a mental, physical and emotional state that is so positive and powerful that it’s contagious. Enchantment is something people want to feel and people want to be with people who can enchant them.

How To Become A Master Of Mind Control

You don't have to be gifted or psychic to be a successful hypnotist. Anyone can take advantage of the power of hypnosis to get far more out of life…if you have the right knowledge, that is.

Igor Ledochowski

Master Hypnotist Now, master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski shares with you some of the key principles that will empower you to unleash the hypnotist within.

In this FREE 5 part mini-course "Secrets Of Hypnosis" you'll discover…

•Exactly how you can become a hypnotist almost instantly. It sounds incredible but there's a simple strategy you can use to start acting and sounding like an expert hypnotist in just minutes.

•How the human mind works, what hypnosis really is and what you need to know to be a successful hypnotist.

•The truth about abilities such as creativity and how to use hypnosis to access and unlock abilities that you may not even know you possess.

•How the mind acts to protect you. This is the explanation for seemingly irrational fears and phobias and also the key to your power as a hypnotist to overcome these problems.

•The simple, but extraordinarily powerful, 3-step "A-B-S" formula for understanding ANY hypnotic process. Understand these steps and you'll be on the way to becoming a master hypnotist.

Its Like Magic...Absolutely Amazing Results

All horoscope readings and full color birth charts are prepared for you within 24 hours by Kozmik Horoscopes.

You'll receive a highly detailed and precise 25-page astrology reading telling the story of your life with a level of accuracy that will astonish you.

My world-exclusive super-powerful astrology interpretation program has taken over 15 years to develop. And is designed to reveal the many hidden sides to your talents, your abilities and the baffling events of your life.

In fact, the highly detailed 25 pages of your unique astrology report will astound you with the precision of the analysis and predictions.

Find out what the heavens had in store for you at the moment of your birth.

Your unique world-exclusive astrology horoscope reading will prove highly illuminating!

The story of your life told in amazing 25-page horoscope readings

Monday, 18 February 2013

Are you looking for your soulmate, your life partner, the man of your dreams?

Are you tired of meeting the wrong men time after


More than 92 million Americans are single and 88% of them believe in finding a true love, a soulmate, a

partner for life.

What does it mean to you?

It means that you are in luck and not so in luck.

Think about it.

If you are a woman, you have over 40 million possible suitors to choose from. This is good. If you believe in finding “THE ONE AND ONLY” you have 40 million men to search through.

Can you see the challenge in front of you?

If you are waiting and hoping for magic, if you are a big fan of the send it to the universe and see what happens method of making connections, you are in for a big disappointment.

One of the most common mistakes that keeps you from finding your soulmate is your mindset. Powerful relationships, deep love and happy lives are not attracted; they are created.

Wishful thinking, Feng Shui, and mandalas will not help you.

You need a system. You need a plan. You need to get to work.

The world is a place of creation. The world is a place for change.

You can take charge and create that change.

The journey to your soulmate will start

with the journey to your own soul.

Get Your Three Step System to the Man of Your Dreams.

This system is made up of three different tools to help you take action and do the things that you need to do on a daily basis to Manifest Your Soulmate in 90 days... three easy steps to a new world of love.


Manifesting Your Soulmate

You're about to discover what might very well be the most powerful health system ever developed. These are the same techniques, methods and practices used by the ancient Taoists and Asian Health Science Practitioners for centuries to achieve amazing feats of body-mind-spirit connection, and to promote health and longevity in individuals up to a century old or more
Energy Healing is Easy to Learn

Learning how to Heal With Your Mind doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, I created the Energy Healing for Everyone program specifically with the beginner in mind. And, I included information useful to even the most seasoned of practitioners. The course is written in a format similar to the For Dummies™ and Complete Idiot's™ guides - in other words, great content, with no filler, that you can use to start getting personal results today.

But this is far more than just a Dummies™ guide - it is a complete, Holistic Health System for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of energetic imbalances - ones that will lead to illness in the body if left untreated. While some of these concepts are rather advanced in terms of their results, I have spent a lot of time in breaking down these practices into simple steps so that they can be understood, and applied by, all who are willing to learn. And from years of teaching at both the high school and college levels, I know how to communicate with my students in ways that both increase understanding and retention, and are fun at the same time! I know my enthusiasm for this is infectious, and soon you will be as excited and motivated to learn about it as I was.

