Friday, 29 March 2013

‘You are not a body made of flesh and blood; you’re pure consciousness’ said an ancient mystic.
The findings of modern science seem to agree with this idea. The most fundamental unit of a human body, the cell, is made up of atoms with a nucleus and electrons around it. These particles are so tiny compared to the empty space in an atom that they seem like a marble against a football field. In other words, about 99.94% of an atom is ‘empty space’! And our scientists theorize that, if all the particles of our Earth are squeezed together without any space in between, the whole Earth would fit into the size of an apple!
Particle physics further states that these immensely tiny sub-atomic particles aren’t really particles, but ‘charges of energy’, with just a probability of being at a certain point in time and space. The apparent solidness of any object is mainly because of the forces that bind the atoms together. Anything and everything in Creation including us Humans are basically only Energy, which condenses in complex ways to give a solid, liquid or gaseous effect!
It is this vibrating energy that forms the building blocks of Creation. There’s also energy around us in an unmanifested state which further influences and moves Creation. Whatever we perceive and are yet to perceive is nothing but one or the other form of Energy. And we are energetic beings ourselves.
Understanding the origin, characteristics and intelligence of Energy is to understand and know ourselves and the Creation that we are a part of. We explore a few known and some hitherto unknown aspects of Energy in this two article series.
              ORIGIN OF ENERGY
Everything that exists originated from Light. At the Highest level of the Primordial God, Mula Brahman, there exists Light which is of the greatest quality and potential. This Light known as the Spectral Light, manifested to a less intense form called as the Nirvena Prakasha, which formed the Unmanifested Universes. From the Nirvena Prakasha manifested Light, which formed the Manifested Universes like our Universe.
When Creation continued further and new Cosmoses came into existence inside the Universes, Light manifested into a simpler component called Energy. The Huge Cosmoses are immense fields of Energy with Light, the intelligent Presence at their core. In our Creation, Devi Loka was the first energy field to manifest and hence also referred to as Adi Shakti, meaning the first energy.
Different energies manifested from Light, each having its own distinct colour. Light usually vibrates in various frequencies, so each of these frequencies gave rise to a particular energy. And the energies inherited the colour of the Light frequency from which they came out.
Energy condensed further into the five elements which formed the different states of Matter — Solid, Liquid and Gas. These forms of matter resulted in the creation of Galaxies, Stars, Planets and everything else on these Planets. Yet, a lot of energies are still present just in their pristine pure state, carrying immense potential for creation and other purposes.
Apart from condensing into Matter, Energy has also manifested in subtler forms which in turn influence matter. At the physical level, we can find various forms of Energy like Heat, Sound, visible Light, etc which can be directly perceived. There are subtler manifestations like the Prana energies from the Sun or the healing energies, which cannot be directly perceived but whose effects can be felt. And there are still subtler and finer energies which can be known only in the deeper states of meditations.
All these various manifestations of Energies are present to sustain life on this planet and to influence the evolution of all beings.
These Energies work under the guidance of the Higher Intelligence (God and Rishis), along with acting according to their inherent intelligence. Many Rishis, in their deep tapas, experiment and understand the various characteristics of different Energies available. They use them for the various works to be executed on this Earth.
Periodically many new Energies are released to Earth by the Higher Intelligence to help humanity and all life here in various ways. Very special energies are released during important occasions like eclipses and other alignments and on other days of spiritual significance.
Further to help us sail through this turbulent phase of the transition ­— Pralaya, with less pain and suffering, many new energies are released too. The new energies allow everyone to open up to the higher realities with more ease. Very special energies from other Universes are being brought down to our Earth to hasten our transition into the New Light Age.
The new energies help in reducing the negative vibrations and energies. They also make the dark less powerful and will in course of time, remove all darkness and negativity from our Earth.
Our Earth also receives Energies which are released from different Stars and Galaxies. These are specialized energies which are not required for all of humanity but only to those Souls who have arrived from the respective sources from where the energies are released.
Generally all Energies flow in a linear or a spiral formation. They are also present as particles of energy or as a field. The Energies which manifest directly from the Higher Sources like the Manifested Universes, exhibit other unique patterns.
Energies flow in the following ways:
1. Linear
2. Spiral pattern (also termed as vortexing energies)
3. Special patterns like ‘L’ shape
4. In a twisted pattern like a chain pattern
5. As small particles (without any fixed pattern).
Special energies which are a combination of different energies flow in unique ways. They are:
1. U shaped – the Energies flow in two separate channels and then merge together before reaching the destination.
2. The combination of Energies also forms other patterns like an Ellipse, a square, a triangle etc. each having a different and unique effect.
3. Some special Energies flow with a layer of other Energies surrounding them which act as a shield, a passage way etc.
4. Some Energies are always present as a field and the entire field of Energy is transferred as a unit rather than flowing in a pattern.
The difference in properties between these various Energy flow patterns is still being understood. We shall share more information about this later.
Energies are pristine pure by nature and hence above all external influences. The external factors influence us, the individuals; so it appears as if they are influencing the Energies themselves.
The Energies generally exhibit more potency in the morning period than in the evening. They are also more potent on days like the Full moon day.
Energies also respond to the presence of other energies which are already present in an environment. In an atmosphere of positive vibrations, the Energies can act more effectively. Yet, due to the intelligence they carry, they always have the capacity to shield themselves without getting influenced in any way.
These Energies are not passive entities as our material science would want us to believe. They have their own inherent intelligence and abilities to act, communicate and manifest further. The Energies have manifested from different fields of Light. They always carry the intelligence from their respective Sources. The Source and the Energies are interconnected; hence by connecting to the Energies, one can tap into the intelligence, capacities and characteristics of the Source itself.
The Energies also exhibit the natural characteristics of the Light field from which they originated. For example, the energies from ParaBrahma always carry Peace and Bliss.
They also follow the divine laws like that of respecting free-will. When healing energies are passed to an affected part of the body, these energies request the permission of the energies which carry the disease, to dissolve it. If they refuse (the disease could be because of a karmic reason) the healing energies do not act but stay neutral. As individuals we can force the healing energies to act with our intention. In such cases the healing energies will act and help, but the resultant karma will be gathered by us as the whole process was not in accordance with the Divine Will.
Energies further exhibit varying degrees of strength, intelligence and influence depending on their colours. These colours arise out of a particular frequency and potency of Light from which that Energy has come out. Different coloured energies play various roles in influencing Creation and in furthering evolution, especially in the current period of major transition that our Earth and Humanity is going through. 

