Monday, 24 February 2014
Hilarion: Conscious Creation is the Next Step in your Spiritual Evolution, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff, January 12, 2013 at |
Beloved Ones,
The times that are before you are filled with energies of new beginnings and this creates a feeling of anticipation while at the same time needing to bring completion to all outstanding issues, and there is a sense of waiting in a void between two worlds.
It is a strange time for those of you who have been earnestly working to align with the higher aspects of your self, for you know the work is in completion yet you find that the way forward is hazy and undefined.
This is because you are creating your world as you move through each day and you are not used to consciously creating.
This feeling will pass and is temporary in nature, all that is required is a willingness to be fully present in each moment and integrating this new idea of yourself.
Conscious creation is the next step in your spiritual evolution and requires more attention from you.
Create a plan for what you wish to create and experience in your personal world. Make a list of what this might look like for you including feeling the emotions of having what you want, seeing yourselves having the experience with a sense of exhilaration and well being.
Visualize every detail as much as you can as often as you can.
Then when you feel it is complete, release it to the universe and know that it is manifesting for you.
This method is best employed at the times of the new moon phases to begin your creation, working on visualizing and owning it until the full moon phase at which time you release it to the universe knowing it will become manifest in divine timing for you.
You are becoming conscious creators in your everyday world. Some of you may need to maintain this practice until it becomes easier for you.
Remember that nothing that is just started comes instantly but with greater practice and training, you will become proficient.
Those of you who have pulled back in the last year are now ready to move forward once again. You are receiving your second wind, as they say, and will find yourselves beginning your work on self mastery with renewal and great enthusiasm.
This time, the way forward will be much easier than ever before. You will be filled with a sense of higher purpose and many of you will come to a conscious realization of your part in the divine plan.
You will also begin to see how perfect each experience you have endured on your journey to this point has helped to bring you to a feeling of confidence and personal sense of your own power.
Every experience had its own gift to give you and now you can utilize what you have gained and learned with more understanding and proficiency for the benefit of yourselves and others around you.
You have been enriched with a greater sense of your own magnificence and capabilities.
It is important to treat yourselves with greater kindness within your thought processes and remember that all that you have experienced in your life is what your soul desired to partake of in order to bring you to a greater sense of mastery.
This is now where you stand on your journey. Celebrate this accomplishment by rewarding yourselves with some action or item of significance to you.
Let it be something that brings you great joy and helps you to remember how far you have come on your path of initiation into higher consciousness and understanding.
And we ask that you celebrate the moments as they unfold for you, for it helps to keep your frequency level in tune with the ever increasing energies that flow through the atmosphere to flood the planet without ceasing.
Connect each day to the Earth and stay grounded. Eat foods that impart the higher frequencies into every cell in your ever transforming bodies.
Affirm each day that you are an eternal powerful being who can stop the process of aging and renew yourselves on every level.
Thoughts and intention are the things that bring the reality into your experience.
Write your intentions down and repeat them every day, ideally at the beginning of your day but what is most important is your consistent persistence.
You are creating your new reality by this practice and every day is a new fresh start. Fill it with the most positive and benevolent intentions for yourselves, your loved ones, your community and your entire planet.
Love is the answer in all situations and this is becoming more noticeable in your personal world.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.
Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff: Conscious Creation is the Next Step in your Spiritual Evolution
Sunday, 23 February 2014
By Dominique Harrier
"Would you think it odd if Hafiz said, I am in love with every church and mosque and temple and any kind of shrine; because I know that it is there that people say the different names of the one God." - HAFIZ
Meditation does not belong exclusively to New Age teaching, or only Esoteric thinking. From Hinduism and Buddhism through Christianity, Taoism, Islam, Sikhism and Judaism and many widely differing religious beliefs and philosophies, encourage meditation. And there are as many varied styles of mediation as beliefs.
If you're one of the countless that have felt intimidated by the pictures of persons meditating with their legs crossed and wrapped around each, you are certainly not alone. However it is so much more important to be very comfortable, than it is, to adopt any prescribed position. This should be obvious otherwise people worth conditions such as arthritis or others would not qualify for the benefits of meditation. When you start off a meditation session in a really comfortable position, without straining to hold any particular position, it becomes easy to forget about your body. This is one less distraction that you can easily remove.
You can meditate while walking, or even sitting up in bed and leaning against the headboard with your legs stretched out in front of you, if that happens to be your idea of comfort. Sitting loosely cross-legged is also just as acceptable. And if at any time during the meditation session you feel that you need to change your position because you've become uncomfortable, then simply do so and then become quiet again.
The goal of this website is to teach self reliance, that is to say, reliance on the inner self. A second but no less important goal is to demystify the Spiritual Awakening process in plain language. I ask for your indulgence whenever I resort to using my own experiences to illustrate a point; whether that point is achieving effortless deep meditation or some other spiritual ability or lesson. When I decided to start meditating, I had no 'spiritual method' and no certainly no clearly defined expectation of what the benefits or even the goal would be. What I reasoned and ultimately decided on, was that if the purpose of meditation was to become aware of the connection with my higher self, then surely the position I adopted should not matter.
The first three weeks were extremely difficult, nothing worthwhile, that I could see, happened. I found it excruciating to sit still and try not to think and wait for some sign that I was doing 'it' right. Being impatient at the time, I seriously considered giving up. I had set out to learn from my own intuition all that I needed to know about the spiritual life and enlightenment but so far, lesson one on the subject of meditation was not working.
The other thing that was happening without my intention was that I would invariably find myself focusing on the point between my brows as if I was looking out through my closed eyes. This would only become uncomfortable whenever I tried to help things along by taking over and forcing myself to focus even more strenuously. Whenever I just went along with things and remained relaxed, everything went well.
My body, under the direction of my inner teacher appeared to know exactly what to do. I occasionally tried to use the mantra of aum or om, but since that also was too distracting to me personally, I quickly gave up the idea of mantras and just looked forward to feeling calm and peaceful. Soon I noticed that I was free from the usual over activity of mind or intrusive thoughts. I was soon so happy with my liberation from the prison of endless driving thoughts that I began to love meditation. It became a priority and I meditated twice each day, once in the mornings before I went to work, and again at night before I went to bed sometimes for more than an hour at a time.
