Humankind has been living in survival and competition for millions of years because of the belief that there is something that needs defending—verbally, emotionally or physically. Even though this need is usually acted out through words rather then through physical assaults, it is most often seen and felt as an attack coming from fear and the belief that something you hold dear needs defending. You feel you must protect yourself and sometimes others, yet the new Golden Age will not be ego-based so there will be no need to defend your position, your projects or your image in the world. Instead, it will be natural to uphold agreements that are in support of all life and you will know and feel in the new Golden Age that everyone and everything is there to love and support you.
~ Ascended Masters Saint Germain and Lady Nada
When there is no need to defend yourself, you are completely available to love and be loved. This is the profound longing of every soul, yet this kind of love is basically unknown in your 3rd dimensional world. Now is the time to give up every belief that is founded in fear and to move through your days and nights knowing that all of the illusions that have kept you in survival have no authentic power over your soul and you are moving into a time that will no longer be controlled by the belief that you need to defend yourself to survive.
For this to become a worldwide reality, love must be lived and felt fully by every soul until it spreads like wild fire. It must be openly lived so it has the power to stimulate every heart’s remembrance of their true spiritual inheritance. We in the heavenly realms are sending this kind of unconditional love into your hearts, minds and bodies every moment of your every day and night and we invite each of you to join us by sending these same supportive frequencies around your world during these pivotal times. We encourage you to think, feel, act and live with unconditional love until it becomes this great wild fire. Your love is the fuel that this great fire needs to spread around your world from heart to heart.
This is the way that war will cease and the way you can be an integral part of initiating a new Golden Age on Earth. It is also the way you will be able to return to paradise on Earth. When each of you takes full responsibility for thinking, feeling and projecting only Divine, unconditional love with no hidden agendas or judgments of others or the unsavoury conditions that are still taking place around your world, then you will be free to align with the consciousness of your God Presence and the old paradigms will simply cease to exist.
We are not proposing that you wear blinders, yet rather that you see that behind all of the acts, actions and atrocities that are even now taking place around your world, there is a glorious Divine Crystalline Blueprint that is just waiting to be implemented and this implementation depends on your alignment with your already-ascended Presence. It is from this higher plane of your consciousness that you will be free to live on your Earth as an awakened master.
As a master living in Unity or Christ consciousness, there is no need to defend yourself, your thoughts, your feelings or even your proposals for a better world. These may all be expressed lovingly, yet without any attachment to how they may be energetically approved or disapproved by others. This leaves you completely free from having to either react or even respond to any possible negative reactions or rejections of your proposed plans. When there is no attachment to the outcome, there is no stress. Many of your great inventors and master teachers have had to walk through the fires of rejection, yet true masters walk through these fires unscathed by the opinions of others who may not share in their visions for a better world.
We encourage all of you to remember your choice to leave the consciousness of your old world so you could walk during these pivotal times as demonstrations of Golden Age citizens who chose to open the doors so as many as possible could mentally, emotionally and physically shift their attention into the freedom that comes from living in Unity or Christ Consciousness.
To assist you in making this shift into living in the peace, freedom and joy of Unity Consciousness, Create the Life You Want to Live has been created. We invite you to participate:
Golden Age Messages from the Masters: Living in Peace and Freedom