Energy - The Basic Facts

Monday, 18 March 2013

Beloved one, I would speak with you now about the evolution of consciousness upon this plane. In the beginning – you like to speak of beginnings and endings, but, in Truth, the beginning was not a beginning; the beginning was an Isness that is outside of time. But in what you will understand within this point of focus, in the beginning was consciousness, awareness, Isness: an Isness that did not have to verbalize its Isness to know itself. It was an Isness of being, of expansion. And the expansion continues.
As you understand time, the consciousness was and still is expanding in Its realization of Isness. And in the expansion, It touched what you will call thought, and It desired within the expansion to know Itself in all ways: Beyond even what you can imagine within this point of focus. It was/is as the leavening within the bread, an expansion that has to be, that will not be denied.
And within the holiness of the whole of the Isness, there came forth desire to express. And the desire brought forth many, many realms, many dimensions: many realities from the one Reality.
Now, within the reality which you now call reality, there has been a most wonderful consciousness to see what we can create. And in what you would measure as eons of time ago, before any recorded history – and yet there is a memory deep within the recesses of the human mind – we brought forth from the divine Energy, light, which you understand. It is a concept within the physical realm. The divine Energy is beyond and more than light itself, but light will do very well as you understand its working within this plane.
As we thought to create within physicality, we thought to bring the stream of consciousness of divine energy into form: the first form being light. Then we thought to bring forth form out of the light: to coalesce the energy of light into various forms which you would see now to be most immense forms, of suns, of stars, universes. And we brought forth the physical universes much as a researcher will do: I think, and with thought I bring forth – and when I speak of “I”, it is more than just one individual. It is in Truth the Christ Mind. And we brought forth the most wonderful universes within what you understand now to be this realm, this reality, and other realities which have not been touch upon or measured yet within this point of focus, although some of your seers have seen other dimensions, other realities. And they are true.
Having brought forth a wonderful star which you see every day rising in your east and setting in your west, we brought forth other forms, light forms, which you call the planets, to be in association with the star in an awesome dance, a wonderful agreement of energy of attraction.
We knew ourselves to be creative Energy. And we looked upon what we had brought together, and we called it good, much as you have done when you have had accomplishments. And we celebrated that which we had brought forth.
Then, as a consciousness of Being, we came and lived with the creations around our holy Mother, the Earth: the other planets, the stars, the suns, just for the fun of it. And you were there.
We were as the Light which danced within the light of form. And we thought, “What more can we create?” And it was not even a thought which took a split second of time – although you would measure it as millions of years – and we brought forth the mountains, the valleys, the rivers, the clouds, the vast oceans. We experienced how it felt to be within the vast ocean and how it felt to be within the mountain.
You have now teachings that say there are masters who live within the great mountains, the sacred mountains. And this is true. There is a consciousness of great masters living within all of your mountains, and all of your valleys as well, for every place is sacred.
And we experienced the physical world as it was then, bringing it more and more into what you now experience, into a certain density, a fine tuning as you would call it. And you were there.
Then we thought, “What more can we bring into form to play upon this creation, our holy Mother, the Earth?” And we brought forth all manner of life-forms within the oceans and upon the dry land, and we wondered how it would feel to be the different forms of life. We brought forth forms which you know now in your stories called mythology. They were most wondrous forms. And we brought forth what you now call primitive man/woman, and you have in this day and time an arrogance which judges those forms that they are lesser than what you are now. But in Truth those forms were just as wonderful as what you activate in this day and time. Life in any form is to be celebrated.
We brought forth the trees, the plants, the flowers. We brought forth the tallest of the plant kingdom and the smallest. We brought forth everything which you know now in this day and time, and more: many forms which you have forgotten.
And in the evolution, the ongoing of the process of time, we became very enamored with the creations. There was a certain feeling of pride, which evolved into competition. Various ones said, “My creation is greater than yours. It will run faster than yours. It will destroy yours.” And there were games; we knew them to be games. For as one creation would be swallowed up by another creation, instantly we would remake a creation. There was not at that time the sense of loss, for there was still the knowing of creativity.
But in the evolution of time, there came to be a forgetting of the creativity and the power of the spirit, and the focus was more and more upon the creations: and more and more distance was believed to be between creator and creation.
In the process of identification with the creations there has evolved a very strong feeling of separateness, which has birthed a longing deep within, a feeling of abandonment, a feeling of homesickness, of wanting to go home, wanting to be held and loved, nurtured, wanting to find the place of true love and acceptance, wanting to remember That Which you are in Truth: the invulnerable Creator.
From time to time within the collective human consciousness there has been a rising up of the still small Voice, a rising up of the Christ energy, which has said, “I know myself to be more than just the physical.” And ones have come forth as great teachers, as they have been called forth by the human consciousness wanting to remember. And these teachers have gone deep within themselves to touch the stream of holy consciousness, the stream of divine Energy of Isness, and they have brought forth messages, teachings, revelations which they have shared. These messages have been messages of hope, messages which have said, “Arise up in your thinking. Take the focus off of the small scene right in front of your nose and look up to the light of higher consciousness.” And the teachers have manifested things which have seemed to be miracles — according to the collective thinking — because they were living in the stream of knowing divine consciousness, knowing themselves to be unlimited.