Next I noticed that my intuition had become razor sharp. Even though I had always been intuitive, this was more like a constant update on the reality of all manner of things. I soon felt happier and more at peace and my energy level was higher than it had been for a long time. Then just when I thought that things could not be any better, one morning while meditating, I slowly became aware that I no longer seemed to be breathing in and out, or if I was, I could not recognize any movement associated with breathing. I simply could not feel the rise or fall of my breath.
It is very difficult to fully explain this even now as I think about that time. What was happening was decidedly way outside of the normal state of things. I realized that I was able to observe myself without breaking the deep serenity that engulfed my being. I could calmly watch myself watching myself, as I tried to catch myself breathing, all the while remaining incredibly calm and serene with all thinking stopped. I was outside of myself, watching myself, watching myself, sitting with my spine bolt upright; erect, yet relaxed, and not as I could see, breathing or thinking. Added to this, heightened awareness was also a heightened nothingness.
This was completely unexpected. It was also blissful, and I liked it I was encouraged by my progress to spend more time learning and communing with myself. These moments were my very first lessons on the importance of just letting go and allowing. Being very self motivated, trusting myself and my own instincts and intuition, comes naturally.
I was quickly and intuitively guided to be, and to do, exactly what was right and that allowed me to experience exactly what I did not even know that I was seeking. This state of breathlessness and mindlessness soon became the norm for me as I continued to meditate daily and many pleasant and peaceful and unexpected things continued to occur.
I am well aware that it might not be as easy for everyone to renounce the usually prescribed, more formal method of meditating. However I know that ultimately it will be more than worth the courage and the commitment that it might require, to go with the guidance of the Inner (higher) Self. It will work especially if you have tried unsuccessfully to meditate by following what you have been told is the right way to do it.
How To Achieve Effortless Deep Meditation
Friday, 21 February 2014
sandra walter
~ Sandra Walter - Jan. 13, 2014
I was guided to go up on Shasta yesterday and do Gatekeeper work. Every time this occurs, we get a wave of light - witnessed sometimes as magentic storms, flares, or solar wind blasts - within 48 hours.
Between the light entering right now (good litmus test for your process; it is VERY strong today), the Full Moon on Wednesday, and the intersection with the path of ISON on the 16th, it’s definitely a high-vibe week.
ISON’s dust trail is highly charged with new light particles bringing new forms of life and support for the upcoming masks-off-kachina months.
It is also billions of years old and highly radioactive, so if a rock lands in your yard, don’t touch it. And don’t call the News.
Let it anchor what it is supposed to anchor and keep it outside on Gaia.
(note: this isn’t judgment, it is Spiritual Maturity):
1. Folks on the Ascension Path will feel expansive in the chest and crown, Light-Hearted, dizzy from the magnetic balancing act of Gaia, and giggly as our DNA and DMT kicks up a notch.
Integrate the Higher Self as deeply as you can; your Higher Levels may make you feel like you’re on psychedelics at times. Water, rest, exercise for the integration into the body.
2. Unawakened to the Light folks will be triggered emotionally, mentally and physically - that is ongoing as the frequencies increase.
Confusion, outbursts, distortions are heightened in the lower levels.
The collective does not have a conscious choice as to whether or not mass awakening will occur. It already has, and their Higher Levels are in on the plan of how this unfolds in our collective reality.
This is one of the fun parts of awakening; remembering you were in on the game the whole time. Keep this in heart as people awaken and remind them of how brilliant this passage is right now.
- Let us Be patient - patient as the Ascended Ones have been with us. You should feel this now; the patience of true Mastery.
- Don’t take the collective shattering personally. Use emergency guidelines here: Affix your mask first before assisting others.
If someone is flailing, you cannot save them from drowning. Get them to relax or brace yourself for a struggle if you insist on engaging with them.
- Anchor this light into the Planet and HUmanity as best you can.
Be the Higher YOU in this realm, right here, right now. Bringing Heaven to Earth, one moment at a time.
- Focus, dear Wayshowers. BE the example of Ascension, and treat others with detached compassion.
Walk away when it feels like you are trying to fix something that cannot accept your help. I know it’s hard to watch, but so be it.
The waves are waves for a reason - a constant blast of this and, well, you can see what would have happened to HUmanity if this were a specifc-moment-one-big-pop kind of dimensional Shift.
I anticipate there will be phases of hide-from-the-crazy-people coming up - we are not there yet. Be the Light and do not apologize for the affect you have on others.
It is purposeful. Level up and be the Unconditional Love for our dear brothers and sisters.
Put your hands on your chest and feel your Heart Center. That’s not a chakra, it is the
Thursday, 20 February 2014
One of the first errors that many spiritual seekers make is to assume that someone else knows exactly how to get them from whichever point of the journey that they find themselves, to a point further along; preferably complete enlightenment. They ignore the obvious and logical fact that since they are seeking oneness with The Divine, then the Divine is without doubt, the only logical teacher on how to get there from wherever they are. And since the Divine can be easily communed with as the Higher self and intuition, then the best place to start is within.
If the Divine self is so blatantly ignored in spite of being the precious goal, then the journey towards self-realization will be unnecessarily lengthened and maybe even difficult or unaccomplished in this present lifetime. Now there are many paths to the goal of self-realization or enlightenment. The path described within this blog, is based on love. Without love for the self, there will be no true enlightenment. When we love ourselves, we also by extension love others as much as we love ourselves since 'All is One." This is not just some idle 'feel good' saying of New Agers and the like. There really is only one self, or spirit pretending to be more than one. We shall explore this concept much deeper as we travel along together.
The information on this blog has been carefully gathered and arranged from the most basic, to the most advanced knowledge that will aid you in understanding the process of enlightenment. You should reflect on all that you read before deciding whether or not you want to accept ideas and beliefs as a part of your truth. Words and thoughts as well as pictures have tremendous power that directly affect humans. To that end, numerous quotes and images expressing or urging love, kindness, forgiveness and recognition and acceptance of the perfect souls that we already are, have been included in the blog.
