Thursday, 4 December 2014

Do you want to build a thriving business that aligns with your soul and helps change the world?

Chances are you got into business not only to make a living but also to change the world by evolving and expressing more of our human potential. If so, your aim is to create what we’re calling a “sacred business” – a purpose-driven business that is about love AND excellence, service AND profit, spirit AND money, authenticity AND professionalism.
It’s about creating a business that expresses your soul and empowers the self-actualization of all those who are part of it.
But so often when people are motivated to change the world, they haven’t studied what makes a business effective and powerful, nor how to integrate the best practices for truly enlightened relationships with staff, customers, and even investors. They haven’t learned how to market heartfully and effectively, nor have their offerings aligned with their real purpose and targeted to the right customers.
Ask yourself:
  • Are you a business owner or entrepreneur who wants to integrate your spiritual practice into your business?
  • Do you want to grow your business by attracting the right customers through marketing that feels authentic and high-integrity?
  • Do you want to create a sustainable income and lifestyle without the typical overwhelm and burnout of running a business on your own?
If so, keep reading. For the last five years, we’ve been hosting the most conscious and pioneering business leaders through the Enlightened Business Summit – pioneers who have real answers to the questions above. They have built 6-, 7-, 8-, even 9-figure businesses on principles of self-actualization, customer happiness, enlightened culture and spiritual principles. They have taught thousands how to market with heart, shift their wealth mindset, package products for virtual launches, and build brands that reflect their soul.
The 6 Foundations for Building a Sacred Business is designed to give you key insights that allow you to take your business to the next level – which contributes to the larger shift on the planet.
And, if you want the support of today’s top enlightened entrepreneurs and teachers, we will also be announcing and sharing about the launch of the Sacred Business Startup program for 2015.
This 6-month “mini-MBA” features top conscious business leaders who have DONE what you want to do – and can help you and your business to reach new heights of success in alignment with your soul.
During the 6 Foundations for Building a Sacred Business seminar, you’ll learn key steps to:
  • Uncover your true purpose, and use that to guide your business
  • Strategically articulate your ideal client, so you can align your business with your purpose
  • Create an offer that so resonates with your purpose that you can’t help but be irresistible to your potential clients
  • Enact heart-based principles that attract clients without struggling
  • integrate compassionate marketing strategies – so you’re giving clients what they need, rather than what you need to sell
  • Nourish an enlightened entrepreneurial mindset
Join us for a fast- and information-packed session, all for free, by registering below:

The 6 Foundations for Building A Sacred Business

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Humankind has been living in survival and competition for millions of years because of the belief that there is something that needs defending—verbally, emotionally or physically. Even though this need is usually acted out through words rather then through physical assaults, it is most often seen and felt as an attack coming from fear and the belief that something you hold dear needs defending. You feel you must protect yourself and sometimes others, yet the new Golden Age will not be ego-based so there will be no need to defend your position, your projects or your image in the world. Instead, it will be natural to uphold agreements that are in support of all life and you will know and feel in the new Golden Age that everyone and everything is there to love and support you.
Ascended Masters Saint Germain and Lady Nada 
When there is no need to defend yourself, you are completely available to love and be loved. This is the profound longing of every soul, yet this kind of love is basically unknown in your 3rd dimensional world. Now is the time to give up every belief that is founded in fear and to move through your days and nights knowing that all of the illusions that have kept you in survival have no authentic power over your soul and you are moving into a time that will no longer be controlled by the belief that you need to defend yourself to survive.
For this to become a worldwide reality, love must be lived and felt fully by every soul until it spreads like wild fire. It must be openly lived so it has the power to stimulate every heart’s remembrance of their true spiritual inheritance.  We in the heavenly realms are sending this kind of unconditional love into your hearts, minds and bodies every moment of your every day and night and we invite each of you to join us by sending these same supportive frequencies around your world during these pivotal times. We encourage you to think, feel, act and live with unconditional love until it becomes this great wild fire. Your love is the fuel that this great fire needs to spread around your world from heart to heart.
This is the way that war will cease and the way you can be an integral part of initiating a new Golden Age on Earth. It is also the way you will be able to return to paradise on Earth. When each of you takes full responsibility for thinking, feeling and projecting only Divine, unconditional love with no hidden agendas or judgments of others or the unsavoury conditions that are still taking place around your world, then you will be free to align with the consciousness of your God Presence and the old paradigms will simply cease to exist.
We are not proposing that you wear blinders, yet rather that you see that behind all of the acts, actions and atrocities that are even now taking place around your world, there is a glorious Divine Crystalline Blueprint that is just waiting to be implemented and this implementation depends on your alignment with your already-ascended Presence. It is from this higher plane of your consciousness that you will be free to live on your Earth as an awakened master.
As a master living in Unity or Christ consciousness, there is no need to defend yourself, your thoughts, your feelings or even your proposals for a better world. These may all be expressed lovingly, yet without any attachment to how they may be energetically approved or disapproved by others. This leaves you completely free from having to either react or even respond to any possible negative reactions or rejections of your proposed plans. When there is no attachment to the outcome, there is no stress. Many of your great inventors and master teachers have had to walk through the fires of rejection, yet true masters walk through these fires unscathed by the opinions of others who may not share in their visions for a better world.
We encourage all of you to remember your choice to leave the consciousness of your old world so you could walk during these pivotal times as demonstrations of Golden Age citizens who chose to open the doors so as many as possible could mentally, emotionally and physically shift their attention into the freedom that comes from living in Unity or Christ Consciousness. 