And as time has gone by, what they have shared with friends, students, disciples has been forgotten, put into the background, and they themselves have been held as being more divine than the rest of the people, and they have been worshipped, set apart from the other brothers and sisters. You have in this day and time many who worship me who do not understand that I spoke of the Christ of all of us.
And their worshipping of me leads to more divisiveness as they will hold on to their small bit of truth and defend it to their death. It has led to many battles, many “holy” wars where ones would try to prove that their truth was more powerful than the other’s truth, and that their God was more powerful than the other’s.
Fortunately, there is a wave of consciousness which has begun far before what you see this lifetime to be, a wave of consciousness which is desiring to experience Itself as more than just one individual, one lifetime, one existence. Many voices are speaking of peace, of value of life, of going within to listen to the still small Voice, of contemplating that, “Perhaps there is more than just what I experience with the five senses. Perhaps there is more than just this reality.”
Do you realize what a most wonderful catalyst that thought has been? That thought, when it burst from within the human consciousness that perhaps there is more than this reality, was the turning point of your awakening. It was the point where human consciousness began to see itself as perhaps part of a larger whole.
Now, of course, with human consciousness being what it has trained itself to be, believing in duality, the understanding that, “Perhaps I am part of a larger whole,” has been interpreted as “how small I am” – not the celebration that, “I am something of a larger whole and how wonderful that is,” but, “Oh, how pitifully small I am. There are forces out there bigger than I am. I may have to defend myself.”
So when there has been visitation by space brothers and sisters, there has been within the collective consciousness a habitual reaction of, “How do I defend myself? If they have come from outer space – which I know little about – their technology must be greater than ours.” And your leaders have said, “We cannot tell everyone about this because there will be an uprising of fear.” Not welcome.
You have been visited by space brothers, of course. You are not alone in the universes. Praise be to the heavenly Source that you are not alone. Praise be to the heavenly Source that this lifetime is not all that you are. You are part of a much larger whole, and you are coming – you as the individual and you as the collective — to the place of being able to abide with such a thought not in fear but in celebration. To abide with it in welcome. To know that in Truth you always meet another aspect of your Self. There is no separation. You are not separate from life itself. You are not separate from the divine creative Energy which you are. You cannot be separate from the flow of divinity which you are. You can only think yourself to be separate, but in Truth you cannot be separate from the divine flow of creative Energy. Even as you are using that divine flow of creative Energy to create what you see to be separation, you are not separate. You are divine. You are an extension of the one Isness, the one Mind, and it is most wonderful now that you have many thinkers, many seers who are willing to sit with a new idea and welcome it.
Now with the influx of the new energies upon this plane you are beginning to remember oneness with all life. You have the teachers who speak in this day and time of meditating with a life-form such as a tree, a flower, a blade of grass to the place where there is conscious oneness with a leaf or a petal of a flower to know how it is to be life in that form. You can know yourself to be within the mind of the beloved pet and to commune with them. It requires a bit of patience, but in their wisdom they allow you the patience.
You can feel yourself expanded beyond the boundaries of the body. You can expand to know the aura of you and how it blends with the light of other life-forms. Many of the life-forms do not know separation the way human experience declares separation. That is why when you do the practice of sitting in oneness with other life-forms, you move into the remembrance of the creative divine Energy of life itself and you move beyond the separation which you have thought to be true. It also moves you into a less arrogant place of thinking that you are the only power.
Every belief which you hold is rooted in the Truth that, “I am the Christ power.” But in forgetfulness it has become a bit constricted, limited, warped in the extension of the belief. It behooves mankind, womankind, humankind at this point in the collective evolution to entertain unlimitedness, to play with the thought, “I am part of a larger whole. I am ready now to remember all of me, all of my other expressions. I am ready now to entertain the thought that there are universes within universes, and I, as the creative holy Child, have had a part in the creation of all of these universes, all of these playgrounds.”
This reality is wonderful in its creativity. It is to be celebrated, but it is not the only reality. Do not be so arrogant as to think that this is all that your Father, the creative Source, would allow to be created. If that were true it would be a limitation.
Now, hear me well: There are realities beyond your most wonderful imagination and you are free to play in those realities even while you activate the present body. You do not have to release the body in order to know expanded Self. You can do that in your times of meditation, times when you are being one with another life-form, when you are contemplating, “How would it feel to be the energy of the farthest star, the powerful energy of the most brilliant star whose light has not even reached this reality yet, and I am the pulsating energy of that star?” And you are. Play with that for a while. It will take you beyond what you see to be this reality. It will take you beyond all of the small stuff and it will allow you to celebrate your Being as I do.
Live in joy. Know that in Truth the holy Child is awakening to Its unlimitedness, Its creativity, Its creations, not only in this realm, but all other realities that you can imagine, and more. Use the new energies which you have called forth to expand into your True Self, and manifest heaven on Earth.
Celebrate the evolution of human Earth consciousness as it comes to the most divine place of remembering the Light which dances yet upon the firmament, the Light which, in Truth, has been from before time began and will exist even when the purpose of time has been fulfilled.
So be it.