It is said, that "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Your individual teacher has been waiting your whole lives for you to make the initial inquiry about how you came to be and where you are meant to go. Are you ready to be taught by your Inner teacher?. If you are, then your intuition will guide you concerning all that is written here.
You must rid yourself of the incorrect teachings that have told instructed you to trust only in our rational minds. Once this decision is made to replace that erroneous belief, that decision becomes the catalyst which signals to your inner self that you are ready for truth. Then your Higher self, often using intuition, begins to guide you consistently.
Happily when this teacher is summoned by the novice's fervent desire, he or she will find that there are no fees to pay. No groups to belong to or leader to follow. Neither will there be any distances to travel, in order to receive the precious lessons. Nor does the student need to read countless books on spiritual teachings.
There are indeed books, advice in print and online, and of course even organized lessons that are indeed useful. And at each necessary stage as self instruction progresses and the need arises, the student will be made aware of them. The more that you trust and use this inner teacher, the more you are able to use it and the more it communicates with you clearly.
This amazingly gifted teacher will work with each student's available time right in the privacy of their own home. In fact this teacher is always at hand, as long as the student learns to listen attentively. The student for his or her part must consciously resolve to maintain an earnest desire in his heart, in order to receive the teacher's wisdom; And to accept and act on the changing view of him or herself that the teacher reveals.
The soul's purpose as well as the workings of the universal mind will all be revealed to the earnest student: Lessons will flow smoothly arranged to each stage of learning. And every detail, person or information that is needed to advance is miraculously put in the student's path. When you use your rational mind to attempt to decipher those things that are hidden from it, you get nowhere precisely because some things are hidden from it!
As a student of this great teacher, you will quickly prove to yourself that the answers that you seek have been inside you all along. And that turning inward was the easiest and most harmonious direction for you to take in order to grow spiritually.
You are already all that you seek to be. You are already whole and complete; this in spite of your errors and any weaknesses. And as you learn, you will come to understand the great plan of human creation and evolution into conscious spirit Beings. The journey to awakening and enlightenment is not really a journey at all in the true sense.
Instead it is really a process of having the illusions of so called reality, revealed to you, when you place your trusting, your higher self or inner teacher. The process is an incremental one, where you are drawn to the information you need in more and more profound knowledge as you give your attention to the process and to remaining aware of your journey.
Even before arriving at your journey's end, it will becomes very apparent to you that you will arrive right back at the place from where you set out on your journey; that is to say your own self. The difference is that you will then see and understand clearly who you really are.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Are You More Yin or Yang
By Deborah Giam
We’re constantly told that everything in our life needs balance - play vs. work, exercising vs. relaxing, veggies vs. chocolate and so on.
But how important is that balance? As much as we’d all love to indulge in one thing more than another - usually something that’s more pleasurable and doesn’t require much effort - that sadly isn’t the way life works, and indeed it’s also not the way our body works.
It all comes down to one thing - balance. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners believe that our body is created with two opposing sides - the Yin and the Yang or rather, the cold and the hot. When both sides are balanced, your body is a happy mix of energy. If that balance is out of whack, your body will be off track.
Where does the balance come from?
It’s thought that food makes the man, and in this case it could be true. Food gives us more than a wonderful culinary experience; it also provides our bodies with the strength to heal and to correct the balance of Yin and Yang.
An imbalance in Yin and Yang energies creates a number of problems, including pain, insomnia, tumors, blood loss and a whole host of irritating and often frustrating ailments.
But with the right foods (either rich in cooling or heating elements) this imbalance can be corrected preventing illness, lessening pain and giving you a much longer, healthier life.
Now, when we’re talking about Yin and Yang foods (or cold and hot foods), it’s not about the temperature of the food, but rather the effect the food has on the body.
Cold foods provide less energy, and help to balance the hot foods. Hot foods, on the other hand, are high in calories and energy and can be used to treat general weakness.
How do you balance everything?
When you’re suffering and shivering in cold conditions, you’ll probably be more likely to eat foods that are warm in flavor (and temperature) - think of all those wonderful soupy dishes you crave on a cold day. You’re also more likely to avoid cold and raw foods.
So just what will warm you up? Anything with a spice like nutmeg, mustard, peppers, ginger, curry and black peppers are considered hot.
Warmer foods are coffee, chicken, cuttlefish, garlic, green onions, guava, organ meats, rosemary, seeds and nuts, and of course, wine. In hot climates, such as in Singapore or during the Shanghai summer, you are likely to want cooler foods to ward off anxiety, hemorrhoids, fever, and even insomnia.
Head towards foods like bamboo shoots, clams, crabs, grapefruit, kelp, watermelons, most green leafy vegetables, pears, and generally most fruits, to keep cool when things heat up. There are neutral foods too, that you can eat in any condition and any climate.
Just add healthy doses of apricots, beets, black fungus, Chinese cabbage, carp, chicken eggs, corn, figs, lotus and papayas to your diet to keep things varied and interesting.
Knowing Your Yin/Yang Body Type
It’s believed that each person is categorized into different body types. Your body’s metabolism and organ functions will determine how it reacts with the environment.
1. The Yin or Cold Type: These people tend to be frailer and feel cold easily. They’re the ones you’ll spot drinking hot soups and steaming mugs of coffee or hot chocolate.
Notice the quiet, fair-skinned person in the corner? They’re likely to be the Yin type. If you get the chance (although I’m not sure how), you’ll also find that their tongue appears pink and bulky with a whitish coating.
2. Yang or Hot Type: That hot-tempered insomniac you know; he could be a Yang type. They’re often sturdily built and feel warm.
They’ll pick a nice cold drink anytime and have a slightly reddish complexion. If there’s a change in temperatures (usually when it starts getting hot), they’ll be the first to feel it. If you look at their tongues, it’ll appear red with a yellowish coating.
3. Phlegm or Damp Type: Sweet foods are what attract the damp type the most, and they tend to feel tired and sleepy during the day while snoring down the house at night.
Armed with low metabolic rates, they’re more prone to being overweight or bloated due to water retention. They may look fat, but really they’re just lethargic. Their tongue looks moist and bulky, often with a greasy coating.