To assist you in making this shift into living in the peace, freedom and joy of Unity Consciousness, Create the Life You Want to Live has been created. We invite you to participate:

Golden Age Messages from the Masters: Living in Peace and Freedom

Monday, 15 September 2014

For all of us who long for more peace and harmony in our lives and our world, some days, the challenges we face feel daunting.
In these times, it’s common to feel overwhelmed by the inner conflicts within ourselves – not to mention the pain generated by clashes with family members, friends, co-workers... and even strangers. And when we hear about bullying in schools, the senseless violence in our neighborhoods and the bloodshed in war-torn nations, it’s so easy to feel helpless and fall into despair.

It can be difficult to know where to turn to find the inspiration and guidance we need to heal the conflicts in our own hearts, in our relationships and in our larger world.
This is where The Summer of Peace comes in.
This monumental 3-month event features insights and practical skillsfrom the world’s leading peacebuilders – so you’ll be empowered tobecome an effective agent of peace who can co-create a life and a world where peace – instead of conflict – is the new baseline.
  • You’ll discover more personal ease, joy and well-being with practices to help you connect more profoundly to the deep peace within yourself.
  • You’ll experience deeper, fuller and more harmonious relationships with your family, friends, co-workers and community members.
  • You’ll be inspired and uplifted when you hear the success stories from some of the most desperate areas on the planet.
  • And you’ll discover powerful tools to help accelerate the shiftto a world of peace!
Join the top peacebuilders – people like Desmond Tutu and Eckhart Tolle – and organizations who are coming together with the intention of helping you bring more peace to all areas of your life and our planet.
June 13 – September 21
70+ of the world’s top peacebuilders, social change leaders, indigenous elders and spiritual mentors offering inspiration, skills training and powerful solutions – to bring inner, interpersonal and collective peace efforts to the next level.
Programs Include:
  • 11 Days of Global Unity
  • Spirituality and Peace Meditation Series
  • Embodying Peace in Daily Life Series
  • Next Generation Solutions Series

Summer of Peace - Building to the International Day of Peace: Transform Your Heart, Relationships and the World