Now, for the first time ever, the same energy healing system that has helped thousands of my personal clients and students in creating a healthier life and overcoming illness is available to you in a single, information packed, e-course:

Introducing "Energy Healing for Everyone": A Complete

Energy Healing System Based on Proven Techniques of The World's Most Accomplished Mind Healers

"Energy Healing for Everyone" (EHFE) is a two hundred page energy healing system available in downloadable e-book format, filled with many of the advanced methods previously known to only a small handful of the world's best mind healing experts, gurus and masters. This program contains all the information you will need to help you remove energetic blockages, improve your immune system, heal minor and major health problems, and eliminate bad habits or patterns permanently, without adverse side effects and without using drugs, herbs or unnecessary supplements found in other (including many Western) approaches.

Here's Just a Small Sample of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy of Energy Healing for Everyone Today:

How to de-program your negative thoughts and emotions, and replace them with positive ones

Which organs in the body you should NEVER energize directly - and how to treat imbalances in them safely

How to become sensitized to energy fields, and learn to feel or even see their shape and outline

Why it is better not to heal for some cases and in certain conditions

How to use Energy Healing on pets and other animals, as well as people

The proper way to remove barriers to healing

The right steps and progression that should occur during a healing session - and why the wrong steps can cause more harm than good!

When clients don't want to get well - and what you can do about it

How to manifest your thoughts and intentions into reality, and create the life you desire for yourself and others

Why laughter truly is the best medicine!

How to dispose of the negative or diseased energies and imbalances that you will remove properly - and how to keep them from being re-absorbed by the client, or even the healer!

How to heal most minor, moderate and ongoing problems - and what to do with clients having severe problems or terminal illness

When is it appropriate to refer the client out to a doctor or other health care professional

How to improve both your relationship and your financial situation with the same methods you use for healing

How to assess what's going on with the body, and deciphering how those imbalances are detected and interpreted by your senses

The one type of client you should NEVER heal!

The four types of imbalances you will encounter regularly, and the best ways to treat them

Which parts of your energy body are responsible for repelling germs and negative energy, and how to revitalize them

Where energy can leak out from your field, and how to repair these holes

How to heal at a distance, and how distance or proximity affects healing

When, and how often, to heal based on the type and severity of the illness

How to heal yourself with Energy Healing, not just other people

How to re-integrate the client after the healing session so that the work you have done takes hold and is assimilated properly

How to prevent illness before it starts, and setting up the proper environment both at work and at home to keep those problems from occurring

What preparations you should take as a healer before starting to work on someone, and why they are important

What is the Rule of Seven, and how to apply it

How to ask for divine assistance when healing, and when to use angelic guidance... regardless of your own personal belief system

How to avoid getting drained when doing healing - and become energized instead!

And believe me.... this is just the beginning! Energy Healing for Everyone is so much more than just an "e-course" - it's a complete system for total health - possibly the most comprehensive system for healing ever developed! No hype, no B.S., no gimmicks - just the FACTS you need to know to start healing yourself and others NOW.

No Matter What Your Health Goals Are, You Can Start Using This Powerful System RIGHT NOW To Improve Your Health And Energy!

The Secrets Of Healing With Your Mind

Learning meditation and enhancing the meditative experience with sound technology, is not just a passion of mine, but its an obsession. Once you realize the true amazing health benefits of deep meditation using brainwave entrainment technology, you get hooked and want to do it more and more…

Have you ever been stressed out, in a panic to get something

finished and you just can’t stop making mistakes,

even on simple tasks?

Have you tried to do something creative, but seem to have

you’re your spark?

Or have you ever felt really relaxed, confident and in a

state of total flow where everything just falls perfectly

into place?

Our most natural state is the state of “flow” where you are

relaxed, alert and able to complete even complex tasks easily.

In this state your brain produces alpha brainwave patterns,

whereas when you are stressed out it produces more beta patterns.

Due to our busy modern lives we tend to operate in beta for too long.

Although necessary for when we have to do a lot of complex thinking,

Staying in beta for too long can cause a whole host of problems

such as stress related diseases, anxiety and even depression.

Get a free sample of a new ground breaking system online that

eliminates stress by helping you to produce alpha brainwaves

in 15 minutes or less from this link.

Many clinical studies prove that people who meditate regularly

spend more time in the alpha state, have reduced stress,

are more creative and even have bigger, healthier brains.

But relax; you no longer need to spend years learning to

meditate like a monk.

Through special brainwave audio and music technology unique

to Trypnaural, you can reach the deepest meditative

states and experience all of its benefits after just a

few short sessions.