4. Dry type: If you’ve got a friend that drinks like there’s no tomorrow because they are always thirsty, they could be the dry type.
Watch out for the one who always has a cough, is skinny like a stick and doesn‘t put on weight easily.
Because of the dryness they feel, they tend to have itchier skins, nose or eyes and constipation, and will be the first to get affected by low levels of humidity.
With all of this information, you should know one size doesn’t fit all. Some people can be a mix of a few different types not fit neatly into a category.
When you’re planning your diet, consider talking to your doctor or your TCM practitioner for their best advice, so you’ll be able to get the right balance for your health.
Are You More Yin or Yang? By Deborah Giam Teacher: Knight Shadow
Monday, 17 February 2014
Channeled Ascension Message from
the High Council of Orion
JANUARY10th, 2014
Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Paul Marwood
Audio file is available at
“Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the High Council of Orion.
The energies of change and transformation are quite strong on your planet at this time.
We encourage each and every one of you to reevaluate the necessities in your life. Reevaluate your time.
Reevaluate really how your nervous system is feeling and how your emotions are feeling relative to your life.
If you are experiencing stress, strain and emotional discomfort in one way or the other we ask you to really understand and acknowledge that the energies are ones of change and transformation at this time.
There's no one who's immune to them. Instead of feeling that you're doing something wrong, something's not happening the “right way” or that other people around you are doing things the “wrong way”, incorrectly, treating you the wrong way, whatever it is, understand that it's the energies at work.
That's not to then blame the energies. It's just an awareness that you have greater impact on your physical body, on the energies around you, and, of course, with everyone and everything around you as well.
It's going to take some time to recalibrate and adjust. When the energies are turned up, as they are at the current moment, also from the solar activities, it's a good time to figure out how to slow down, how to really prioritize, and really let things go that aren't flowing.
Are there things in your life that you feel, because you have decided they need to look and be a certain way and they're not flowing right, are you feeling stuck by that?
Are you feeling thwarted by that? Instead of deciding that you need to push harder or push through, if the energies aren’t aligning for things to flow smoothly, we ask you to just lovingly set it aside, which doesn't mean put it away never to be addressed again, but wait until the energies are more in support of it; where there is flow.
If you can allow yourself that time and space to just step back, evaluate and see where is energy flowing and where is energy getting stuck and I feel like I'm pushing against a wall.
If you can do that and then adjust to where the energy’s flowing and let the things where you're pushing against a brick wall to just set aside for a little while, you'll find everything feeling easier for you.
If your relationships are challenged, what can you do to keep yourself in a calm or more centered place while the storm is passing through, without taking the experiences personally, without making big decisions about who's right and who's wrong?
Just allow the storm to pass. If you use this metaphor of a storm, the storm is not, at that moment, the time to build a home.
It's not the time to clean out your closets. If you're in the middle of a massive storm, what do you do? You sit and you wait out the storm. You allow the effect of the storm to turn its volume down or move on, allow the weather front to move away, and then you deal with addressing what needs to happen in the moment.
We would say the same for you right now about everything in your life. During these times where you're waiting out the storm it's a good time to go within and to really nurture yourself. Be good to yourself.
Do some of the things that you would like to do a lot of the time but you don't feel like you have the time to do.
Literally, it's as simple as you know reading the book you wanted to get to or taking out a craft or home project that you wanted to work on that just allows you to be doing something that's more nurturing for yourself.
Allowing your own energies to be self-contained instead of buffeted about in the storm. For if you use this idea of a storm buffeting your house about that wouldn’t be a good time, in the middle of the storm, to go out and do repair work. Right?
You would end up just waiting out the storm and then going and doing the repair work. Do the same with all the other aspects of your life where you’re just going to wait it out and allow some time.
Allow time to go by where the ebb and flow of the energies are at a point that are more supportive of positive flow in your life.
Some other ways you can really support yourself during this time when the energies are so strong is to really make sure you're doing your utmost to take care of your physicality.
As you take care of your physicality you are also taking care of your energetic bodies as well. The evidence you can respond to is in your physical body, yet understand also that it is about your energetic bodies as well, as well as your interaction with the world around you.
Do the things that you already know to do of drinking lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. It helps adjust to the changes.
It keeps your nervous system and your emotions in greater balance. Make sure you're eating well and getting rest.
Really giving that time for your physical body to be in the best place it can be. By nurturing that you’re nurturing your energetic bodies as well.
We would also encourage you to spend some quiet time every day connecting to the Heart and Soul of who you are.
Really begin to live into and feel the energetics of you being a Light Being. Allow yourself that time to sit in meditation and connect with the planet and connect with the Universe.
Center those energies in your Heart and just feel into your energetic presence.
Feel beyond your physical body into the space around you. Just really immerse yourself in who you are as a Light Being, as an energetic being.
Allow that connection to the energies around you to become just as strong as that of your awareness of your physicality.
All of these things will help. Understand that they will move you forward as well; move you forward more easily on your path.
As you connect with the Light Being that you are we encourage each and every one of you to extend your Light out onto the planet and feel your light encompassing all of the other lights and the light of the planet within and without.
Bring your awareness to the places on this beautiful planet that you're living that need assistance. Maybe there have been disasters or serious weather events or human interactions that could use some of the Light that you carry.
See this beautiful light bringing that solution energy, bringing wholeness, restoring wholeness to the planet, wherever it is best needed.
This allows you an even greater interaction with the energies at large in a very positive way. Remember, beautiful Light Beings, that you are the Light of the World.
As you connect with your Light and your Love and your expression of that in your everyday life you will live into the future reality that you are all dreaming about.
Be Blessed.
We are the High Council of Orion.”
© 2013 Copyright Soul Genesis
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Channel: Holly Hawkins Marwood
SUPPORTING YOUR EMERGENCE AS A LIGHT BEING! - Personal guidance from the High Council of Orion - Paul Marwood Channeler: Holly Hawkins Marwood
Sunday, 16 February 2014
Humanity’s quest for meaning, the ever ongoing search for a life purpose other than plain survival in an environment that does not support your bodily needs without a lot of effort and focus on your part, is now becoming far clearer to you.