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Jeshua: The Evolution of Earth Consciousness

You have been through a tremendous surge of growth and now a drop in the energy has left many of you to ponder what is up and what to do. Use this time wisely dear Ones, as it is a respite and a time of analyzing your focus and re-evaluating your plans and goals so that you can move clearly ahead when the time is right. You are graduating to a new level in your evolution.
Like the butterfly, emerging from the cocoon, you are awakening to a new you and beginning a new journey as you are expanding your understanding of life, the universe and everything. You will begin to see everything from a new viewpoint and with newly awakening senses. At times this can seem overwhelming and you will feel unsure what to do next. Take the time to go within and you will better understand and can learn to work with your own entourage of Lights who are awaiting your command.
There is a tremendous amount of energy and opportunities for growth happening like never before in your recorded history and you are the ones to lead the parade. You are ready! You have the resources and the skills to manifest your life the way you want it to unfold. The challenge really is in finding where your passion lies and where you want to direct your focus. When things begin moving after this respite of change, it will move quickly and require your absolute attention and focus to see it to fruition and to provide you with the level of adventure, the love and the growth you require.
Everything has a purpose. Everything, every person, and event was put on your path with and for a purpose. There is no such thing as a coincidences, or accidents. It is all divinely orchestrated with all aspects of you, your higher self, your guides and angels and those of others that you interact with to complete your life experiences. Your life purpose is ultimately to do that which brings you joy, satisfaction, growth, fulfillment, understanding and advancement. Seeking these soul qualities will put you on your path, and attract to you all the right people, places and things to assist you on your journey.
To find the purpose of a current situation, ask your entourage of high light beings to guide you to a greater understanding. See yourself and the entire situation through their eyes, with compassion, love and an open mind. See it with the desire for expansion and growth. Judge no one, this includes you. Send out waves of love and see the entire situation healed and complete to the satisfaction of everyone involved. There is a solution already and sometimes that requires compassion and compromise in seeing that everyone one gets their say, whether you agree with it or not. Let each one speak their truth so they have a chance to grow. Spend time meditating upon the gifts that are bestowed upon you during this time and hold that energy in your heart as you go about your day.
Do not get bogged down by minute details and the egos of others as each of you find your balance. Ask for higher understanding for everyone involved and this will always lead you to the light and to do what is right. A new beginning is at hand and you are going to shortly see the end to what has felt like a difficult situation and things will get so much better here on out.
Traditional viewpoints will be changing as they have no other choice as the arena around you begins to change. This has to happen as a part of your expansion, but will not go quietly into the light. Watch as many spiritual institutions begin to change because they must in order to survive in the energy of Truth.
The truth will be revealed in ways never before possible in your world. Expect the unexpected and continue to hold love in your hearts as events unfold. It is all a part of your expanded spiritual growth coupled with your desire for meaning and something more. You are creating a whole new world of emotional and spiritual expansion and beginning a new level of wisdom and understanding that is available for all.
Use this time to heal. Take the time to rest and refocus as this is the best way to get ready for the wave that is coming. Spending time in self-discovery and personal growth is the best gift to give yourself right now. Spend time meditating as you will get the answers you seek and an expansion of your spiritual wisdom. Use this time to get your footing and your passion as there will be a sudden inflow when things start moving, you can ride the wave or let it pull you under, the choice of course is entirely yours to choose.
Let any sleepless nights be filled with your dreams and your desires as they really do work as a self-fulfilling prophecy and so why not expect best. Transitions are at hand, take charge for it is your time to shine. You are becoming the master and graduating to another vibration and light quotient for yourself and your growth.
You are about to give birth to new ideas and inspirations and when you follow your passion, life is grand. If you are resisting the flow, you are probably too busy trying to stay afloat that you are listening or hearing these words anyway. Find the balance for yourself and be sure to be neither too frivolous nor too cautious with yourself and your goals. Make good sound business decisions for yourself and trust that you will do what you know is right and best for all. This is the best way for you to achieve the balance in your emotional and physical worlds once again. Be gentle with yourself, nurture one another and remember that it is all an unfolding process that will continue to grow.
Strength and Renewal are your creed and you trust all that you feel when you cultivate these qualities for yourself. Review and evaluate as you tools of assessment and you will know when it is time to act or to move on in a new or in a different direction. Trust that each new phase brings with it new and heightened relationships with others as you learn to trust yourself. Release any cares and concerns that things will turn out less than you have planned, however remember to build your castles in the sand and not just on a cloud. See the gift in any phase that did not turn out as planned and let it be the launching point for new ideas and inspirations that are more aligned with your truth, trust and integrity. You have great inner strength and resources as well, you are never, ever alone.
As the graduates and way showers of these shifting times, you are the teachers, the healers and the warriors of the age of light.
You are the Magi’s, you are the Knights, you are the Queens of what is felt and often not seen. Trust in yourself and your growing connection and intuition with All that is.
The time ahead of you will be filled with a mixed bag of creations and options for which to choose. Use this time wisely to choose carefully from this bag of wishes. Use the power of your creativity coupled with your desire to succeed and you will go very far indeed. As your emotional and material needs are being met, you will have extra time and energy to focus on your personal and spiritual growth. Plan to take a workshop or attend an event that is just for you and about your growth, as there is much available for the graduate to experience and vibrate even higher. This is achieved at higher levels when you gather together in groups and expand your light. Together you are so much stronger than you even realise and for many of you that is already quite grand.
Join a celebration; take a time out to have some fun. Know that when you spend time on your own expansion, you will be playing in the sun. A new day is dawning, a new time has begun. Life becomes more magical when the day is done.