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Living inside of this Holographic World can Be difficult, for Most and is set up with many (Test) and Programs. Some of these Programs our Apart of one Big System to Keep Humanity Asleep that we Call the Matrix. It is this Purpose of this System to Keep one Spiritually, Mentally and Physically asleep. All around you there are millions of Hidden Codes that our then Transferred to Programs all with a Different Purpose. Each Program Correlates with Many Main Sleeper Code Programs that Keeps a Human Being in what I Call the Dream State. This Dream State That has about 90 to 95% Of the Entire Human Population Asleep and Unaware Of their World and what is Truly Happening. This is because the Matrix keeps them asleep and We as NEO must Awaken them, for we Have taken the Red Pill and we have been shown the Truth. And It is this Fundamental Truth that will set Humanity Free. Now I no it is Difficult because once you become Awakened your entire Life is completely turned around. Because now your eyes our open and now you start to see The Matrix Codes that are the Programs that had Kept you asleep. And it is these Programs that we must Dismantle, for Humanity to awaken from this Dream. Now in each Main Program there are Subprograms and Subfactors that connect to the Source of the Program that all work together to keep one Asleep. I will Discuss 3 Main Programs that Help to Keep the Matrix Running.
The First is the Spiritual Program. 
This Program Is run By Religions and Fear. And it is these different Religions all around the World that have been created By Darkness to keep Humanity Separate from His or Her True Spiritual Being. As well as to Divide us from Each Other as One, and God. There were many Old teachings that were Passed Down From Ascended Masters, but were then later corrupted by The Dark Cabal. What most of Humanity is unaware is that the majority of the Gods that they worship and Believe to be The Source, Saviour or The True God are only Ascended Masters Or Ancient Aliens that came to Earth to pass Knowledge and to help Liberate Humanity. Some of them were just visiting our Planet and acenet civilizations misunderstood them as The GOD and started to worship them. This entire Spiritual Program is set up to Prevent Our Ascension and to keep Humanity Spiritual Asleep. It is this Program Objective to Keep you in a Limited Belief system and, for you not to question your Religion or GOD that is Only to keep you subjected in the Dream State and Unaware of who you Truly Are As God. This Is a fundamental aspect of who We Are and needs to be acknowledged, for Humanity to become one with His or Her God Being. And this Truth is what many of the Higher Ascended Masters were Trying to Teach like Buddha And Jesus and many more.

The Second is the Mental Program 
This Mental Program has many Subprograms and are controlled by many Subfactors. Each with its own Purpose to Confuse and Manipulate the Human Mind. I will not explain all the Programs for there are many, but some that cost the Major Problems in our Society. There are Many Dark Technologies that exist to Enslave and Control the Human Mind. One of the Most Popular Is known and Used everyday By a Huge majority of Humanity is Television. Television or TV Mind Programing is Used to Mind Control Humanity by using many Subprograms Like Music, Movies, Reality TV, Cartoons, Sports, Sex, News Media, and TV Ads. All these Subprograms are set up to make you think Like the Cabal wants you to think, so in turn we create the reality they want us to see. These Programs make us Do what they want us to Do, Buy what they want us to Buy, Be who they want us to Be and its all mind control. They also use subliminal messages to implant trigger actions into our subconscious minds that make us act, think and do things we would not normally do. There are other Technologies Like Scalar Wave and Mind Implants that affects our Minds. Other very Dangerous Programs that our apart of the Mental Program is Governments, Politics, Education and Money. Each Subprogram itself is set up to Manipulate and Control Humanity.

The Third is the Physical Program
This Program Has to do with Posing and Destroying the Human Body. And this can be Contributed to most of All Man Made Diseases that Exist Now. And many of them were created to create Pain, Fear and to Kill down the Population of Earth to Control Humanity more to the needs of the Illuminati New World Order Plan. Other Subprograms are Perceptions Pills and other Medical Treatments that claim to help you, but actuality create more Problems than they were supposed to fix and this is done purposely to make more money and to cost more pain to the Human Body. Even our Food Is injected with Poisons, Chemicals and Hormones. The majority of the food that is sold in stores is not suitable, for the Human body and some food is Genetically Modified. Other things that harm the Physical Body is Cosmetics and other Home products that all contain Chemicals that are dangerous for Us. Cigarettes, Drugs and Alcohol all poison and destroy the Human and Spiritual Body. Fast food should be another concern as well. Most of what is served in a fast food restaurant like example McDonald's is not even real food their meat is like 10% Meat, so what is the other 90% ?. Even down to the Water we Drink and The Air we Breath is being poisoned to Slowly and Silently Kill Us.

But no more can we Sit and Watch and do nothing. We must take Action Now to Dismantle the Matrix and its Programs. It is up to US Together to work as 1 to Awaken Humanity and to Free Them. We must not allow Ourselves to get sucked back into the Dream, but to Stay awake and to keep Fighting, for what we Believe in. It is this Belief and Will that will triumphant over Darkness and We will Create a Better World. A World where all is Free, Where all can be Happy and Where Anything is Possible.

Humanity Spiritual Awakening:


Tuesday, 19 August 2014

“Do you need help to start your own business? Don´t worry, NEURS® come to rescue you. You are a coach, provider, investor or a success opportunity seeker?
Don’t waste your time. NEURS® can help you to find yours most compatible opportunity or business and give you all the tools and knowledge needed to have great success.”

Know us.