For eons basic survival was the driving force in human lives, but over the last few decades many of you have found yourselves in situations that are conducive to contemplation, to wise and thoughtful consideration of your religious, philosophical, political, and cultural beliefs and values – beliefs and values that had been imposed from without and which you had accepted unquestioningly.
You no longer do so and this has and is causing anxiety and doubt of a nature not previously experienced.
The comfortable acceptance of rigid dogmas and of the judgments attached to them has been severely shaken and is leading to a renewed and enthusiastic search for true spiritual guidance, guidance that does not come laden with a set of personally motivated agendas from self appointed and arrogant authority figures that are in conflict with its claimed ideals.
As you have so often been told you are divine beings of enormous power, and for eons you have collectively been using that power – without awareness – to maintain and support an illusion that imposes severe restrictions and limitations upon you, not the least of which are time and your human bodies.
Time, which from your perspective can seem endless and overwhelming in respect to the formation of universes, galaxies, and star systems, and bodies which last only a very short time and which during that brief lifespan suffer frequently through illness, accident, or the untoward and unconscionable actions of others.
Not a very encouraging or enticing environment in which to experience your all too brief lives.
You are all eternal beings, and death is but part of the illusion, often an alarming part because it seems so final and inevitable.
And as you have searched widely in recent decades for a culture, a philosophy, or a religion that offers truth and meaning many of you have opened your hearts to love, and have found it in the most unexpected places.
You have realized that without love, forgiveness, and compassion that lasting peace is impossible. This realization has become apparent and is being acknowledged in personal relationships, has spread to families, to small social groups and organizations, and the wisdom and knowledge it demonstrates is now starting to be put into practice on a much wider scale.
You are changing the world one person at a time, and that is the only way that lasting change can occur.
Each one of you has to embrace and demonstrate love, honesty, integrity, and trust, and each day more and more of you are doing just that.
A major turning point in humanity’s spiritual evolution has been reached, and there truly is only spiritual evolution, any other form is of the illusion and does not last.
Spiritual evolution is the path to your awakening, and you are now most firmly established on it with the destination in sight.
You will be pleased to know there is now not the slightest possibility of turning back or of retracing your steps, you are moving firmly forwards and nothing can prevent you from achieving your destiny.
Once you embrace love, God’s Love offered to you in every moment, it is impossible for you not to share It and extend It because your individual energy fields expand every time that you do so, creating for yourself an irresistible space of peace and acceptance that also draws others to you who then do likewise.
The evolutionary progress that humanity has made over the last six or seven decades is quite astounding, and although there are still many who have chosen not to start evolving yet, and who are seemingly causing mayhem all over the world, the remaining time they have in positions from which they can continue to orchestrate conflict and betrayal is running out very rapidly.
Some of them have finally started questioning their agendas, their motivations, because even they have been infected by Love, mainly for their progeny, which previously they inoculated themselves against so that they would have the strength to bury their true feelings as they drove all those with whom they were involved to sacrifice themselves for “the cause.”
The cause being their own personal agenda to maintain power over others at all costs, even if it meant destroying their loved ones. But then of course their loved ones were merely possessions to be used as circumstances demanded to consolidate or strengthen their positions.
Your history clearly shows that these power-driven dynasties are always defeated eventually, even if they do succeed in the short term in living in great wealth or splendor while doing great damage to others during their time in power.
Your history also shows very clearly that replacing one dynasty with another, as has happened so many times, solves no problems whatsoever in the long term.
Power sought and fought for divides and corrupts totally, while your innate power, which can never be taken from you, your divine inheritance given to you at the moment of your creation is inclusive, accepting, and eternally incorporated within each of you because you are all One perfectly integrated Whole with God.
The power that you can gain on Earth through force of arms, manipulation of others, deceit, or betrayal is but a form of quicksand, a swamp, a whirlpool that sucks you in crushing and smothering you, filling you with fear, and distracting you from your life’s purpose – awakening. It has always to be protected and defended, and that alone demonstrates that it is not power but weakness.
You do not need and should not seek that kind of power over others, because, apart from the harm you do to them, you do great and lasting damage to yourselves by engaging with it.
It very effectively turns you against yourself in inner conflict because you can never live up to the standards you demand of yourself to prove that you are invincible, which of course you are not. You become ever more removed from the true
You as you avoid loving attitudes or behaviors of any kind in order to remain strong. Happiness becomes impossible and bitterness and anger rule you as you seek out and destroy any whom you think might deceive or betray you, leaving you apparently alone, isolated, and separated from Love, God, your
A major turning point in humanity’s spiritual evolution has been reached. by John Smallman
Friday, 14 February 2014
Anna Merkaba
Dearly beloved children of the universe,
We come to you today to introduce a new reality based programming into your consciousness.
The new reality based programming is the programming that you have indeed been receiving from the encodings of the DNA structural vortexes that have been entering your GAIA for years of your earthly cognition.
The DNA restructuring has now been completed, in all of you who have indeed awakened to the understanding of such a decree.
Those that have indeed fully awakened to their true selves have walked into the powers unbeknownst to mankind for eons.
For more and more of you understand the divinity within your own selves. And more and more of you are finally walking into the pure state of the heart and mind connection therein.
Many of you are achieving a state of NIRVANA through the meditative and tracing techniques brought down to you from times immemorial.
Many of you are feeling and knowing and hearing and seeing and understanding that you are indeed not only capable of communicating directly with us, but also with your divine selves, and each and every single being dwelling on earth therein.
The DNA based programming of your souls is now complete, and the time is now to take action, and take all the lessons that you have learnt and apply them in order to manifest that which you wish to bring forth to humanity as a whole and to your own selves individually.
What we are trying to bestow to your earthly selves is that what you see around you is not what it seems to be.
The world that you are now living in is the world that has been built eons prior by your own higher selves, and has indeed been predisposed to changes which have occurred.
Nevertheless the time has now come for a new state of evolution if you will for the human psyche and the human beings.
For eons prior to arrival on this planet, many of you have had a link to an interconnection sphere where all of you have decided to create a world wherein you would completely and fully immerse and be in amnesic state and the real link to your divine selves would be lost, in order to experience the veil of forgetfulness.
In order to prove to yourselves that indeed you can find your way to divinity through the labyrinth of amnesia.