Graduating to the Next Level - with Beings of Light

Thursday, 14 March 2013

The topic of Wanderers or higher dimensional-beings who have incarnated for the purpose of assisting humanity is somewhat popular in the New Age movement. There are plenty of people these days who claim to be “Star Seeds”or “Light Workers” from planet this or that. However, some of them seem to use this identification to enhance their ego and self-importance, over-estimating their level of Being and Awareness, appearing “special” and “mysterious”, clouded in a very fluff talk of Love and Light. Especially nowadays, where it is hip to be “spiritual”, many self-proclaimed lightworkers dress accordingly and give themselves fancy spiritual names which are supposed to reflect their higher state of awareness, claiming to be awake. It’s easy to identify oneself with such an idea but does one’s life truly reflect that? Does one truly KNOW what it means to be a lightworker or Wanderer and the work it entails? Or is it just another label used for appearance’s sake and to make oneself feel better? There are many distortions and people tend to project their own filtered view into it. As with everything these days truth is mixed with lies.
“I think the “wanderer issue” is kind of like the “faith vs works” issue.  Anybody can say it, claim it, but does their life give evidence of it? How have they applied themselves?”
- Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Personally I don’t dismiss the idea of higher density souls coming back in time with a specific mission to fulfill. However, I also take it with a grain of salt at the same time. Reflecting on my life, I can see that I could fit the profile of a Wanderer and learning about it has given much clarity and understanding of myself and what I felt deep inside all along. However I don’t see myself as being special or better since I have to learn my lessons as everyone else in this 3D human experience.
Throughout my whole life I felt different and was very much a loner in high school, not being able to fit in, dealing with a high sensitive nature and a deep emotional life which was confusing to say the least. Obviously many children feel this way growing up in our pathological world and is by no means an indication that one is automatically a Wanderer.  My parents did their best in raising me according to their knowledge. I didn’t have a bad childhood or was abused by any means. I just felt I wasn’t from here and even as a young kid in my pre-teens I used to look at the stars at night thinking and longing “Take me home…Why am I here?…Why am I so alone?”. However, I never truly made the connection that I was maybe a Wanderer, nor was I conscious of this idea. It was just natural for me for me to stare at the night sky asking these questions and it had a soothing affect on me.
Scott Mandelker who has  published several books on the Ra material and Buddhism came up with a questionnaire (similar to determining personality types) which can help to find out if one is potentially a Wanderer. Obviously there is no true scientific way to prove one way or another. I think Mendelker’s quiz is a bit over-simplified, short and vague and missing some important points, which can also lead to misinterpretations. Deeper introspection and understanding of what being a Wanderer entails is certainly needed. I would not go by this questionnaire alone and proclaim “I’m a Wanderer” even if I can answer most questions with a yes. It’s easy to read into things and “bend the truth” in order to fit it for oneself. As Laura mentioned earlier, what is it you truly DO about it?
I started questioning the world as we know it more consciously when I went to the University of Munich studying business in 1991, a choice I made due to social pressure, being confused, not knowing myself and just doing what everyone else did: getting a degree, so I can have a secure job and make a living. I was depressed and felt just like I did in High School, doing things that I didn’t like to do but thought I had to do in order to “fit in”. I kept thinking there must be more to life than this! Well, as the saying goes, ask and you shall receive and I was asking sincerely from the depth of my being. The call was answered when a good friend I met around that time asked me to try out playing drums for his band. My life changed completely. Music has always been my ally in my life. Listening to it helped me to deal with my complex emotional life. But I was so conditioned and lost that I never thought to make music myself. I was in awe when I saw bands playing live and especially intrigued when watching the drummer. My low self-esteem didn’t even make that connection that I could be doing this myself since I thought I had to study and be a good student in order to get a degree in something more practical and secure to fit into society and also please my parents.
Playing drums connected me to something deeper within me and for the first time in my life I truly knew what I wanted to do. I was so infused with inspiration and sudden self-confidence that I dropped out of university, saved up money and moved to Los Angeles to study drums and percussion at the Musicians Institute. At that time I realized there must be even more to life and more to who I am, that there is purpose to my life, that there was something I’m here to do. A lot of things came up for me and it was not always a happy time. Dealing with depression, childhood programming, social conditioning and this seemingly never-ending feeling of loneliness, unable to connect with people on a deeper level, I started to look for answers, trying to figure myself out as I was going through the “dark night of the soul” with suicidal thoughts and even drug abuse (which didn’t last long, since it interfered with my passion for playing drums. Music literally saved my life). My search and asking fueled by intense internal suffering lead me to the works of Carl Gustav Jung, J. Krihshnamurti, Alan Watts, Joseph Campbell and other spiritual/psychology/philosophy literature as well as Astrology, which helped me in the process of seeking answers to deeper life questions and understanding myself better.
Another big shift in my life started when I first read “Bringers of the Dawn” (BOTD) in the late 90′s. No other book has had such a deep impact on me. It was almost like an instruction manual I’ve read before, awakening something within me that was always there. It was more a recognition than learning something new. It resonated with me deeply. Readers of my blogs know that I don’t take the idea of “resonating” lightly since I believe that there is such a thing as “false resonating”. As I wrote in “Channeled material and the Age of Transformation”:
While there is validity to the idea of “resonating” with a certain teaching or source, it can easily be misapplied if the “reading instrument”, the Self, is not “tuned” correctly. Some fundamentalist Christians also “resonate” with the Bible in literal terms, believing the earth is only 5000 years old.  “Feel good” messages are no proof of truth and can also be very emotional manipulative. Disinformation is always lies mixed with truth. Enough truth to use as a bait to get the seeker’s attention and then put him/her on a false lead so to speak, keeping him asleep while he believes to awaken. In order to find the true resonance one needs to separate the false self (with its assumptions, conditioning, expectations, wishful thinking, buffers, emotional hooks and ego desires) from the true self which is grounded in Knowledge, connected to the small voice inside that can always separate a lie from truth, using intuition and critical thinking alike, even if the truth is not very “pleasant” and challenging to one’s world view. In other words, honest self-work is needed in order to resonate with truth. Within and without.
Marciniak’s book started my quest for truth on a whole new level, confirming my feeling that there is something else happening on our planet besides what we have been taught and told by official culture. For many people the information in BOTD is too far out or laughable, however that also makes sense as I’ll explain later on. It was not only the idea of higher density souls coming “back in time” incarnating in human form (Renegades, Family of Light) with a mission profile to assist humanity during this time of transformation which I resonated with, but also the more disturbing topic of hyperdimensional control and that humans are not on top of the food chain, nor in control of themselves, but have been manipulated genetically and controlled by “Aliens” (hyperdimensional 4D STS forces) since “The Fall”.
Her work led me to the Ra material, as well as the Cassiopaean Experiment and the work of Laura Knight-Jadczyk who wrote in depth about the Theological Drama with hyperdimensional forces working through humanity, incorporating a vast array of esoteric teachings, channeled material (Ra, Marciniak’s Pleiadians) and research into ancient history, connecting the dots scientifically, esoterically, historically and mystically. Her personal story and discoveries are written about in her seminal works “The Wave” (8 books) and “The Secret History of the World”. I don’t know anyone else who has mapped out the true reality of our world and humanity’s place in it so well as he she has done. No wonder she has experienced (and is experiencing) so many attacks, ridicule and threats personally and for her work. You don’t get that kind of attention if you’re not on to something that may be a real threat to the powers that be and the status quo of official culture. It was another milestone in my awakening.