Just slip on a pair of headphones, and experience the soothing

mind massage each audio track provides off your mp3 player,

smart phone, MAC or PC.

Niraj’s own story backs this up, as after his inner “awakening”

through learning meditation he went from being a highly

stressed, depressed and unwell medical professional, to restoring

his full health, then becoming an internet entrepreneur,

a well respected music producer, having his music featured on

celebrity yoga teacher’s DVD’s, and used in popular healing

centers around the world.

Trypnaural Meditation is quickly becoming one of the most

popular life transforming programs on the Internet today.

Created together by Niraj and his team of world-renowned

scientists, musicians and physicians, you now have a simple

method that takes just 15 minutes a day for reducing stress,

increasing your mind power, productivity, creativity and even


You can download a free audio sample

that will give you some instant results in

the next few minutes from this link:

Speak soon,

Are you looking for better mediation music for your sessions?

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Give Me 15 Minutes, And
I Will Hand You The Secret Key

That Will Magically Unlock
Your Mind Power To Manifest
Anything You Want—Guaranteed!
What Do The Rich And Famous
Know That You Don't?
They hired coaches, hypnotists and psychologists to guide them.
That�s right. Tiger Woods, Ellen Degeneres, Charlie Sheen, Drew Barrymore, Matt Damon, and Billy Joel all paid someone else to guide them. These famous people and thousands of others, all hired professionals to help them tap into the power of their minds!
They didn't sit there all by themselves and "just visualize." That's too hard. Plus, it's often ineffective, just as you know from first hand experience. Instead, these famous athletes and movie stars paid a professional to help them to visualize more clearly. And it worked! You see how they have achieved their goals and are super-successful!
But most of us can't afford to spend thousands of dollars to hire someone. Plus, how do you find someone who is really qualified?
The truth is that if you can get really good at visualizing your dreams, you can rapidly accelerate making those dreams come true. Visualizing your goals as if they are already complete helps your brain to:
  1. Activate your subconscious creative power, causing your brain to generate all kinds of wonderful creative ideas which will help you to move closer to making your dreams a reality.
  2. Activate your power of attraction. Like a magnet, you will attract into your life the resources, circumstances, and connections to people needed to accomplish what you desire.
  3. Fire up your motivation. You'll be persistent and continue to take positive steps to quickly achieve your goals.
The gurus tell you that visualization is "simple".
They tell you to relax, close your eyes and imagine in as vivid detail - what you would be seeing, hearing, and feeling when the goal is already accomplished. They say to just use your imagination and picture yourself in the future as if you already have achieved what it is that you want.
So you give it a whirl. You close your eyes, and you see yourself in that beautiful new home. Automatically you can see it with crystal clear vision in.....You see the inside and the outside. You imagine the yard, the landscaping, the pool. The wall colors, lighting, cabinets, appliances, electronics, furniture, the artwork... you imagine yourself in that house in perfect detail....You to see, hear, feel, and sense everything in vivid images that seem so real to you. You feel all the happy feelings that go along with having this new home. You easily stay focused on the images for several minutes. You do it every day.

The Secret Key That Will Magically Unlock Your Mind Power

Friday, 8 February 2013

The Mind-Blowing Secret Techniques That Enable You To Control Virtually Every Move andDecision That Others Make By Simply Talking To Them!”
“Now Even The Thoughts Of Other People Can Be Orchestrated To Meet Your Every Desire With Nothing More Than Mere Words!”
“This Intoxicating Potion Of Persuasion Can Be Used At Any Given Moment To Entrance the Likes Of Anyone Into Giving You Exactly What You Want!”
“Discover How And Why Some People Have Their Every Wish Granted By Doing Nothing But Speaking...While Others Work Themselves To The Bone Only To Wind Up Broke, Unhappy And Lonely.”
 The time has come to unlock the natural ability within you to:

Master the art of negotiation
Have those you desire chasing after you
Land your dream job
Have a name synonymous with respect
Banish the thought of rejection
Get your well-deserved raise
Never be taken advantage of again
Get anyone to do just about anything you want them to do; when you want them to do it
 And much more...

The success of every single attempt to better your life using methods other than hypnotherapy rides on one single factor, which seems pretty simple yet it’s the reason why a majority of people never actually make it in life.

And that factor is called taking action

People love to plan, love to dream and love to imagine the future.

How many times have you thought about what you would feel like if you lost that extra weight or met that special person or made that million dollars?

