Monday, 22 April 2013

I am 60 years old now, and have a BA, MA, & Psy.D. degree. I report this, not to brag, but to indicate a relatively stable, intelligent mind. The NDE occurred back in 1984. I was under tremendous stressors that included the loss of my health, loss of my significant other, and loss of my ability to perform my occupation. At that time, I was a woman in a male dominated field; over-the-road semi truck driver - and I loved it! The doctors had told me that I could never drive again. I was in constant agonizing pain, and I prayed for GOD to take me home. I was not suicidal, and I was not physically "near death," but my soul, and my spirit were! The even occurred in my own home with no witnesses. I found myself on the floor seeing a blinding white light that completely filled the room. That was all that I saw, but I knew instantly that the light was Jesus. An indescribable feeling washed over me in tremendous waves. Suddenly (and for the first time in my life) I felt God's AGAPE LOVE. I experienced the KNOWING that I was unconditionally loved. HE loved me, and HE loved me just the way I was. I did not have to change, get better, do better or anything else because HIS LOVE was not based on what I "did," but simply who I was - and I KNEW this beautiful SPIRIT was always going to love me, no matter what. This event transpired and transformed my life from that day forward. My unbridled joy and excitement were more than I could handle rationally and resulted in a hospital stay with a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder. Since religiosity is noted as a classic symptom of this disorder, everyone around me dismissed the NDE as a part of my psychosis. It was not. Since then I have had several dreams that reinforced this event, at least to me. More than anything else, I would describe what happened as a "spiritua/soul resurrection." Since then, I met and married a wonderful soul that I often refer to as my "Jesus-in-skin." He supported me fully when I returned to school at the ripe old age of 48. Since I was a high-school drop-out, it was extremely rough, but, as an undergraduate, I graduated summa cum laude and went on then to obtain both a masters and doctoral degree in psychology. Finally, I returned to Arkansas where I was born. I had left home and moved away 40 years ago, and I never expected to return. I came from an extremely abusive home, and was mostly estranged from my very dysfunctional family. This has slowly healed as we shared stories, laughter, tears, and love together. In fact, my youngest sister asked me in 1989 what made me so "nice" now. It was that NDE.
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My NDE Experience

Sunday, 14 April 2013

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We are the guardians of light.  We come to you today where all matters pertaining to the heart are of the greatest importance.
It is time to gather yourselves in balance, and in light as you go within on a daily basis, if not more.  Your connection with spirit, and the essence of your true identity is now being made known to many of you, as your awakening is proceeding at an accelerated rate.
Within these new-found realizations coming to you now, many are eager to know more, and you often ask for physical proof as to what the higher realms are showing you.  Dear ones, we say to you in all sincerity, the proof you need lies within your hearts.  It is only from within shall you completely align with the truth of what is, and it is you, the creator human, who choses what to do with the information you receive in manifesting and creating your reality.
If you chose to manifest a reality of distrust regarding what is occurring within you, or from the information you receive from the higher realms, then you will draw this to you.  If you chose to go deep within your hearts, and allow this divine process to lovingly unfold within you, then this too, will become your reality.
The information from the higher realms regarding the truth of who you are, and what you came here to do is truth, but it is your choice on how you decide to align with this truth, or not.
Dearest ones of Gaia, release your hold on the need to analyze and dissect every ounce of information which comes to you, for this is not the way of trust or faith. Trust that your divine plan is unfolding, and it shall with your greatest good in the forefront at all times.
Many of you have been undergoing the awakening process for quite some time while others are just beginning to do so.  We ask that you unite your hearts in trust and faith for the best outcome in this ascension process not only for yourselves, but for each and every individual upon your beautiful planet, and for Gaia as well.
All souls will awaken, although at different intervals and time frames because each is on a different path to enlightenment.  We ask you to allow this process to unfold within you.  Allow this to occur, and above all, have faith in your beautiful selves, and all the glorious changes that are indeed occurring at this time, even as you read these words.
Everything you need to know for your spiritual evolution will be divulged in good time, and at the exact moment which is best for you.  Thus, this will enable you to proceed accordingly as Lightworkers, and Starseeds, and whole heartedly continue with your mission here at this time.  We ask for patience.  The light is coming, it is here, and there is no stopping it now.
During this period of your awakening, there will be ups and downs.  Moments of pause, followed by energized acceleration, and we again ask you to remain balanced and centered within the heart of Gaia, and within your own hearts as well.  Find peace within. It is there you will find perfect alignment with your truth, and it will greatly help you in the assimilation of change and rapid awakening that is now upon you.
We salute you, and you have our deepest affections, each and everyone one of you dear souls.  We are your brothers and sisters, we are the Galactic Federation.
Farewell for now.

The Proof You Need Lies Within Your Hearts: Pleiadian Message

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Whether you are someone who has been working for many years, or someone just starting down that path, or someone who is still studying, your journey to the financial state you desire is not far from where you are now.
And it does not require large amounts of time or physical effort.
Once you learn these almost forgotten principles which Wallace laid out in The Science of Getting Rich_, you will automatically become a member of that select group of people who live The Secret and you will get rich with mathematical certainty.
You will be able to:
  • Attain the beliefs that make success a constant (This is the part most people tend to forget. But it’s the foundation for future success that just keeps increasing.)
  • Harness the power of your thoughts and turn them into money-producing actions.
  • Convey what you want to the universe. Did you know there is a correct way to do it? These principles will show you exactly what to do.
  • Get out of the wrong business (which you may be in) and discover how attract the right one.
  • And once you understand Wallace D. Wattle’s formula that I’m about to share, you will truly see that…

Struggle, Struggle, Struggle Never Leads
To A Happy Ending

If your financial situation feels like a struggle, you are actually pushing your financial success further away!
The average individual’s mind is busily engaged in a hodge-podge of misleading ideas that actually hold them back, and the media is not helping.

Learn The Powerful Formula To Achieve Your Financial Goals With Mathematical Precision…

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