NEURS® LLC is a business start-up consulting firm that provides their members with advisory, educational, and financial tools and resources through an online network.
Their mission is to allow entrepreneurs worldwide by providing the concepts, connections and assets they need to locate, build and profit from their ideal business.
Thier goal is to turn into the premier online node for entrepreneurs, with the largest group of aspiring entrepreneurs and big business providers of any company; anywhere.
How to join
You can start NEURS® as an aspiring entrepreneur or a provider.
Aspiring Entrepreneurs complete an Entrepreneurial Profile survey and their patent pending business suggestion engine provides them with their most compatible business model, whether that’s a franchise, a business opportunity or general business idea.
Affiliates can also access their entrepreneurial e-learning platform and take profit of their great content from their community of providers as well as their own faculty through university high quality online classes.
In addition, all affiliates can post their requests to our community of providers and connect with the ones that can help them complete their goals; including finding the resources they need to start.
The entrepreneur also will have access to the educational platform, integrated by content developed by the community of providers, as well as by the faculty of NEURS® University, University academic level and with a clear approach for entrepreneurs and businessmen.


Providers complete a Provider Profile and get listed on their searchable directory. They can also post their precise offers and even look for the aspiring entrepreneurs they are targeting with their offer to connect with them in the platform.
They can also create and host online presentations offering their knowledge to the community of aspiring entrepreneurs in order to make even more connections with those they are seeking.
They also offer an account (Full-Access) that allows you to enter the site as both an entrepreneur and provider and benefit from all of the features of the platform.
The affiliates
The objectives of the platform are well represented in the figures of the entrepreneur and the supplier. But in NEURS there is a third figure the “Affiliate”. Anyone can be affiliated in is enough with register through another affiliate, this is essential to register for any profile on the platform.There are two types of affiliate the so called affiliate and the so called affiliate partner. It will suffice to be affiliated with registering and logging in the platform. Affiliate partner to be in addition to the time of registering affiliate you will have to choose to be an affiliate partner and benefit from multilevel marketing.
The system of marketing of is the affiliate marketing. It is worth mentioning that the model of affiliate marketing, like so many other things in this life, has its followers and its retractors. All we know that many affiliates are dedicated just to exploit their brands and commercial products without generating added value so that your prospects are converted into simple advertising goes even to be annoying when you receive through the mail in your Facebook account. Twitter… or in any forum.
But there is to recognize the great virtue of the affiliate marketing, generates income by objectives, so it is not incur expenses generated from advertisements on television, radio, newspapers, etc. , although sometimes to strengthen the level of marketing is to carry out any of these actions among others.
In neurs, affiliate marketing has reached a new level even better, because the figure of the affiliate is not subscribed to only specialists working in a professional manner on the internet, but that remains to the free disposal of all its users. In this way the users of the platform can generate income for them that their use may be free or even to generate great income and these income can grow along with the new network.
For this reason NEURS returns to highlight not only by the intention of not incurring unnecessary expense of advertising but imposes a model to continue to help all its users to earn money for your platform.
Wouldn’t it be great if that brands such as Nike, Adidas, Mercedes, Ideâ s, etc… give him money for recommending their products and get customers (even yourself) instead of paying ads that do not generate profits to their customers? Do you think will be more case to a notice published on television on a vehicle that the recommendation that you can make a friend of yours? Do you know how much it is worth posting an announcement on a national medium of communication or simply place an advertisement on a billboard in a soccer field or sponsor until a team of Formula 1?
The equation is obvious, the advertising the paying customers who buy the product. Are the customers who pay generating revenues to the company, which will continue to invest in advertising.
At this point suffice it to say…

What are you waiting for? DISCOVER NEURS. DO NOT lose anything. YOU CAN ONLY EARN.


Monday, 18 August 2014

Discover four life-changing insights for finding lasting love and a groundbreaking approach to dating which uses the gifts of your authentic Self to lead you to truly fulfilling intimacy.