How many times have you postponed actually doing something about it?

How many times have you planned to wait until January 1st to start exercising? 

Or waited until you felt better about yourself to get into the dating scene more aggressively?

Or told yourself, you need to get all your bills paid before you can venture into other areas to make more money?

Does this day, when all action is supposed to take place, ever actually come? And if it does, does it last?

In most cases, it doesn’t. Most of us are creatures of habit.  The human mind loves comfort and familiarity. Taking action to change your life can be both uncomfortable, unfamiliar and downright terrifying at times.

So left to your own devices, chances are you’ll never take the right course of action or continue it as long as you should. 

And taking no action is a failure in itself…point blank.

It’s not your fault that things happen this way.

Why Hypnotherapy Delivers Results Where Other Attempts Fail Miserably…

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As a member of you can complete as many social media jobs as you like and you will get paid straight into your bank every week. Imagine waking up to find an extra few hundred dollars in your account!

Get Paid to Mess Around on Facebook and Twitter!

If you've ever had the experience of easily feeling other people's emotional states, and are able to feel subtle spiritual or emotional energy, then the chances are that you are an Empath, orHighly Sensitive Person.

  • arnessing the healing power of the elements for healing (Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, Ether).
  • Working with animal spirits & how to dialogue with your animal guides. 
  • Calling forth the energies of the planets. 
  • How to use the power of the plant kingdom.
  • Tinctures & elixirs.   
  • Preserving and using sexual energy for healing.  
  • Sacred geometry &  color therapy.  
  • Intuition development exercises. 
  • How to use the power of the Four Directions & how they are related to the Cross (a symbol of protection for empaths). 
  • Calling forth and developing a relationship with protective spirits.  
  • An exercise to allow you to see the human aura and energy field; it works in 85 percent of individuals who attempt it.
And more....


  • Energy protection when handling coins & money. 
  • The healthiest position to place the body to release negative energy.
  • Using your spiritual powers to open and work with your 'assemblage point'. 
  • 'Brain gym' for unified consciousness. 
  • Shifting consciousness with dimensional work. 
  • The best foods to promote grounding
  • How to bypass the ego/mind and trust your intuition. 
  • How to use the tongue to eliminate trauma and old energy. 
  • Creating your own personal shield
  • Reflexology - powerful exercises specific for sensitive people. 
  • Energy technology to clear chakras. 
  • The best stones & crystals to fine tune and balance your sensitivity
  • Powerful energy 'tune-up' exercises that take only seconds.   
  • The 'Law of the Cure' and how to use it to clear negative energy.  
  • Male vs. Female energy and why it's important for sensitive people. 
  • How to talk to your organs - and have them respond. 
  • How to harness the power of the breath. 
  • Alternate nostril breathing and why it's so important for us.  
  • How to use Rajasic and Tamasic energy. 
  • How to merge consciousness and pray to the Fire spirit.  
  • What is a Heyoka - and why it's important for you as an empath!   
  • Symbols, numbers, cranial-sacral fluid, remote viewing;

intuitive empath

Master Your Energy and Personal Power with Practical Steps

Thursday, 7 February 2013

‘How to Tap into the Real ‘Source’ of Deep Passion and Connection in Your Intimate Relationship.’

Date nights, better communication, shared values…are all good things in a relationship and essential to create a strong partnership. But if you want love, mutual respect AND deep passion in your intimacy then you’ve got to get to the ‘source’ of that deep passion.
Once you understand how to tap into this ‘source’ in YOUR relationship you can prevent the spark from going out so you can enjoy a lifetime of deep, loving, passionate intimacy – Despite the daily grind and challenges of your everyday life
Do you long to feel more aligned and at home in your body? A sense of belonging upon this Earth?
Are you longing for living and sharing your inner vision in service for something bigger than yourself?
Do you dream of a life guided by the alchemy and wisdom of your own soul and body, free of restrictions and self-limiting beliefs?
Are you interested in Feminine Empowerment and Leadership?
Do you want more authentic familylife and relationships? More meaningful and heartminded daily life and work?
Do you envision the day when your body, soul and spirit are reconnected and fully integrated in all your relations, your daily life and work?
Do you believe in the art of soul connection and co-creation, the art of heartminded communications, the art of divine living, the art of being human, and the art of making a difference and being the change you wish to see in the world?

The Energetic Quantum BodySoulAlchemy™ Life & Business Lovefest is Ready for YOU!