And so the earthlings that dwell therein at the very moment in time, have volunteered to take part in this experiment, and to see and experience the divinity and beauty of not knowing that which they are in order to fully immerse and fully experience the physicality of the 3D environment.
And so, many of you light workers were the volunteers who have first stepped foot onto GAIA, many of you who are now remembering yourselves, and seeing your selves stand upon the Great Pyramids and the Atlentian Temples.
The pioneers who have come to planet GAIA and have built a beautiful habitat for other souls to dwell in, have left this planet to allow the souls that have chosen to incarnate into fully formed human vehicles to participate in an experiment of a cosmic significance, vowing to return in the future in order to illuminate that which was lost to the beings who have decided to dwell on GAIA.
Unbeknownst to you, those who have dwelled in another dimension have taken house of the earth, and have understood earthlings to be a weak species, unable to understand that which is their birth given right and that is their divinity and their power.
And so the new visitors to GAIA have, without understanding fully and comprehending that it is so, broken the law of the universals conduct in regards to your GAIA, they have entered the territory and made house therein without any regard for the instituted laws that have been preordained prior to the creation of Terra.
Neverhtless, as the time has progressed, you have watched your beloved creation and you have experienced pain never before understood by your own souls.
You have experienced pain of not being able to descend into a human body in order to illuminate the way for humanity as whole in brining your children and your own selves back home., home to their divine selves, home to the powers that dwell therein, home to the understanding of their own powers, to the understanding of the universal laws, of the laws put forth by one and all.
And so, what we are trying to say to you dearly beloved ones, dearly beloveds who have been brave enough to descend into human bodies, brave enough to conceal your wisdom and understanding of life, and the cosmic gateways of truth, is that the time has now come, the time has now come for you to fully utilize that which you are, to fully manifest that which you wish to experience on planet GAIA.
In assistance of such manifestations you have been receiving a variety of messages from us and your own higher selves about various events that are to occur in your near future. To that we wish to say that indeed it is true, the events will occur and that is something that has indeed been preordained by all of you.
Nevertheless we wish to remind each and every single one of you that you are not to wait for anything, but go deep within and find the truth of the cosmic laws of attraction, cosmic laws of manifestations and cosmic laws of love, peace, harmony, health, joy and abundance.
And so, on the date of your full moon, you are to find your balance, you are to go into a meditative state, and you are to announce to yourself that you are ready indeed, ready to build that which you wish to see, intensifying your energies, by doing so in groups, intensifying this energy by focusing on that which you wish to occur and manifest in your daily lives, as well as the global lives of all.
Understand that you are not here to make anyone follow your decree, you are here to simply show that IT IS POSSIBLE to be a powerful being in a human body, that the body that you are incarnated into is not a limiting force, but on the contrary a force that is to assist you in creating that which you wish to see, it is a magnificent vehicle that is designed in accordance to the universal truth.
A vehicle which will assist you in truly experiencing the divinity within your own selves, while being in the physical body.
Never before has any soul had the opportunity to transcend duality in an amnesic state of being. And so find your own forth within; find the way back home to your true selves.
Understand that there is nothing and no one that you are to wait for, understand that although we are here assisting you in this quest for knowledge, in this quest to end the duality of your being, in the quest to know who you are, you YOU ARE THE ONES THAT ARE HERE TO CHANGE AND INFLUENCE THIS WORLD INTO THE DIRECITON THAT YOU ALL WISH IT TO GO.
You carry the light and power within your own selves.
That is something that we cannot do for you, for until you find your own being , for until you find your own truth and fully and truly comprehend that which you are.. all we can do is wait, listen to your heart beats, as it sends out the codes into the universe announcing to us the moment that you truly will be ready to find the portal within, and finally see this world for what it truly is, a magnificent experience, a magical journey from the mysterious to full understanding of THE SOURCE.
Every single one of you has direct access to the energies that are being sent down to you from Alcyone in the Pleiades through your sun.
And so, two days prior to your full moon, two days prior you shall experience the uplifting of energies, and know deep within your being, that you are ready to walk into your true powers.
Watch your thoughts, watch as that which you think being to manifest fast around you. Watch your surroundings and see how the energies are activating the layers of consciousness in those around you, watch and see how the stars align in the sky.
Understand that you are now changing completely, understand that you are the ones in control of your reality, understand that you are all powerful beings.
Understand, know, and incorporate this knowledge into your own selves, understand that you have direct access to the truth, to the libraries of Akasha and every single one of you can tap into this abundant source of information, akin to what this particular channeler is doing at this very moment in time.
Understand that you are not imagining anything, for you truly are all seeing that which you did not see prior, for now, at this moment in time we can inform you that indeed the veil has been lifted for you!
Nevertheless, it has still not fully lifted for others, and that is why it is so important for you to spread your light, it is the light force and the light energy that you infuse into your surroundings that changes others understanding of life.
The understanding that each moment is a magnificent one to behold, the understanding that you create that which you see, feel and experience.
The understanding that no longer need you to suffer for that which you wish to behold. For there is no suffering in the world that you are all here to recreate.
Understand, know and practice, practice beloveds for the time has now come to put everything that you have learnt thus far into a new paradigm, into a new creation of your own journey, of the new Terra, to restore the peace, restore the harmony, restore the link to your divinity and the understanding of ONENESS.
That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Andromeda Council – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL
Manifestation Portal Jan 14- 18 - Time to take Action - Andromeda Council by annamerkaba
Thursday, 13 February 2014
A crucial factor for healthy living at any age, bone health is (sadly) often neglected or plain overlooked. In the long run, poor bone health may cause osteoporosis, a condition where the bones are rendered thin and fragile, due to which they can break easily; what’s more, women (probably due to hormonal changes caused during menopause) are more prone to osteoporosis than men, with other susceptible groups being smokers and those who are obese or anorexic.
Thus, it becomes imperative that we boost the strength of our bones as we age so as to prevent the condition and the frequent fractures that it will brings about.
Here, we give you a few tips on how to keep your bones strong as you age, which can be achieved by a few small lifestyle changes.