The Holy Trinity of Channeling: Bringers of the Dawn

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Death and loss
Though the ordinary man looks upon death with dread and sadness, those who have gone before know it as a wondrous experience of peace and freedom.
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At death, you forget all the limitations of the physical body and realize how free you are. For the first few seconds there is a sense of fear — fear of the unknown, of something unfamiliar to the consciousness. But after that comes a great realization: the soul feels a joyous sense of relief and freedom. You know that you exist apart from the mortal body.
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Every one of us is going to die someday, so there is no use in being afraid of death. You don’t feel miserable at the prospect of losing consciousness of your body in sleep; you accept sleep as a state of freedom to look forward to. So is death; it is a state of rest, a pension from this life. There is nothing to fear. When death comes, laugh at it. Death is only an experience through which you are meant to learn a great lesson: you cannot die.
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Our real self, the soul, is immortal. We may sleep for a little while in that change called death, but we can never be destroyed. We exist, and that existence is eternal. The wave comes to the shore, and then goes back to the sea; it is not lost. It becomes one with the ocean, or returns again in the form of another wave. This body has come, and it will vanish; but the soul essence within it will never cease to exist. Nothing can terminate that eternal consciousness.
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Even a particle of matter or a wave of energy is indestructible, as science has proved; the soul or spiritual essence of man is also indestructible. Matter undergoes change; the soul undergoes changing experiences. Radical changes are termed death, but death or a change in form does not change or destroy the spiritual essence.
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The body is only a garment. How many times you have changed your clothing in this life, yet because of this you would not say that you have changed. Similarly, when you give up this bodily dress at death you do not change. You are just the same, an immortal soul, a child of God.
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The word “death” is a great misnomer, for there is no death; when you are tired of life, you simply take off the overcoat of flesh and go back to the astral world.
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The Bhagavad Gita speaks beautifully and solacingly of the immortality of the soul:
Never the spirit was born; the spirit shall cease to be never;
Never was time it was not; End and Beginning are dreams!
Birthless and deathless and changeless remaineth the spirit forever;
Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems.

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Death is not the end: it is temporary emancipation, given to you when karma, the law of justice, determines that your present body and environment have served their purpose, or when you are too weary or exhausted by suffering to bear the burden of physical existence any longer. To those who are suffering, death is resurrection from the painful tortures of flesh into awakened peace and calmness. To the elderly, it is a pension earned by years of struggling through life. For all, it is a welcome rest.
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When you reflect that this world is filled with death, and that your body, too, has to be relinquished, God’s plan seems very cruel. You can’t imagine that He is merciful.
But when you look at the process of death with the eye of wisdom, you see that after all it is merely a thought of God passing through a nightmare of change into blissful freedom in Him again. Saint and sinner alike are given freedom at death, to a greater or lesser degree according to merit. In the Lord’s dream astral world — the land to which souls go at death — they enjoy a freedom such as they never knew during their earthly life.
So don’t pity the person who is passing through the delusion of death, for in a little while he will be free. Once he gets out of that delusion, he sees that death was not so bad after all. He realizes his mortality was only a dream and rejoices that now no fire can burn him, no water can drown him; he is free and safe.
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The consciousness of the dying man finds itself suddenly relieved of the weight of the body, of the necessity to breathe, and of any physical pain. A sense of soaring through a tunnel of very peaceful, hazy, dim light is experienced by the soul. Then the soul drifts into a state of oblivious sleep, a million times deeper and more enjoyable than the deepest sleep experienced in the physical body....
The after-death state is variously experienced by different people in accordance with their modes of living while on earth. Just as different people vary in the duration and depth of their sleep, so do they vary in their experiences after death. The good man who works hard in the factory of life goes into a deep, unconscious, restful sleep for a short while. He then awakens in some region of life in the astral world: “In my Father’s house are many mansions.”
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Souls in the astral region are clothed in gossamer light. They do not encase themselves in bundles of bones with fleshly covers. They carry no frail, heavy frames that collide with other crude solids and break. Therefore, there is no war in the astral land between man’s body and solids, oceans, lightning, and disease. Nor are there accidents, for all things coexist in mutual helpfulness, rather than antagonism. All forms of vibration function in harmony with one another. All forces live in peace and conscious helpfulness. The souls, the rays on which they tread, and the orange rays they drink and eat, all are made of living light. Souls live in mutual cognizance and cooperation, breathing not oxygen, but the joy of Spirit.
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“Friends of other lives easily recognize one another in the astral world,” [Sri Yukteswar said]. “Rejoicing at the immortality of friendship, they realize the indestructibility of love, often doubted at the time of the sad, delusive partings of earthly life.”
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How glorious is life after death! No more will you have to lug about this old baggage of bones, with all its troubles. You will be free in the astral heaven, unhindered by physical limitations.
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When a dear one dies, instead of grieving unreasonably, realize that he has gone on to a higher plane at the will of God, and that God knows what is best for him. Rejoice that he is free. Pray that your love and goodwill be messengers of encouragement to him on his forward path. This attitude is much more helpful. Of course, we would not be human if we did not miss loved ones; but in feeling lonesome for them we don’t want selfish attachment to be the cause of keeping them earthbound. Extreme sorrow prevents a departed soul from going ahead toward greater peace and freedom.
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To send your thoughts to loved ones who have passed on, sit quietly in your room and meditate upon God. When you feel His peace within you, concentrate deeply at the Christ center, the center of will at the point between the two eyebrows, and broadcast your love to those dear ones who are gone.
Visualize at the Christ center the person you wish to contact. Send to that soul your vibrations of love, and of strength and courage.
If you do this continuously, and if you don’t lose the intensity of your interest in that loved one, that soul will definitely receive your vibrations. Such thoughts give your loved ones a sense of well-being, a sense of being loved. They have not forgotten you any more than you have forgotten them.
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Send your thoughts of love and goodwill to your loved ones as often as you feel inclined to do so, but at least once a year — perhaps on some special anniversary. Mentally tell them, “We will meet again sometime and continue to develop our divine love and friendship with one another.” If you send them your loving thoughts continuously now, someday you will surely meet them again. You will know that this life is not the end, but merely one link in the eternal chain of your relationship with your loved ones.
“The ocean of Spirit has become the little bubble of my soul. Whether floating in birth, or disappearing in death, in the ocean of cosmic awareness the bubble of my life cannot die. I AM indestructible consciousness, protected in the bosom of Spirit’s immortality.”