For Conscious, Passionate & Spiritual Emerging Entrepreneurs & Individuals on Purpose & Prosperity. 

Global Alchemy Activation

Global Alchemy Activation - The Energetic BodySoulAlchemy Life & Business Lovefest

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Ride the wave of awakening and break free from the 24 Abundance Blocks holding you back with the Unlimited Abundance
Many say 2013 is the year of a global spiritual awakening. With this in mind, I have three questions to ask you about your future this year and beyond. Questions so crucial, they could turn your life around in the coming weeks, months and years.
So take a moment to breathe in, and clear your mind. Now just nod your head if any of these questions resonate with you…
  1. Do you believe your wealth and abundance are directly related to your state of mind and consciousness?
  2. If yes, what if there was a process to enhance your state of mind and consciousness, so from 2013 onwards you could improve your ability to attract wealth? Would this interest you?
  3. And if you knew this process only took a few sessions of practice, but would benefit you for the rest of your life… would you make the time for it?

If you said YES to all these questions, I have an invitation for you.

Last June, an intimate group of 400 people joined me on a 3-month online coaching call program called the Unlimited Abundance Program.
During the weekly calls, I used my gifts to work with every participant’s energetic frequency. I dived deep into their minds, and removed 24 hidden subconscious barriers – or as I call them, Abundance Blocks – that were silently sabotaging their ability to attract wealth. Blocks like “I don’t really deserve to be rich“, or “Wealthy people are bad“ (I’ll show you a full list of these Blocks further down below, and some of them will surprise you!).
The results of this program were life-changing—but it was only available for a small group..

How to live a life of... Abundance and Contribution in 2013 and BEYOND

Did you know that your brain is a mass of huge potential?
It is capable of tremendous things that you have never even imagined…
All you need is the key to unlock that massive power to be able to achieve anything you have desired.
Now before you think that this is about the Law of Attraction or some other metaphysical process – it’s not! I want to share with you a scientifically proven method to ‘switch on’ your brain’s massive potential whenever you want.
Let Me Explain…
Your brain waves are controlling how you think and respond to every stimulus you are experiencing right now, and they are either aligned in a state of learning, relaxation or energy… or they could be totally ‘switched off’ in the other direction.

Dominant Frequencies Control Your Life

Everything you do has a dominant frequency associated. When you are in a state of relaxation your brain waves have a certain frequency. When you are alert and driven they have a totally different frequency.
Check out the different frequencies and the result usually associated with it.
Frequency range Name Usually associated with:
> 40 Hz Gamma waves Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, fear, and consciousness
13 – 40 Hz Beta waves Active, busy or anxious thinking and active concentration, arousal, cognition
7 – 13 Hz Alpha waves Relaxation (while awake), pre-sleep and pre-wake drowsiness
4 – 7 Hz Theta waves Dreams, deep meditation, REM sleep
< 4 Hz Delta waves Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness
“I’ve got admit I was skeptical. But those damn binaural beats worked!”
Audio #1 – Maximum Motivation
Experience: Very Satisfied
I’m a media producer/writer/director working with corporate and government clients. As a scriptwriter, I often have to delve deeply into a rather specialized topic and quickly spit out a coherent script. Last week, i had to take 7 hours of audio interviews and generate a detailed script outline for a client. I have to admit, that i wasn’t looking forward to the assignment. But the job had to get done. I put “Maximum Motivation” onto my ipod and started it playing. Sat down with my notes and started working.
Almost immediately I felt my energy and focus increase. It’s kind of like a really centered coffee buzz. I was able to stay with the content, pull out the “gems” and get it all down on paper in three hours – almost effortlessly. I was in the “zone” doing what had to be done. I’ve got admit I was skeptical. But those damn binaural beats worked! Congrats. I’m not only sold but “SOLD” – if you know what I mean :) Jerry Travers Maryland, USA

Dominant Frequencies Control Your Life

Reiki Reflections

Reiki Self-Healing will bring you closer and closer to the source of Reiki each time you do it, and it will also greatly increase your confidence and ability to use Reiki.
Your whole body, mind and spirit will be gently cleansed and revitalized with the healing power of Reiki.
You simply relax in your favorite spot, press play on your media player and you will be guide through each step of your Reiki Self-Healing.

Treating Others.