The basis for most of these tips, you will observe, is that the calcium and vitamin D content in the body has to be maintained at optimum, which means that we need to encourage their assimilation and take steps to prevent their loss.
1. Consume dairy products: Milk, yoghurt, cheese and other dairy products are effective ways to build healthy bones since they are rich in calcium and often fortified with vitamin D (check the packaging to make sure of the latter).
Remember that calcium supports and strengthens your skeletal structure (encompassing bones, joints, teeth, etc.) while vitamin D is essential for its absorption by the body.
2. Eat greens: Leafy green vegetables like spinach, asparagus, lettuce, fenugreek and celery are something that vegans should take special note of since they are also great sources of calcium, as are some other vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and beans of all kinds.
3. Expose yourself to sunlight: Vitamin D is more an enzyme produced in the body than a vitamin (the debate over it is still on).
The body produces vitamin D on exposure to sunlight, and though its production in the body decreases with age, experts believe that vitamin D produced in the body is better than what is obtained from external sources since it is natural.
4. Avoid fizzy drinks: Fizzy drinks are bad for bone health in the same way as they are bad for the teeth, i.e. they dissolve calcium and render vitamin D ineffective, thus weakening teeth and bones.
Besides, they are loaded with heavy amounts of sugar which are going to lead to weight gain and increase the stress on your bones.
5. Limit coffee and alcohol intake: Incidentally, alcohol and coffee too have the exact same effects as fizzy drinks, albeit to a lesser degree.
However, for those of us who already suffer from weak bones or are at a risk of it in the future, coffee and alcohol are certainly not ways of how to strengthen bones. You don’t have to cut them off completely, but limiting them will do you a world of good.
6. Replace the above beverages with orange juice: Oranges are not a great source of either calcium or vitamin D, but these nutrients are often added to packed orange juice while fortifying it, while the juice itself contains ascorbic acid which helps in absorption of calcium. Thus, orange juice can be seen as a fitting replacement for coffee and fizzy drinks.
7. Quit smoking: Besides its other well-documented pitfalls, smoking also leads to weakening of the bones and proves detrimental to bone health by disallowing the body to absorb calcium. It is thus best to kick the habit and safeguard your bones.
8. Maintain the appropriate weight: Your bones are custom made to handle your correct body weight; as a result, being overweight puts excess strain on your bones, while being anorexic means that your bones are too weak to perform daily tasks.
Thus, ensure that you’re weight is proportional to your height, reduce weight if required or increase it in a healthy manner if need be.
9. Reduce salt intake: The sodium in salts is harmful for the body in many ways, one of which is reducing the calcium in bones.
To make matters worse, most of us consume a lot more salt than is recommended daily (the recommended value is 6-7 g a day).
Cut down on salt in prepared meals and try to avoid foods that have excess salt like processed meat and packed chips.
10.Replace red meat with fish: You should do this for two reasons, the first being that animal proteins in large doses cause the production of acid in the body, which is neutralized by drawing out calcium and thus weakening the bones.
The second reason is that fish like tuna and salmon are loaded with vitamin D, while others like sardines contain both vitamin D and calcium in appreciable amounts.
11. Go for shellfish: Shellfish like shrimp, oysters and lobsters are other fitting alternatives for red meat since they are high in calcium, which is not surprising sine a large proportion of their bodies are made with calcium based compounds. If you haven’t hitherto had much of a taste for them, now may be a good time to start.
12.Exercise, and do it right: Working out is key to maintaining good bone density; for the purposes of strengthening bones, weight training exercises are highly recommended, besides other exercises done against gravity like hiking, jogging and even walking.
Collectively, these are known as weight-bearing exercises (since you’re bones are either bearing an external weight or the body weight itself) and are a great way to maintain bone density.
13.Eat an egg for breakfast: Eggs are another rich and easy source of vitamin D and should be consumed on a daily basis; however, remember that the vitamin D is in the yolk of the egg and not in the albumin.
They may sometimes not be recommended due to their high cholesterol, and anyone with such a problem should check with a doctor first.
14.Adds herbs and spices to your meals: While herbs and spices are good sources of both calcium and vitamin D, they can be used only as supplements and can’t be depended on for your daily dose of calcium.
Use them liberally with your meals to derive as much of the essential nutrients as possible. Remember that the green ones, like basil and rosemary, are better sources of calcium and vitamin D than others.
15.Dance often: Dancing ought to be given the same status as weight bearing exercises when it comes to bone strengthening, since it is essentially a type of gravity training.
Not only this, but dancing also increases joint flexibility in key areas prone to osteoporosis like the hips, limbs and the spine.
16.Eat a variety of fruits and veggies: While the link between calcium and vitamin D and bone health is well know, it is speculated that many other essential vitamins and minerals too play a key role in maintaining good bone health.
These include, but are not limited to, vitamin K, magnesium, etc., which can be obtained by consuming fruits and vegetables in good quantities.
17.Good nutrition and good rest: The body’s ability to utilize calcium well is subject to its proper functioning, which can be achieved only by a nutritious and balanced diet, plenty of water, good health and adequate rest (eight hours).
Compromising on any of these essentials will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of body functioning, which in turn will have an adverse effect on your bone health.
Healthy Bones at Every Age
Build Up Your Bones!
Exercise and bone health
Calcium & Your Bones
11 Foods for Healthy Bones
Exercise for Your Bone Health
How to Keep Your Bones Strong as You Age
Tips to Keep Your Bones Strong and Healthy As You Age
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
image by Jean Luc Bozzoli at
source:, Celia Fenn
Thanks to The Aquarius Paradigm and Golden Age of Gaia
Beloved Family of Light, what a Joy and a Delight to enter into this year of 2014 in your New Reality! In this message we would speak with you of some of the Possibilities that are taking shape in your New Earth Timeline.
Firstly, 2014 will be a year of Great Change and Transformation on the Material or Physical level. All focus is now on how the New Energies begin to manifest the New Earth as the Gold Frequency allows and supports a Higher Consciousness and a Higher Level of Vision and Creativity.
The New Dream is taking shape, and the Crystal Children are here to support you and assist you as you manifest the Dream.