Understanding Death and Loss

Monday, 11 March 2013

Many times I go into my therapy room and lie down on my healing couch to recharge my batteries and to receive healing from the gods and the Angels. Today I felt a need to light my oil burner and added the scent of rose essential oil while I lay on the bed. I closed my eyes and I instantly saw 3 humanoid beings in front of me. They were two men and a woman. “So much for my rest!” I said to myself, as they clearly wanted me to speak with them and of course, share what they had to tell me.
I said ‘Hello’ to the three beings and asked them where they were from. They told me they were from the constellation of ‘Cepheus’ and they asked me to channel this message for humanity.
Male Cepheun: “Hello, Nanaea. We are from Cepheus Alpha and it is time that we opened channels with you for we work with the gods of Earth and their allies. We would like to introduce ourselves to you as we are not a bad mannered race.
My name is Rarden and these are my friends, Seton and Dana. We have come to visit you today because we simply want to make your acquaintance and also discuss how you are coping with life on Earth in this life time. We also want to share some things with you regarding the changes and the current phases on Earth. Of course, we would enjoy it very much if you would publish this conversation so others may read it. So how are things for you on Earth?”
I feel like I am with a counsel worker and for some reason I want to laugh at the fact that I am speaking with a light being from another planet who is speaking to me in such a human way.
Helen: “Rarden, life on Earth is nice. I enjoy it. In fact, I love Earth very much and love humanity. I guess I am coping how most people do and trying to make my experience here better.”
Rarden: “We know that your Earth mother died very recently. Would you like to talk about this?”
Helen: “I see. Rarden, this is confusing me. You see, I didn’t think this visit would be about me and even though I am confident in my channeling, part of my ego is beginning to think my mind is creating all of this to give myself healing.”
Rarden: “No, Nanaea. You did not create this from your ego or your emotions. This is really happening and in Earth time. I should have been clearer before. We are known for being great healers for the mind and spirit and body. We were scheduled to meet with you at some point in the near future but considering what has happened in your life we felt you needed us sooner. So tell us how you feel.”
Helen: “I feel like I have lost my home and I was in a very bad place which I do not wish to return to as it makes me ill and then I cannot work.”
Dana: “Beloved, Nanaea, we want this chance to explain to you about death and this is something others will benefit from also, those who are reading this. We don’t need to tell you that death is not the end as you already know this. We do not need to tell you that the essence of those who die does not die too. You know all of this. But we want to bring you comfort and help you to understand the process of dying and that every soul in the universe has a mission that only ends when the soul chooses to rest.
Let me tell you that when the body of any being dies, their soul enters a portal which takes them to a place of healing. You could say that this place is what humans deem as paradise as it is a place of pure love and evolution. It is a place of profound learning where each conscious shares their experiences of their past life and this teaches other souls who are much younger or have not had as many experiences in their incarnations on any planet.
You remember that when your mother died you saw her in a beautiful garden that was full of flowers and she told you that you can visit her any time you wish. Well, this is true. You can visit this place and you can learn from those souls who have recently left their bodies and who are in transition. Do not forget that these souls have comes from all the different planets in the universe and you have been to this place many times, too, which is why you already know the way.
Helen: “Dana, does this place have a name?”
Dana: “No, Nanaea, it does not as it does not need a name, for it is a place that the heart knows and finds without any map or any direction.”
Helen: “Thank you Dana. Is there anything else you would like me to share with humanity that is not related to my personal trials?”
Dana looks at me with compassion but I do not want to go deeper into my personal situation at this time.
Dana: “Yes, Nanaea. We have lots to tell you. We want to tell all who are willing to know that all ages on Earth are important. We know that many say ‘right now is an important time on Earth’ but this is because ALL times are important on Earth and what is paramount is that humans understand the significance of enjoying their present and learning all that they can from all that is around them. You have already been told to not look only into the future for a better life experience but to enjoy your time during every moment of your present. Remember that the future is also created by what you understand and manifest in your present for you can manifest things in the present. How do you want your present to me? Would you like it to be how you dream your future to be? Then focus on the present and make that reality for yourself and your future will become what is already in existence today.
As my friend Rarden explained to you, we are well known healers but we are also great philosophers who teach others to love wisdom and to understand the wisdom in all situations. We have guided you for such a long time, even before you were born as Helen, and you have learned in our schools on Cepheus Alpha. In one life time you were a teacher there. Your mother was also one of our students.
Do you know that each soul has so many facets. A soul retains each identity of each life time and so when a loved one passes from mortal life and is called upon by their family, they can still connect with them as the essence that they were known as in that life, even if that soul has reincarnated. You have to remember that all souls are connected and all souls know each other before and after each life time.
Ok, I think I have spoken to you enough about this subject. Let us progress, dearest Nanaea. Seton would also like to speak to you.”
Seton: “Hello, Nanaea. What I have to say does not regard your situation right now, do not worry.