Are you tired of shallow dates, dehumanizing apps, fleeting connections and endless detours that prevent you from discovering the love you deeply want?
Does it seem you are often attracted to people who aren’t good for you?
Are you disheartened by the barrage of cultural messages exhorting you to lose weight, get in shape, dress better and try harder – in other words, fix yourself – if you ever want to find lasting love?
If so, you are not alone. The number of single people seeking real love is huge – and even the explosion of online dating site and apps aren’t making a dent.
Why is that?
You’ve been handed the wrong map to love!
Most dating strategies instruct you to improve your “packaging” (to create a pleasing but inauthentic facade to “make” others love you), to play hard to get, or to seduce someone into a relationship. Not only do these techniques fail time and again, they also tend to amplify your attraction to exactly the wrong type of person, or increase the likelihood that you’ll repeat painful scenarios of the past.
Following the old rules of dating means devaluing your deepest Self – and that results in repeating old, unhealthy patterns!
So, how do you instead create a path to love that can lead you to deep intimacy AND allow who YOU truly are to come forth?
In this free call event, psychotherapist Ken Page, LCSW, will show you. Building from the latest findings from psychological research and spiritual practice, he will guide you to see the power you have to change your romantic future – by bringing the magic of your unique Core Gifts into the way that you date.
According to Ken, the path to a loving relationship is about something much more profound, essential and life-changing than you’ve ever been taught. And here is an amazing paradox: The parts of your personality that you think you must fix in order to find love are usually the keys to finding that love!
In the path that Ken will reveal, the focus won’t be on fixing yourself – it will be on honoring and expressing your innate gifts. And that changes everything. Instead of holding the whip of self-improvement over yourself (as many of us have spent so much time doing), you will learn to value, trust and express what Ken calls your “Core Gifts.”
By bringing the magic and aliveness of your Core Gifts into your search for love, you can take your dating to the next level of soulful depth, exciting discovery and vulnerable authenticity. And those are the true keys to finding love.
The concepts you’ll learn in this free teleseminar are not gimmicks, they are the deep lessons of intimacy – the very insights that you will use in your next relationship to nurture and grow the love that you have found.
Ken will help you unravel your old beliefs about dating and illuminate a path to love that is authentic, fulfilling – and a lot more fun.
In this free teleseminar, you’ll learn 4 life-changing insights:
  • How to discover your own unique Core Gifts (the key to finding lasting love and to deepen the intimacy in all of your relationship) and how to lead with those gifts in your dating life
  • How to develop romantic and sexual attraction to people who are good for you
  • The single greatest lesson in conscious dating – how to tell the difference between your “attractions of inspiration” and your “attractions of deprivation” – and how to only pursue those that are best for you
  • How to protect your new relationships from the most powerful and common saboteur of new and healthy love
No matter what your age or life circumstances, no matter your body type or the challenges you face – these lessons apply to your life. And please note that this webinar welcomes people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
If you are truly ready for big, heart-opening, lasting romantic love, I highly recommend Ken Page’s work. His step-by-step process guides you to discover your deepest intimacy gifts, the great key to finding true love and keeping it alive.
– Arielle Ford, Author, The Soulmate Secret
Join us for an illuminating hour that will change the way you think about dating and relationships forever!

Take your dating to the next level of soulful depth, exciting discovery and vulnerable authenticity

Monday, 11 August 2014

For as long as mankind has been upon the earth, man's relationship with the sacred has existed within the deepest place in his heart, waiting for the outer expression that would ultimately create a seamless life and join forever the physical and spiritual worlds.  The period of waiting for this to take place, however, was a necessary part of human evolution, for it fostered the receding into the background of the sense of the sacred, and the coming to the fore of man's own self-awareness and individualized needs and desires.  This shift was accompanied by an increasing priority of the self over others, and of the self over self-and-others. 
Such an orientation, largely generated by the protective mechanisms of the human ego, has been part of the spiritual evolution that brought mankind to the point of greater sensitivity to what each individual point of awareness could think and feel as distinct from every other. It also brought individualized consciousness to the point of strength and firmness in the capacity to remain faithful to deeply held inner convictions and beliefs. 
Without the development of the ego, including its protective mechanisms, the germination of the sense of individualized consciousness would have been much more restricted.  Thus, the course of spiritual evolution which sought to concentrate the sacred and holy cosmic light within each point of awareness would have been less complete.  It is for this reason that it is important to not judge the wanderings or meanderings of any soul along paths of separation, illusion, or darkness, for these wanderings, though individualized and unique to each specific soul, were nonetheless a part of the exploration of what it was to be a unique point of consciousness and light.