It is true that this Manifestation will go along with considerable turmoil in the political and economic spheres of society. This is because the Indigo generation is awakening and moving into their Mission of challenging and transforming. They will challenge political and economic systems wherever there is injustice and suffering, and they will begin the work of bringing and end to poverty and suffering on the Earth.
Poverty and suffering are not inescapable realities on the Earth. They are created through imbalances in social and economic structures and can be healed by bringing these social structures into a new sense of balance.
You will encounter, Beloved Ones, many startling events in 2014, as changes occur with great speed. Things that seemed solid will suddenly crumble and fall, to be replaced by ideas and structures that are more fluid, flexible and supportive of all life on Earth.
Beloved Ones, we ask you not to be in fear as you see these transformations. You are the Masters and Warriors of Light. Know that as you stay aligned with your Heart and your Inner Peace, you will move through these changes with grace and in the best possible way.
The Ending of Poverty, a Sustainable Future and the Spirit of the Forest
Beloved Family of Light, as you move into this year of 2014, we ask you to dream and to dream big. Yes, focus on your own lives and what you need to be happy, but remember also that you are a part of a Global Community and that you can dream for your Community too.
We ask you to dream and to focus on the ending of poverty, on the creation of Abundance for All, and the creation of a Sustainable Future for your children and their children too!
Beloved Ones, this process of Healing and Transformation is associated with your ability to reconnect with Nature and the Elemental world. In the 19th and 20th centuries, your evolution and progress took you away from Nature and into a mechanized and technological reality. This has served your expansion into a Fifth-dimensional Global Community, but you cannot thrive if you do not return to a respectful co-existence with Nature.
It is a matter of Balance, between human needs as the dominant species on Planet Earth, and the needs of other species and living beings. For, you are all connected in the Great Web of Life, and if you do not find Balance you will not thrive.
And so it is, Beloved Family, that together with the anchoring of the Gold Frequency on the Earth, you will also experience the reawakening of an ancient Elemental Force that we will call the “Spirit of the Forest”. This Beautiful Being and Energy will support any and all efforts and projects that are designed to heal the rift with Nature and create an abundant and sustainable future.
The Forest was humanity’s first “home”, and you learnt how to be supported by this Energy which nurtured and provided. In some cultures you saw this loving energy of support as a Great Mother, in other cultures you saw the power of nature as a Masculine energy called “Pan”. There was an understanding of the Elemental Power of this Being and how it was supportive of all Life on Earth, including but not limited to, Human Life.
Then, at some point in your mental development, you went to “war” with this force and tried to dominate and vanquish. It withdrew, and the Earth began to suffer as the forests and the wild places withered and died slowly as technology advanced.
In anchoring the Gold Frequency on the Earth, you have effectively invited the return of the Spirit of Nature, the “Spirit of the Forest”, and the return of Abundance and support in your lives. The “war” with nature is over. You are once again learning how to allow nature to support you as you encounter again the loving presence of the Spirit of the Forest in your lives. Let this beautiful energy be a part of your dreams as you co-create the New Earth with cities that welcome Nature and the Spirit of the Forest to create Abundance and Joy.
When you open your hearts and your lives to the Spirit of the Forest, you will activate this energy in your lives and in your communities. You will begin to create the New Earth Cities of Light that will bring in the Balance with nature and the ending of Poverty on Earth.
Personal Balance and Planetary Balance
Beloved Ones, all things are connected in your Fifth Dimensional World. If you would see the Spirit of the Forest and its Abundance manifest in your community, you must begin this process in your own lives.
You begin by simply opening your heart and living in balance with Heaven and Earth. In that balance is an acceptance of the support and love that is an inherent part of the Divine Plan for Life on Earth. Then, live your life in a grounded way, with a firm belief in the flow of Abundance that is generated within Nature and through the flow of Life, Love and Creativity. Learn to manifest easily and in harmony with nature as a co-creative force.
As you become sensitive to this loving and supportive energy, you will feel less stressed and more comfortable in your life on Earth. You will find it easier to flow into new ideas, new projects, new environments, and to let go of the old, as part of the ongoing “organic” process of life. Whatever your personal “next step” will be, know that you will be supported by this loving and all-embracing force of nature.
Your work, Beloved Family of Light, is to remain grounded, centered in your heart and connected to the Gold Frequency of Higher Consciousness. This, together with a sensitivity to the Spirit of the Forest, will shape a life of gentle abundance and simple harmony with nature and natural forces in your body and in your environment.
The Nodes of Light and the New Earth Communities
Beloved Ones, as you reach this level of Frequency and Consciousness, you become a “Node of Light” for the New Earth. As such, you will naturally attract others who are also at this frequency and you will begin to form Communities of Light.
This is an organic or natural process, where opportunities and people will be drawn to you as you are guided in the flow of this energy.
And, it is in these collective “Nodes of Light” that the new ideas and the new communities of the New Earth will emerge.
They will emerge everywhere, but their focus will be on creating a sustainable future and working to end poverty and heal the relationship with nature. For what is poverty, but the belief that nature does not give enough? This will be especially needed in the cities, and there will be many “Light Warriors” who will begin to activate “Light Nodes” within major cities to manifest the New Earth.
You will find these “Light Warriors” wherever there are dreams and visions of Justice and Abundance. They will create gardens and food gardens and they will start projects to clean the waters and provide housing for all beings. You will find them wherever there are efforts to save forests and rivers, and to live in harmony with nature. You will find them working to shift technology into harmony with nature, for that is their mission. The only technology that will go forward into the NewEarth will be “clean” and sustainable technology.
These Warriors of Light will work on the Higher Dimensions together with the New Earth structures and the Councils of Light. The Council of Elders will oversee projects, and the Earth Keeper Council will facilitate these projects. The Council of Children will provide support for the Higher Frequency incoming souls and the Crystal Children who are already here as they give their energy to this new manifestation on Earth.
This, Beloved Family, is the reality of the New Earth. We ask you to focus here, rather then in the old reality of paranoia, decay and disintegration. Remember always, it is your choice, and every moment of your life you can choose which Frequency of Light you wish to transmit in your life and what you wish to create with that light as Co-creators of your Collective Reality.
We wish Joy, Love and Abundance on your Journey into 2014!