I want to talk about a new electrical charge that you have already begun to feel around you right now. Again, you will all, that is humanity, will feel the symptoms of this electrical charge which usually makes you feel nauseas and light headed and may also induce a few migraines.
As you know, with every new energy, or frequency, if you like, affects your whole equilibrium as these energies that you are not used to takes their toll on the physical body. It is only until you have got used to these new energies. You have to remember that your body is a vehicle and it took you some time as a baby ton learn how to drive this vehicle. I am not declaring that you have never known these energies before but your body has not known them before.
Now, what is this new electrical current that is and shall be charging through you all? Of course, it is to activate and will activate the delicate structures of each of your cells. This will help new cells to grow that are more resilient to disease and sickness for as you are already within the mouth of the Aquarian aeon, so your body must be strong enough to deal with the compression placed upon it from the new age and the consciousness of this new age is much higher and not as dense as the frequencies of the previous age.
Know that as you witness the changing of your world and the consciousness WITHIN your reality, that you must also be helped in your physical evolution as human beings. You know that the church structure is beginning to show huge cracks now and it is just as you have been told would happen and the beginning of the collapse of the church.
Something else will come as a result of this collapse. Many of the government structures within your world are dictated very much by the church. This is because they are one unit. So you have to expect that as the collapse of the church is becoming a reality, and this will take some time, so will the governments that lead many countries begin to collapse and it will be a hard time for all involved.
It is imperative that you know that the world does not only include the countries titled as ‘superpowers’. There are many countries, poorer countries, which are kept in poverty because of their governments. Can they even be called governments? More like dictatorships. These countries are a unit with not only the church but also with Islam. What I am trying to tell you, Nanaea, as that any structure that govern humanity based on their religious beliefs will know the sword of separation. These religious organizations shall be dissected from the people and their rule over the people for whether humanity agrees with this or not, this is the plans for Earth and the salvation of humanity and the salvation of the enlightenment process of humanity.
You already know that religion was created by a minority of male humans to oppress spiritual evolution on Earth. Should the people of planet Earth have been free to evolve as they should, they could no longer be deceived to follow pathways that led into a created labyrinth that they called ‘enlightenment’ which had no goal and no reward of spiritual adeptness. And once in this labyrinth, there were strategically placed illusionary nightmares that forced the human to make choices based on those illusions. In easier terms, dearest, by not adhering to religious laws, people were told they would face eternal damnation in hell or other physical abominations such as stoning, lashings, prison and hangings. They carefully created it so that humans, who were not part of the elite and were ignorant to this network of lies, would be the ones to carry out such savageness on each other. So you see, they were even able to override the knowingness inside of what is wrong or right of others and enforced them to murder and torture their own brothers and sisters in the name of religion. These things are still happening right now in your present time and if anyone still believes in the free will to choose to become part of any barbaric religion then they must know this: these religions will no longer be there as a choice as they shall be taken away. It is time to heal the Earth and Earth consciousness and so to do this the viruses and sicknesses of control must be cured and taken away and burned as waste. So I am telling you that any religion that oppresses and suppress the human spirit or hurts and harms any human mentally, emotionally and physically shall collapse under the pressure of freedom and human rights.
Just look at every major religion on Earth, Nanaea, and you will see that they ALL have rules that enforce the oppression of human spiritual evolution and put before each human false obstacle that they must overcome to reach enlightenment and approval of an image of a god they created. All of you are born on every planet with tools within you that create feats that you must overcome to ensure you reach your fullest spiritual potential. This is a natural process for any being yet what they have done is provide false processes which lead to nowhere.
Now, this whole network was not created only to control humanity. Many species were and are working against Earth joining the Universal Council of Light. These species made Earth their base for gaining power and they feed off human energy and emotion to gain strength throughout the universe. Just as religion uses humans to police other humans, so does this species use humans within the elite to do their work for them. These species are PARASITES, my dearest Nanaea.”
Helen: “Seton, how are the Anunnaki working towards clearing these parasites from our world? I have already been told the answer by the Anunnaki, but I would like your opinion on their work.”
Seton: “The Anunnaki are the leaders of this whole mission to free Earth of the parasites non human and human. The reason they are the leaders is because they are the guarantors of Earth and your ancestors and they are responsible for you. We, the allies, agreed to work alongside them because this is what we do; we help other tribes in their missions but also because many of us are incarnating on Earth and it is time that Earth evolved as she should to the level where she can become a member of the Universal Council of Light. To become a member, humanity needs to be at a certain level of enlightenment and as you all are now, this cannot happen.”
Helen: “Thank you, all of you, for this visit and for teaching me so much.”
I hug all three of the Cepheun’s and each kisses me on the forehead.
Rarden: “It was a pleasure, Nanaea. We will visit you again soon.”

The Collapse of Religion & The Journey of Spirit

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