Giving Reiki treatments to others is a deeply rewarding thing to do.
And you will discover exactly how to perform Reiki treatments with confidence so that you can give Reiki to friends, family, pets and animals, plants and paying clients too.
You will discover how to use each of the Reiki Symbol in your healing and also how to attune others to Reiki.
I’ve included comprehensive practice guides with the course which explain exactly how to practice giving Reiki treatments to others.
So when It comes to actually giving your first Reiki treatment to another you will be absolutely sure about how to conduct the treatment from beginning to end.

Quickly discover how to channel the beautiful healing energy of Reiki

Talk with Live, Expert Psychics

 You Have Questions, Our Psychics Have Answers
Psychic Readings up to 75% Off

Looking for Answers. Talk with Live, Expert Psychics

What do the love cards hold for you in 2013?

Love in the New Year Will 2013 be the year you meet your soul mate? Will a new friend turn into a lover? Get this inspiring 4-card reading and discover what the cards hold for you in the New Year. Start out with a free sample preview right now!

Get Lucky in Love in 2013 with a Love Card

Monday, 4 February 2013

Discover how to use higher awareness to raise your
consciousness and break out of old self-sabotaging pattern.

  • You've read lots of books and taken courses, but you're still not where you want to be?
  • You thought you'd changed but now you're back in the same old struggles?
  • You feel trapped in inertia, victimhood and mental clutter?
And yet you are determined - perhaps even desperate - to change?
Here is a hint...
A large building needs a solid foundation.
A rocket needs a stable launching pad.
And we humans need a firm grasp of who we are before we can confidently move forward into success, happiness and peace of mind.
Offering 20 personal development and spiritual growth programs at Higher Awareness

Know how to heal yourself so you can recognize and clear the limiting beliefs that continually sabotage your sincere intentions and efforts to move forward. As you clear old thinking patterns that no longer serve you, you will naturally elevate your level of consciousness and express your unique character, style and purpose.
If you are willing to shift your perceptions, you will change the quality of your life.
Take responsibility for your experience -- refuse to be a victim -- and your life will transform.
Using higher awareness to know and heal yourself creates a solid foundation for harvesting the greatest rewards of your life.


“What Would You Do If You Lived In A Magical World Where Anything You Could Possibly Imagine Was Possible?”

With Lucid Dreaming Made Easy™ you will be able to:

Recall Your Dreams Clearly - with a technique that allows you to remember all your dreams easily.

Experience Life-Like Dreams - as if they were tangible and realistic events with no distinction between dreams and reality.

Dream Lucidly For As Long As you Like - using a simple yet very effective technique that works every time.

Be Smarter, Richer, More Successful and Enhance Your Confidence - by creating the world of your dreams.

Travel to Other Dimensions, Experience Different Realities & Live the Perfect Life - with no limits.

Face your Fears and Overcome Your Phobias - conquer your real life fears and nightmares easily.

Master New Skills as Well as Polish your Existing Abilities - become a real life genius with heaps of new-found knowledge.

Improve Your Creativity - by inspiring yourself through your Dreams Effortlessly.

Have Mind-Blowing Out-Of-Body Experiences - whenever you want or feel like doing something different.

Satisfy Your Most Intimate Fantasies - in a world where anything is possible and ONLY YOU are in control.

And Anything you could possibly Dream to DO or BE!

THOUSANDS of people have already successfully mastered the art of lucid dreaming with Lucid Dreaming Made Easy™!  
Secrets of Dreams

Dreams afford a separation of soul and body. Before we can begin to comprehend or even analyze dreams, whether our dreams are symbolic or otherwise, we must first divert from our mind our materialistic conceptions of what the individual called man really is.

Imagine a Life of Complete Be and Do Whatever You Want

When emotional pain or dis-ease (whether it's in the form of anxiety, depression, diabetes, or cancer for example) occurs, it is the body's way of getting our attention about some imbalance in our life. Something is in need of healing! Self Healing is an empowered and proactive way to approach healing and may often be blended with other healing modalities.

When we honor the body, mind, heart, and spirit, we honor the whole self. After all, you are not just your body or just your mind.

Sadly, the all-time high usage of prescription drugs in our society informs us that many are seeking relief from pain and disease. The good news is the holistic movement of recent decades has reawaken awareness of ancient healing modalities and in some cases has refined some of these techniques. We think these alternative healing approaches are a more natural and less toxics way to approach healing.

At Self Healing Expressions, we think healing is greatly supported by a:

•Strong Immune System

•Healthy Eating

•New Perspective or Belief System

•Shift in Stuck or Stagnant Energy

•Powerful Natural Remedies... to name a few.  

Bringing the self to healing

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