The fact that many lost their footing in the process and could no longer distinguish light from darkness, nor could they take the necessary steps back toward the light on their own or without great help, was also foreseen from the beginning.  For this reason, a plan was instituted at the beginning of time by virtue of which those who had greater light would increasingly concentrate that light upon the planet and within the collective whole, for the purpose of benefiting and healing those who had become entrapped within the vortex of the energies of darkness.
It is this plan that is reaching its culmination now, not its beginning, for it has been in operation for several centuries at this point, and the network of light that has been established around the earth in a conscious way is one of great strength and longevity.  It has taken into itself the energy of those souls who would have no other source of light-support were it not for this network as a source of supply. 
The culmination of the process of return for the souls who have wandered into illusion, separation and misguided thinking is taking place now due to the greater availability to each consciousness of a clarified awareness, and therefore of greater choice regarding which path to take with respect to any action.  This is to say that the choices that are being made today are being made with a more complete sense of their outcomes.  As a result, those who make them are more responsible for bearing the consequences of these actions because the consequences have become clearer.


Nevertheless, even as the light reclaims human consciousness for its own, the energies of darkness would seek to do the reverse by whatever means possible. One route is through the human intellect and its preoccupation with rational forms of thought to the exclusion of all else.  Another, is through the emphasis within certain spiritual currents of forms of thought that denigrate those paths that are devotional, and overemphasize the self-aggrandizement and self-control that is so prized today.  These paths also have the capacity to sway consciousness toward darkness and away from light by maintaining the sense of separation from God and from unity with others that has been the central feature of the collective phase now ending.
Though there are many paths to the One, those that emphasize a continuation of the priority of the individual over the priority of others, or over the priority of the Whole, are part of the vibration of the past and will ultimately need to be let go of in order to join the future.  Whereas those that emphasize uniting with others and the supremacy of love as the primary ingredient creating the universal body of wholeness, will be able to expand within the new vibration that accompanies the increased presence of spiritual light upon the earth.
As always in circumstances of division or disunity, it is important to not judge others for where they are in their own consciousness, but rather to maintain within oneself a strong commitment to the principles of light and love which, as a collective force, has the capacity to change consciousness from within, rather than trying to affect it from without.
The challenge of this time is one of letting go of the thought-patterns and ways of being that have been part of the old, and of accepting the bright new identity that is being offered to all souls, though not without the need to take a step forward into it with courage, humility, and innocence.  Those who choose not to move in this direction will also have a place within the further evolution of souls.  But the lack of compatibility of the vibration of separateness with the vibration of unity-within-wholeness will make it impossible for the two energies to mix in the world of the future, and so different evolutionary paths will be developed for different souls, depending upon their individual needs and orientations.
All souls within God's kingdom are, and will be, greatly blessed as the new light upon the earth takes hold in a fuller way, and those who have within themselves the capacity to receive the greater light, will experience the blessedness of a long awaited fulfillment that has been promised by Divine decree.  It is to this time that we are moving now. 
May all find within themselves the desire and ability to allow love to become the central priority that it will be as time and circumstance move things forward.

How To Use Your Inner Power To Get The Partner Of Your Dreams


Monday, 4 August 2014


I believe that evolutionary spirituality can foster the maturation of the human species. It offers a context for the unique contribution of every great faith to the conscious evolution of humanity. It is child of all the traditions, born into the next stage of human evolution. This convergence into what Sidney Lanier called a “meta-religio” will form a new body of spiritual experience and practices, transcending yet including the best of the traditions, affirming and connecting what truly works to mature us through peer validation. In such a meta-religio, we move beyond dogma and cultural limitations, allowing that which does not work, that which imposes on us by “faith” unbelievable and destructive scriptural stories, freeing us to fulfill our potential as co-creative, coevolving, universal humans.


The universal human is a name for the next stage of human evolution. It may eventually become our name for the new species that is now emerging from within so many of us. We have arrived here passing through many other stages well recognized by scientists: Homo habilis, Homo erectus, Homo neandertal, Homo sapiens, Homo sapiens sapiens. There is no reason to suppose that evolution stopped when it achieved our big brain! The big bang is ongoing and ever evolving.
In fact, there is evidence that for the past few thousand years, there has been emerging out of Homo sapiens sapiens, a more universal human. This new type of human began to appear about 5000 years ago in Israel, India, Persia, Greece, China, the Middle East. We identify some of these humans as Isaiah, Buddha, Zoroaster, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Lao-tzu, Confucius, Jesus, Mohammed and others, advanced human beings who gave fuller expression to the Great Creating Process in themselves. In these people the Consciousness Force Itself broke through into human awareness. These advanced beings founded the religions and the ethical systems of the world, calling all of us to evolve to a higher state of freedom through creative unions of love.
The teachings of the originators were codified and became dogmas and doctrines to transmit truths that fostered obedience to outside authorities, rather than inspiring people to recognize the great Source revealing truth within.
Now, during our current planetary crises, these institutionalized systems are breaking down and changing. Many people are experiencing the call of Spirit to leave organized religion to grow in consciousness and recreate the world in new ways while others are choosing to remain, serving as prophets to evolve religion from within. The second axial period of the Spirit has begun. There is arising in our midst for the first time, a more universal humanity.
We are the crossover generation moving from one phase of evolution to the next! Although barely perceptible, as were the earliest humans in the pre-human world, a young Homo universalis is emerging everywhere, in every culture, faith, and background. The signs of our emergence as universal humans include an unconditional love for the whole of life; a powerful, irresistible passion to unite with Spirit within; and a deep heart-felt impulse to connect with others and co-create a world equal to our love and our capacities.
As we pass through our crises, as we successfully birth ourselves into a more universal humanity, we will emerge capable of co-evolving with nature and co-creating with Spirit. We will be able to co-create a new world.
During these transition times it is important to stabilize our consciousness as universal humans. We can do this by engaging in authentic relationship with others of similar intent in a collective field of resonance that can support our conscious evolution by staying awake together.


Tuesday, 29 July 2014

At this time in history, we are experiencing many great shifts on planet Earth. And we are confronted by day-to-day challenges and global crises which call on each of us to rise up to be our best selves.
But how can you live our potential and make your best contributions when our fast-paced modern culture pulls you in so many directions at once? And how do you make space for a deeper spiritual practice when overwhelmed by other priorities like health, fitness, family, career and service to others?
We look to the ancient wisdom of yoga, which is entering an exciting, new phase – where it is transitioning from being a practice on the mat, to a lifestyle we embrace and savor all day.
And that’s why I want to invite you to a very special, no-cost online event – The Future of Yoga – taking place August 4-6 with 20 of the world’s top experts – who will share with you illuminating insights on the next evolution of this mind-body-spirit practice.
You can sign up for free here:
The sessions are packed with deep wisdom and powerful techniques that will show you how you can take your yoga practice to the next level – to elevate ALL areas of your lifeand become a catalyst for positive shifts in your family, community and beyond.
And the results of embracing the next evolution of yoga are stunning: better health AND better relationships, more clarity of thought AND more joyful creativity, more inner peace AND more loving acts of service.
That’s why I’m inviting you to learn more.
Whatever your experience with yoga, this series can help you go to the next level. If you’re newer to yoga, you’ll be inspired to transform your practice to dramatically improve your entire lifestyle. Or if you’re an experienced teacher, you’ll discover what’s on the forefront of the yoga world – so you can enlighten your students and take your classes, studio or workshops to the next echelon.
If you’re ready to to stretch beyond your mat – and live as a beautiful expression of the Divine every day – register for the Future of Yoga Summit now.
Yours truly
PS – Here are just a few quotes about the host and some of the amazing speakers participating in the Future of Yoga Summit:
Goddess bless you [Laura Cornell] for bringing tears to my eyes and solace to my aching feminine soul. Yoga has been my touchstone for 25 years now, but your telesummit showed me the piece that has been missing. Now I have validation and strength to really teach my truth. The words of so many wise women in such a condensed time has woken me up. 
– Kate Bendell, New Zealand
Seane Corn is one of the most exceptionally gifted yoga instructors in America....She is a gracious and gentle person whose commitment to her work and to helping others is a blessing to all who know her.
– Caroline Myss, bestselling author of Anatomy of the Spirit 

[Shiva Rea] teaches in a way that promotes fluidity, experimentation and joy through movement.
– Everything Yoga blog
 Richard [Miller] has created a program that delivers the profound experience of our fundamental wholeness to not only spiritual seekers, but other people as well such as vets, homeless and children. I highly recommend this training for anyone interested in learning how to help people heal with an easily accessible method to access profound truth of their true nature.
– Lama Palden Drolma, Founder of the Sukhasiddhi Foundation
Judith Hanson Lasater shares the treasure trove of wisdom, insight, and experience that she has gained through years of devoted teaching and service.
- Lilias Folan, Host of the PBS series Lilias, Yoga and You
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The Future of Yoga Summit: Join me for the next evolution of yoga

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